Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 69 Nezha Type 2

The Nezha 2 mechanical auxiliary arm guard in Xiao Ming's hand has long been out of energy.

Although this model has a solar charging panel, it has not been exposed to the sun for too long. How can it be charged?

Xiao Ming had to find a corresponding model of charged battery in the warehouse and install it. This time it can finally be used.

Nezha 2 is installed on the arm like 6. It is also operated by consciousness.

6 appears in the game, and consciousness operation is achieved with the help of the game cabin.

The real-world 2-type mechanical arm relies on the nerve sensing device close to the skin.

It is operated by sensing the user's nerve pulses. It is basically the same as the principle of mechanical prosthesis.

But this requires long-term and strict training to achieve.

The average person's brain will not issue instructions to an organ that it does not have.

(In the case of mechanical prosthesis, the person already has that organ.)

Type 2 also has only one mechanical arm that can be installed with various tools.

The fully unfolded mechanical arm has 7 sections and is more than 2 meters long, and it can be further lengthened as needed.

In order to prevent neural operation errors. The arm guard also has an electronic operating system. It can be connected to tactical glasses.

Electronic operation is not as fast and accurate as neural operation. But the error rate is much lower than neural operation.

Now the Nezha 2 arm guard is already an obsolete model in the military. It sank to the bottom of the warehouse. This one was just picked up by Xiao Ming.

Neural operation is not difficult for Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming is already very accustomed to conscious operation in the game.

The operation training of the Nezha series in reality was completed by the simulation game designed by the Nine-tailed Fox.

After installing the arm guard, it was really easy to operate. I have dug up a treasure.

This time Xiao Ming did not do anything sneaky. According to the rules, he took Nezha 2 and a few spare batteries to the door to check out.

The warehouse keeper was also stunned when he saw Nezha 2. He didn't know that there was still a backlog of such things in the warehouse.

Since someone wants it, then sell it. Anyway, it just takes up space.

Xiao Ming returned to the game warehouse wearing Nezha. On the way, he met Yang Yang② and chatted with him.

In the days that followed, more team members saw Xiao Ming's Nezha. They all found it very interesting.

This led to a Nezha fever in the entire fleet. Similar products in the entire fleet's inventory were quickly sold out.

They did not have the right to purchase advanced equipment. They could only buy obsolete goods such as Type 2.

This was something the military had never expected before. Later, they made a lot of money because of it.

In the explorer's house in Wushan Town, Xiao Ming first made a few general crossbows and stored them.

Then he took Liu Xiaomei out to go to the Huo's Chamber of Commerce. To discuss the tailor shop.

Liu Xiaomei came to the town for the first time, and everything she saw was new. She dragged the explorer around the town and watched the excitement everywhere.

Xiao Ming had to play with her and pay for her. Fortunately, she didn't have to carry a bag in the game.

While accompanying Liu Xiaomei shopping, Xiao Ming did find some good things.

Telekinesis is easy to use, and the telekinesis condensation at this time played the role of an alternative identification technique.

Xiao Ming had already checked the things in the major stores several times. This time, he mainly picked up some bargains at roadside stalls.

Most of them were dusty antiques, foreign items that were not known to ordinary humans.

He bought a few meteorites, which were equivalent to high-grade metal materials;

He bought a picture of a beautiful woman, and Liu Xiaomei blushed and glared at him several times. In fact, Xiao Ming wanted the drawing hidden under the painting.

Although Liu Xiaomei was still not satisfied, she knew she was embarrassed. She took the initiative to end the tour and came to the Huo's Chamber of Commerce with the explorer.

When the shopkeeper Huo heard that Liu Xiaomei was a senior tailor, he quickly signed her up to be a senior worker of the Huo's Chamber of Commerce.

There was no stronger tailor than Liu Xiaomei in the Huo's Chamber of Commerce in Wushan Town for the time being.

Liu Xiaomei didn't need to open a shop, and she directly became the shopkeeper of the tailoring department here. She became a rich and beautiful woman.

Arranged for the clerk to take the excited Liu Xiaomei to work.

Shopkeeper Huo and the explorer went to the shopkeeper's private room on the third floor to talk.

Shopkeeper Huo first paid Xiao Ming all the benefits that he could receive this month.

He did not ask more about this matter, but took out a small pile of antiques for the explorers to practice archaeology.

The explorers used archaeology one by one, and the information they obtained had to be shared with Shopkeeper Huo publicly, and the occasional money was split 50-50.

If you encounter a special gain with the lowest probability, you have to discuss it. This time, he was not so lucky.

What Xiao Ming gained in this process was the experience of archaeology and a little money.

Shopkeeper Huo knew a lot of information. Xiao Ming had little knowledge of that information and did not understand it. Shopkeeper Huo had a lot of room for operation.

After that, Xiao Ming also sorted out his things. He did not avoid Shopkeeper Huo in the process.

Shopkeeper Huo picked out all the relics of the real Han Qinlong at a glance.

This was exactly Xiao Ming's purpose. Shopkeeper Huo had seen Han Dong and knew what was going on. He was also willing to help.

His identification technique was photographed, and all the relics saw the light of day again.

Most of the things Xiao Ming suspected to be Han Qinlong's relics were indeed real, and they were all decorations without attributes.

Among them, there was one with attributes. It was on the first day of the game.

The relic of Han Qinlong found in the skunk den when the explorer was doing the wild boar expulsion mission.

After identification by Shopkeeper Huo, it was found that it was a tier 1 strategic treasure - Warrior Order. The morale of the hero team wearing it increased by 1.

How did Han Qinlong get the strategic treasure? Or was it a plot setting, and this strategic treasure came from him?

——To explain, almost all strategic equipment and treasures are not just one. The lower the rank, the more there are. There are very few exceptions.

There is also a medal of courage in the deceased, which can only increase the morale of the pirate troops under his command.

These two treasures should be given to Han Dong. Human troops need morale more. Now put them in the housekeeper's space.

Also put in the housekeeper's space are: masks, Si Nan, water shield rings, water jade necklaces, ice crystal bracelets, David Diaosi's heart, etc.

Shopkeeper Huo and the explorer also appraised the foreign items bought today.

Although it is not a rare treasure. But it can be sold at a good price. Shopkeeper Huo bought it to the Huo's Chamber of Commerce.

Shopkeeper Huo also wanted the meteorite, but Xiao Ming was reluctant to give it to him.

The diver character is a blacksmith, and he will definitely use it in the future.

Finally, there is the picture of the beauty. Shopkeeper Huo's identification technique finally revealed its true form.

It was a recipe for a level 2 bloodthirsty potion, and it was a special ancient recipe.

It was more powerful than ordinary bloodthirsty potions, and less harmful to the body. The materials were also more expensive.

Xiao Ming used an archaeology technique to hit it, and he was lucky:

He successfully compared the ancient recipe with a better formula.

The potion effect was even better. The price-performance ratio was once again improved.

Shopkeeper Huo was crazy watching.

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