Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 707 The appearance of players

There is no need to suspect anyone. This statement is actually too far from the truth. The most important thing in modern society is supervision.

Regardless of trust or distrust, the necessary supervision must be in place. This is especially true for those in positions of power.

However, in the game, players can generally fully trust an NPC who has 87 points of favorability with you.

As long as the players don't go against the grain and take things too far, such NPCs will not betray.

So Xiao Ming still left the Jiugui navy and Jiugui city to the Jiugui family with full authority to take care of them.

The supply of gold coins and resources has also been opened. I believe that my family will give me a satisfactory answer.

What really worries Xiao Ming is the mysterious force mentioned by drunkards and others.

They appear and disappear, the source of their troops is a mystery, they both cooperate and undermine each other...

If these characteristics weren't already obvious, the name of the hero of the mysterious force is too representative.

"No matter how beautiful Daji is, she will always be a concubine", "Sister is so cruel that she buried her love", "? Those sweet words"...

When Xiao Ming heard it, he knew that this was the nickname of a group of players, and it was probably a group of female players.

With the escort of large warships, there is no need to worry about the safety of the First Guard or the Drunkard Guard.

But players as a group cannot be underestimated. Especially when players appear in large numbers, there is a 80% chance that they are organized. That is, guild players.

It would be a bit troublesome if any player guild develops nearby.

Fortunately, Drunkard also mentioned that these mysterious forces would also fight each other, indicating that it was not just a guild. This could be easier to do.

Although they are currently only entangled in the map in the north, they have not yet invaded the map where Funnel City is located in the south. But in Xiao Ming's opinion, this is probably just a matter of time.

Xiao Ming originally wanted to integrate the map of the informant to Turtle Mountain City. There is also a pub that you should check out.

It doesn't seem to work now. We must first investigate the situation of this group of players.

The Drunkard Navy is attached; the First Guard is established. These two special plot events give the deceased a lot of strategic experience.

Although most of the treasures given by the drunkard were returned to him, the complainant still left some things behind.

2 pirate troop specialization scrolls, 4 admiral skin experience scrolls, and a few miscellaneous ones.

Xiao Ming is already familiar with the troop specialization scroll, but this is the first time he has seen the admiral skin experience scroll. As the name suggests, it is a scroll that can increase the experience of the junior admiral's skin.

Before he was defeated because of the alcoholic family leak, he was already a junior pirate admiral.

After becoming a force under the command of the informant, the identity of the admiral disappeared. All the levels and experience he had accumulated before were not confiscated by the system.

Some of them were converted into experience scrolls, which were kept by the family. It will be useful when I become an admiral again in the future.

Xiao Ming originally wanted to give these four scrolls to his family for his own use. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect others to want it. I claimed that after having a big ship, I could easily gain the experience of an admiral. The scroll was dedicated to the complainant.

Xiao Ming thought about it and found the same reason. He stopped refusing and turned his hand to the researcher, but unfortunately not even a bubble emerged.

The researcher's junior pirate admiral skin is already at level 8. It takes a lot of experience to upgrade to level 9. After four scrolls, the experience only increases by a small amount, which is a drop in the bucket.

Of course, Xiao Ming doesn't care about this. He doesn't use it on his own character, it's just selling it to other players.

However, there are so many things that Xiao Ming can sell, including a few scrolls. Apart from this, the system has no more rewards.

The reason is also very simple. New cities, armies, heroes, and generals are the biggest rewards. What else is needed, bicycles.

On the second day after the banquet, when his mobility was full, the informant led his army to sail to the north. At the same time, the scanning map was also opened for investigation.

More than half of the funnel lake is in the map of funnel city, and there is another small half of the lake to the north. A small river originates here and flows northwest to a large lake 2 maps away.

At the source of the river, a lot of stones, wood and other building materials were piled up haphazardly. It looks like someone planned to build something here, but failed.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen players gathered here with their own troops, staring at each other, but they haven't started fighting yet.

Judging from the distribution of players, it seems that three parties are confronting each other here. It was precisely because of this that they did not fight immediately.

As for the individual players, they have long since disappeared. Individual players hate guilds that form cliques, and guilds also hate individual players who always look for opportunities to take advantage.

So usually when there is a confrontation between guilds, all the major guilds will join forces to clear the place.

Not only individual players will be expelled, but small guilds will also be expelled. This saves the three parties from taking advantage of others when they are at odds with each other.

In this map, there used to be a systematic city, but now there are only ruins left.

I don’t know if it’s just like this or if these players did it. Xiao Ming prefers the latter.

If you can't get something yourself, destroy it and prevent others from getting it. This is the most common way of thinking among players.

Careful observation revealed that although this map is connected to the Funnel City map, only the lake can be crossed.

There was a passage on land that could be passed, but it was blocked by the broken rubble of the level.

At present, the players have not been able to open up the road. No wonder the map of Funnel City has been peaceful.

In this situation, Xiao Ming does not plan to show up before they fight each other.

Although the strength of the deceased is strong enough, he does not want to fight with more than a dozen players in turn. It is better to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight for the time being.

In addition, there are no resources to pick up on the lake, which should have been picked up by the drunkard's family.

However, there are many powerful wild monsters on the water, and the family's strength is not good, so they have not been defeated.

Xiao Ming is very greedy, but if he drives over like this, he is afraid of being seen by players from a distance.

Once his large battleship is seen by players, I really don’t know what kind of storm it will cause. At least it will be more difficult for them to fight each other. What should I do?

Suddenly, Xiao Ming had an idea and launched the Water Escape·Mist Hiding Technique. Covered a large area centered on the battleship with fog.

With the cover of fog, Xiao Ming can go to the water with peace of mind. Of course, after the fog, the monsters on the water disappeared, which would still attract the attention of players.

But that situation is much better than the big ship being discovered by players. Xiao Ming really doesn't want to waste time with these players.

Who knows when they will fight? ! They can afford to waste time, but Xiao Ming doesn't have the time.

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