Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 703 Level 3 Undead Wizard

"Intermediate Corruption Technique! It's so powerful. You have just entered the third-level combat profession, and you have already mastered the Corruption Technique to the intermediate level. You are indeed a genius."

The one who praised him repeatedly was the professional mentor of the Undead Corruptor. His life occupation was the Intermediate Corruption Master, and his combat occupation was the fifth-level Advanced Undead Sorcerer.

Level 1 and level 2 necromancers are all in the primary stage; after the deceased reaches level 3, they are promoted to intermediate level necromancers. Look at them, they are all already high-level wizards.

After the appraisal of the instructor, the Corruption Technique of Telling the Dead has now reached the intermediate level, and the Corruption Master profession has naturally been promoted to the intermediate level.

On the surface, the complainant was already on an equal footing with the professional mentor. This is a level that is difficult for level 3 professionals to achieve.

Intermediate corruption masters can learn many specialized corruption techniques. Ability to specify materials dropped by corpses after decay.

For example, with the Skeleton Corruption Technique, high-quality bones will be obtained after corrupting the corpse; with the Flesh Corruption Technique, after the corpse is corrupted, the flesh and blood needed by zombies will be obtained.

There are several others that have almost similar effects. Although they don’t seem to be of much use, Xiao Ming still learned them all.

Unexpectedly, the deceased's Qi-Watching Technique was the same as the Corruption Technique. After being evaluated by the instructor, it also rose to the intermediate level.

The professional instructors of the Qi Guild were also shocked and shouted that they had met a genius.

This is no longer something that intelligent programs can do simply by leveling up.

The specific reason is actually very simple. Corruption is a prerequisite skill for Death Harvest. Every time Xiao Ming uses Death Harvest, Corruption also gains a lot of experience.

After such frequent practice, it is natural for the Corruption Technique to reach the intermediate level.

After the corruption technique is upgraded to the intermediate level, the breath of death and undead materials obtained after corrupting the corpse become better and more abundant.

Of course, the effect is definitely not as good as Death Harvest Niu X, so upgrading to the intermediate level means that the data will look better. It's actually useless.

The technique of fortune-telling is based on the round and scanned maps often used by informants.

The effects of these two skills are a hundred times better and more comprehensive than the Qi Watching Technique, and they unconsciously improve the experience of the Qi Watching Technique.

Similarly, even if the deceased's current Qi-gazing skill is at an intermediate level, in addition to detecting the breath of death, he can also detect the types of wild monsters.

It is still a useless skill, far less useful than Yuanhe and scanning the map.

The professional instructor of the qi gazing master is also a fifth-level senior necromancer and an intermediate qi gazing master. He and the professional mentor of the Corruption Master are still good friends.

Because their living professions are not strong enough, they are all characters who are not popular with the general undead public.

However, in fact, among the undead clan, some of the top undead have already developed death harvest.

Naturally, we know that Qi-gazing and Corruption techniques account for a large proportion in Death Harvest.

It can be said that if you don't thoroughly study these two life-related spells, you are not qualified to study death harvest.

Things like suing the dead are powerful cheating. With the help of source energy, Xiao Ming's Death Harvest has now reached the intermediate level. This is a unique existence.

Considering the significance of Death Harvest to the Undead. Therefore, these high-level officials gradually increased their investment in the two life professions of corruption master and qi gazing master.

Youdao is the prophet of Chunjiang Plumbing Duck. This profession is gradually becoming more and more optimistic. These two mentors are the first to feel it.

It was also full of doubts. I don’t know why my unpopular profession suddenly received better treatment. Strange, strange.

The deceased's current combat and life occupations have reached the intermediate level. In theory, he can now receive the preparatory task of learning Death Harvest.

However, Xiao Ming had already learned this skill, so the two mentors teamed up to issue him a new task - [Mentor's Doubt].

Please ask the deceased to help the two mentors resolve their doubts. Why on earth would the top leaders of the Undead clan increase their investment in these two life professions.

This task has no level, is not mandatory to accept, and does not limit the time for completion. It doesn't matter what the accuser wants to do.

However, if other players also meet the same conditions. After a series of tasks, I learned Death Harvest.

At that time, the doubts of the two mentors were naturally lifted. The task of reporting the deceased will also automatically fail at that time. It's just that there is no punishment.

Xiao Ming felt the same as Ming Jing about the answer to this task. It must be because of Death Harvest.

However, Xiao Ming did not choose to complete the task immediately. Decided to take a look before talking.

The undead and humans are old enemies after all. Xiao Ming cannot predict how much improvement Death Harvest will bring to the Undead tribe.

If the undead tribe improves too much, it will cause the human side to become relatively weak. He doesn't want to be the chief culprit of harming mankind.

Xiao Ming must be cautious about things that can improve the overall combat power of the undead tribe.

Even if this is just a game, maybe it doesn't matter at all, but Xiao Ming still made such a choice. Character dictates.

The entire underground floor of the tomb is where the necromancer conducts his business.

There is not just one professional mentor, there are 7 or 8 mentors distributed throughout the hall.

Xiao Ming scanned around, trying to find the strongest hidden figure to see if he could get some tasks done.

He even observed several handymen carefully, hoping to find someone like a sweeping monk.

Unfortunately, there is no such luck. The strength of all the mentors is almost the same, all of them are advanced necromancers of level 5, and no level 6 has appeared.

Since there is no hidden character, Xiao Ming found a mentor who is closest to him to contact.

First, he spent a lot of gold coins to learn a batch of necromancer magic from him.

Among them, summoning zombies and summoning ghosts, these two major types of magic, because they conflict with the skeleton specialization of the dead teller himself, Xiao Ming gave up.

After learning the advanced summoning of skeletons, the dead teller is now eligible to learn some branch skills. Able to summon a certain type of skeleton soldiers alone.

For example, summoning skeleton swordsmen, summoning skeleton archers, summoning skeleton shield soldiers, and summoning skeleton cavalry, etc.

These are summoning magic dedicated to skeleton soldiers. Because on the strategic map, the dead teller has the racial talent for recruiting primary skeleton soldiers.

So these soldiers can also be summoned to the strategic map. This can play a big role in the dead teller to organize his own legion and adjust the ratio of each soldier.

In addition, the dead also learned to summon bone spears and bone shields, which are offensive and defensive magic.

However, both the offensive power and defensive power are only at the level of 2-3. For Xiao Ming, it is no longer very useful.

However, Xiao Ming still learned these skills and mastered them in reality.

Sometimes you need to conceal your presence and cannot use too powerful skills. This kind of low-level magic is just right.

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