Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 670 Corpses piled up like a mountain

Although he was assigned the task of tracking Victor, Xiao Ming would not obey obediently. He left the main force early.

His intuition about death guided him and he strolled to an open-air corner on the ship.

There were dozens of corpses piled up here, which could be described as a mountain of corpses. It even attracted carrion-eating seabirds. Watching the beautiful seabirds eating human corpses was really a bit inconsistent.

The most amazing thing is that these corpses are all from the same person, that is, the female plot character Sally. This visual impact is quite big.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming plays the magic of the dead. Corpses can't scare him at all, but it's a bit friendly.

Judging from the number of Sally's corpses, this world has been cycled at least dozens of times. This is not counting the situation where Sally did not die in this position.

No wonder I felt that I missed many Jesses when I walked all the way here just now.

Most of the time, Xiao Ming felt the existence of the other party first and dodged in advance.

Sometimes Jesse saw him first and wanted to come over to do something, but after finding that he had been discovered by Xiao Ming, he dodged again.

But this cruise ship is really fucking big, and all the corners are similar. Except for some unique facilities.

The other rooms and terrain are exactly the same. It's like a small maze.

Looking at the pile of corpses, Xiao Ming felt that there was another Jesse, holding a knife and approaching him from behind.

Xiao Ming remained calm on the surface, pretending to be shocked by this scene. At the moment when Jesse raised the knife to stab him.

He dodged sideways, and his left hand caught Jesse's right wrist like lightning, twisting, pressing and pressing cleanly.

The sharp knife was taken away by Xiao Ming, and Jesse was pressed to the deck. Xiao Ming twisted her wrist with his left hand, making her unable to resist; his left knee pressed against her waist, making her unable to get up.

"Ah~! Please, be gentle. It hurts!" Jesse is just an ordinary single mother, how can she resist Xiao Ming's strength.

Although Xiao Ming didn't use much strength at all, she couldn't bear the pain. After taking back most of his strength, Xiao Ming still didn't let her get up.

At the same time, he also had a feeling that he could fight with Jesse and subdue her, but he couldn't kill her. The whole world seemed to not allow him to kill Jesse.

This was a bit of a cheat. How could he be so open-minded. Xiao Ming was about to complain, but then he remembered that he was the most powerful one, and he had no right to complain about others.

"Who are you, why have I never seen you before?" Jesse asked Xiao Ming first.

As a reincarnation who entered this world halfway, these Jesses on the ship had seen several other reincarnations, but they had never seen Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming now roughly understood the context of this world. There is the information of infinite loop, plus the hint of Sisyphus. If he still doesn't understand, it would be too stupid.

The way to break the deadlock in this world should be to let Jesse wake up. Accept the fate that he and his son have died.

"Jesse, I am the messenger of God." Xiao Ming threw a bomb.

"WTF?" Jesse was also a little confused.

"Now you should know that you are trapped in an infinite cycle, right?" Xiao Ming asked.

"Yes, I know. As long as I kill everyone else, I can start the next cycle. I still have a chance to save my son." Jesse was very determined.

"You should know the legend of Sisyphus. Don't you understand it yet?"

"What do you understand? I must save my son." Jesse was still determined.

"Death is irreversible. You and your son are already dead. It is because you refuse to accept this fact that you will be punished by the god of death. Like Sisyphus, you are trapped in an endless cycle. Only if you accept reality can you be free."

These words are just Xiao Ming's thoughts. He doesn't know the real situation. He just used them to persuade Jesse.

"BS bullshit, as long as I can save my son, I am not afraid of this cycle. Aren't you a messenger of God? If you help me save my son, I will accept the reality."

Jesse was also stubborn enough and struggled hard for a few times. But it's true. If it weren't for this kind of character, how could he be punished by the god of death?

Xiao Ming wanted to try again: "Don't you understand yet? What you see every time in the cycle is not your real son, but an illusion given to you by the god of death. Your son has died a long time ago, and his soul is likely to have gone to heaven and is in the arms of God. Do you think your son will go to hell and fall into the hands of the god of death?"

This sentence seemed to be somewhat useful, and Jessie stopped struggling. In fact, she knew this truth subconsciously.

But as a mother, it is also a comfort for her that her son's soul has been with her after his death. Who knows where heaven is.

Even if she has to cycle and die continuously, she can see her son every time after all.

Now a messenger of God came out and told her that the son she saw was not her son. Jessie couldn't help but be stunned. This was something she had never thought of.

However, the stubborn heroine would not be convinced by Xiao Ming's casual words.

"You said you are a messenger of God, so can you let me be with my son? Whether it is heaven or hell. Even if it is... I accept it."

Jesse said this, it seems that her obsession is too deep. She was willing to accept it even if it was an illusion.

You can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. Jesse was deceiving himself.

Xiao Ming shook his head, said "Think about it carefully", and knocked the heroine unconscious with a palm.

When she woke up again, she found herself trapped tightly, lying on a bed like a mummy.

Not to mention that she couldn't do anything, it was even difficult to move her body. Xiao Ming has seen too many movies where the protagonists relied on various methods to break free from the restraints. If you want to tie her up, you must tie her up thoroughly.

Locking her in an inconspicuous guest room, it is basically impossible for anyone to save her.

Anyway, Jesse will not die. There is no need to worry about her eating, drinking, defecating, urinating, and sleeping. Let her think here forever.

Maybe after she calms down, she knows that she can't see her son, but she may understand this matter.

Since persuasion is useless, Xiao Ming decided to take another approach and beat them all.

In terms of skills, several plot characters tied together are not Xiao Ming's opponents.

If everyone can be subdued, and all Jesses are subdued, then this cycle will probably not continue.

Logically, other reincarnationists, especially high-level ones, should be able to think of this kind of trick.

Even if their strength is suppressed, their fighting power will not be much worse than mine. It is definitely not difficult to deal with the plot characters.

It seems that this world is not that scary! Has someone already broken through in this way? Or did I miss some key points? Xiao Ming is still unsure.

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