Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 732 Xiao Ming's army takes action

In the territory of the Republic of East Goto, on a mountaintop, two children were holding binoculars and watching what was happening in the village below the mountain, whispering to each other.

"It's amazing! Killua, have your grandfather and brother seen the situation below?" The black-haired child asked the silver-haired child.

"How is it possible! My grandfather probably hasn't seen such a weird scene." Killua answered Xiaojie unhappily.

"It looks like they are on our side. Is this the reinforcement that Mo Laowu and the others mentioned? You see, they only knocked out the citizens. No one was killed."

"Yes, if it is reinforcement, it is really amazing. This cannot be done by a hunter." Killua pointed:

"The types of mind beasts are completely different. At least 5 types of mind beasts appeared. This must be a very strong hunter team."

"Yeah, those citizens who were transferred away should be safe. We just need to think about how to defeat Neferpitou."

"Look, look, so amazing!"...

Similar conversations also happened between Mo Laowu and Nobu, and the two groups of hunters Naku Lu and Xiu Tuo.

To be honest, most of Xiao Ming's army does not look like good people. Shadow clones are relatively normal. The aliens look particularly ferocious.

The skeleton soldiers and the hundred ghosts are even less like good people. Fortunately, there is the beast girl series to raise the overall appearance.

If this were a fairy world, it would probably be killed by the ascetics at will.

Fortunately, these three groups of hunters were not impulsive and did not clash with Xiao Ming's army at the beginning.

As long as they calmed down and observed for a while. They soon found that these guys were friendly forces. Because Xiao Ming's army only attacked the chimera ants.

The long-range is the artillery fire of plants and mushrooms on the zombies. Ordinary zombies are not strong enough, so Xiao Ming only exchanged a few for experiments.

The most common zombies in the team are iron barrel zombies, which are particularly durable and have high vitality and defense. They are very suitable for growing mushrooms.

Generally, 5-8 mushrooms can be planted. Most of them are sun mushrooms. They provide energy (spiritual power) for the entire group.

There are also 1-2 combat mushrooms. The size of the big spray mushroom is too large to be planted on the zombie. So it is usually a timid mushroom. When there are two combat mushrooms, a small spray mushroom will be paired.

In addition, the iron barrel on the zombie's head is facing up. It is just right to install a flower disk, and an aggressive plant can be planted in the flower disk.

Xiao Ming mostly grows corn pitchers and ice shooters. Both have the ability to slow down the enemy. The number is still very scary.

Xiao Ming has accumulated more than 2,000 zombies so far. Since he is facing a large-scale battle now, Xiao Ming has started to expand his purchases.

Only by buying more can you unlock more plant props.

And it is not just them that provide long-range firepower coverage in the legion. There are also skeleton archers, snake female beasts, Transformers, etc.

In addition, there is a new and most powerful long-range firepower player, the tree demon Xiaolu. When facing the battlefield, the Seven Yao Shadow clones wearing butler uniforms will open the door to Guangmingding.

Xiaolu's body is too big, and it is impossible for her to come out with her whole body. She can only stretch out a few long vines.

There are hundreds of various plant cannons growing on the vines. They can launch overwhelming firepower strikes. One tree demon can withstand the firepower of a company.

Because they come from the Plants vs. Zombies system. So the attacks of these plants are very effective against zombies, but against Chimera Ants, the killing effect is discounted.

But the advantage is that there are many of them, and the defense of Chimera Ant soldiers can't stand the rain of ammunition.

Even if some tough chimera ants rushed up against the long-range firepower.

Before fighting the zombies, they had to break through the obstruction of the skeleton soldiers and puppets.

In a one-on-one situation, the skeleton soldiers and puppets could not beat the chimera ants, but they could find a way to entangle them.

There were enough miscellaneous soldiers on our side. No matter how many arms and legs the chimera ants had, there would always be more skeleton soldiers and puppet wooden men to entangle them.

Then it was not the plants and zombies who came to finish off the chimera ants, but the more powerful existences in the legion.

The King's Guards, the Orc Mother Beast, the Shadow Clone, the Little Red Hundred Ghosts, the Alien King Kong series, the Transformers...

There were more wolves than meat, so it depended on who had the quickest hands at this time. Occasionally, we would encounter chimera ant masters, such as guys at the level of division commander.

But they could not beat the joint attack of more than a dozen Seven Stars Shadow Clone who summoned Susanoo.

Zhang Zhong rarely took action. Xiao Ming, who was with him, had never personally fought in hand-to-hand combat.

In the original novel, it was the Chimera Ants that caused great trouble to the hunters of the expedition team by relying on their numerical advantage.

Now it is Xiao Ming's army that relies on their numerical advantage to overwhelm the Chimera Ant Army.

Because there are too many of them, Xiao Ming divided the army into several routes to try to cover more areas and rescue more people.

The people who really caused trouble for Xiao Ming's army were the people of Dongguotuo.

These people have never seen monsters, so they only trust their commander-in-chief. And the commander-in-chief has long been controlled by the ant king's guards.

Besides, Xiao Ming's subordinates are all strange and they don't look like good people, so they naturally can't get the trust of the people of Dongguotuo.

Xiao Ming didn't want to spend more time explaining. He knocked out all the humans he saw along the way and then transported them to NGL through Guangmingding.

Just ensure their temporary safety. The Hunter Association will arrange people to explain.

After the ant king is dealt with, they can be sent back naturally. Anyway, NGL and Dongguoto are not far away, and they can be back quickly by train.

Qiduoer invited Xiao Ming to help. He did not tell the president about this, but told Mo Laowu and Nobu. To prevent them from fighting with Xiao Ming.

The result was far beyond Qiduoer's expectations. She had never expected that Xiao Ming would have such strategic capabilities.

It can be said that the task was completed twice. Due to the activeness of Xiao Ming's army, it caused enough chaos.

Neferpitou, one of the three major guards, had to use most of her energy and almost all of the Chimera Ants to deal with Xiao Ming's harassment operations.

In order to have a chance to lead them away, at the beginning, Xiao Ming's troops only harassed outside the capital. They did not go deep into the capital of Dongguoto.

While the other hunters were amazed by this, they did not need to take too many risks.

Xiao Ming has done a good enough job in saving the people. They are all working hard to prepare to deal with the three major guards.

The chameleon Mereon, who wanted to defeat the ant king, did not dare to appear in front of Xiao Ming's team. Instead, he found Xiao Jie and others, and soon successfully joined the expedition team.

Another octopus Ikarugo, who was moved by Killua in the original work and also joined the expedition team, had a very different fate.

He did not meet Killua who changed his fate, but appeared on the battlefield fighting against Xiao Ming's army.

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