Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 736: Yupi is surrounded

Youpi fell into a very annoying battle mode. There were enemy shadows everywhere around him, but all those he hit were not real people. They were all mind beasts made by Mo Laowu - [Purple Smoke Robot Squadron].

Mo Laowu can maintain about a hundred of these mind beasts. The fewer the number, the more precise the control. When the number is large, the control is relatively rough.

In the original work, before the decisive battle, Mo Laowu had been fighting various battles with the Chimera Ant Corps in order to contain the Chimera Ants' screening of the Dongguoto people.

As a result, his condition was relatively poor during the decisive battle. The amount of mind power was only about 35% of the best period. Mental and physical fatigue had not been fully recovered.

In this state, it was certainly not enough to fight against the three strong guards. Mo Laowu suffered a lot from Pufu and Youpi.

The current situation is completely different. All the previous containment work was done by Xiao Ming's army. So Mo Laowu is in a very good state now.

Especially seeing that this strong reinforcement found by the dog Qiduoer Yorkshire is so powerful. He was more confident.

When a person is happy, he is in high spirits. Mo Laowu's state even reached more than 110%, setting a new high.

He first blocked the battlefield with smoke, and then made a large number of purple smoke beasts, disguised as himself or his two disciples. They surrounded and beat up Youpi.

This time, Mo Laowu's big smoke pot was not taken away by Pufu. As long as his mind power is not empty, he can continue to create purple smoke robot soldiers. The battle fell into a stalemate.

Most of the time, it was the beasts and Youpi fighting in close combat. Mo Laowu has strong attack power and can hit Youpi a few times without warning.

Youpi's ordinary attacks, Mo Laowu's physical fitness can completely withstand. At the same time, he created attack opportunities for his disciple Nakulu.

When the time is right, Nakulu will rush up and punch under the cover of Merewong's stealth, increasing Youpi's debt.

In this way, the more principal, the faster the interest will compound. Youpi may go bankrupt as soon as possible. This is their only hope.

With Nakulu's physical fitness, he can actually withstand a few hits from Youpi. But once he is attacked by Youpi, his debt will be reduced, and the gain will not outweigh the loss.

So Nakulu's battle at this time must be based on his own safety as the first premise.

The ability of Mo Laowu's other disciple Xiutuo Makumahong is called [Dark Hotel]. He only has a right arm, and his left arm is cut off from the shoulder.

There are also 3 hands controlled by Xiutuo that can fly in the air. There is also a birdcage-like thing, which is the Dark Hotel.

Xiao Ming strongly suspects that this is the ability that Xiutuo cultivated by abandoning his left arm.

The part of the enemy hit by Xiutuo's hand will be locked in the Dark Hotel. The enemy will only feel that the body part has disappeared, but will not be hurt.

The Dark Hotel can be small enough to lock in one eye; large enough to lock in the whole person.

When locking someone, you need to cause enough damage to that person, and the other party will shrink and lock him in the hotel. This is also a very useful ability.

Under the cover of the Purple Smoke Beast, Xiu Tuo can often steal one of Youpi's eyes or a few fingers unexpectedly.

Unfortunately, Youpi's characteristic is that he can grow various organs at will. It is comparable to the Flower-Flower Fruit in One Piece.

Any organ stolen can grow more again, which makes Xiu Tuo very helpless.

Of course, it cannot be said that Xiu Tuo is useless in battle. When his body organs are stolen, the enemy does not feel pain.

In the melee, Dean sometimes fails to notice this. This may create a blind spot for other people's attacks.

Besides, although Youpi can grow the corresponding organs again, it is also a big consumption for his body. This is very helpful in battle.

Of course, even if Mo Laowu and his three disciples work together and cooperate tacitly, it is not enough to beat Youpi.

The one who really plays the biggest containment effect is Zhang Zhong. His arrows are light or heavy, far or near, more or less always appear in the most critical places.

At the beginning, he shot many eyes of Youpi blind. One strike can do the work of ten Xiutuo.

Later, because he was surrounded by dozens of purple smoke beasts, Youpi grew a dozen tails or whip-like limbs from his body.

These whips could kill several beasts with one strike. Zhang Zhong naturally couldn't allow this to happen continuously, so he intervened frantically with arrows.

Youpi's limbs were not strong enough, and Zhang Zhong's slightly stronger arrows could shoot them off.

Even if they couldn't be shot off, he could force him to change the trajectory of his attack. The attack fell into the air.

Occasionally, Zhang Zhong would send a powerful moon-shooting arrow to hit Youpi's vital points.

It can be said that more than half of Youpi's energy was used to deal with Zhang Zhong, an opponent of the same level.

What Youpi didn't know was that Xiao Ming had never cooperated with Master Mo Wu and his apprentice, and he didn't have as good skills as Zhang Zhong.

So he didn't send shadow clones or beasts into the battle group. But on the periphery of the battlefield, Xiao Ming sent a lot of uniform nurse beasts.

Constantly throwing healing spells to Master Mo Wu and his apprentice. Strengthen their ability to continue fighting. Our combat power has increased by at least 30%.

A team with a nanny is different from a team without a nanny.

In fact, with Youpi's strength, he can break out of the siege even with Zhang Zhong's long-range restraint. But he can't do that!

As a guard, he should have rushed to the king's side immediately, but that would also mean bringing these strange guys to the king's side, posing a threat to the king.

Instead of that, it is better to solve these threats here. So he deliberately "was surrounded".

Of course, he didn't know how perverted the ability [I am the only one who suffers] was, otherwise there would be other reactions.

At this time, the catwoman Neferpitou was following the order of the ant king and was healing the seriously injured Xiaomai. At this moment, Xiaojie and Killua came to this house.

The plot still follows the development of the original work. Catwoman cut off her hands and begged Xiaojie not to make trouble. Allow her to treat Xiaomai and then let Xiaojie deal with it.

Xiaojie struggled for a long time, and even spoke ill of Killua during the period. Later, he agreed to this request and did not fight with Catwoman immediately at this time.

At the same time, Xiaojie asked Catwoman to follow him to heal Kate after healing Xiaomai.

Catwoman actually knew that Kate had no soul in her body at this time, and her ability could not heal Kate.

However, at this juncture, she couldn't tell the truth. Neferpitou agreed first and hurried to heal Xiaomai.

At this time, Catwoman felt a very gloomy and terrifying aura from Gon. And she was ready to deal with Gon herself.

Killua understood Gon's pain, and did not blame him for his reckless words, but silently took it on. What a good friend.

This place no longer needs him. Killua turned and headed for another battlefield.

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