Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 768 Return to Reality

Although the [Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil Sword] will not harm itself, it does not mean that Xiao Ming can let go of himself and do whatever he wants.

He can actually feel it clearly. Once one day his character can no longer hold up and his virtue is not worthy of his position, this treasure will automatically disappear.

It is hard to say what specific requirements this treasure has for Xiao Ming, probably just fairness and justice. There is no need to make it public.

It should be noted that the Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil Sword will extract the opponent's soul to judge.

If you think about it carefully, the function of this treasure is somewhat related to the original three treasures.

Extracting souls is the ability of the Hungry Ghost Ball. Judging the good and evil of souls, I wonder if it is a hidden skill of the Hungry Ghost Ball.

"Rewarding Good" involves the wish-making ability of the Dark Mirror. It's just that the wish is fixed. It is to give good people a healthier body and a longer life.

The relationship between "Punishing Evil" and the Demon-Subduing Sword is far-fetched. In the past, the Demon-Subduing Sword could turn humans into monsters and control them.

Now the Sword of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil uses a specific method to punish evil people. The punishment method is inherited from Xiao Ming's own ability.

Xiao Ming doesn't know whether these three treasures can be combined originally or they have undergone such a strange change because of the input of source energy by Xiao Ming.

Since it has become like this, Xiao Ming can only take it as it comes. Intuition quietly tells Xiao Ming that this is a good thing.

In the past few days, Xiao Ming often chats with Kurama and Feiying, and has talked about some common sense about the spirit world, the demon world, and the human world.

For example, after a person dies, the soul will go to the spirit world, and the spirit world will arrange rewards and punishments and reincarnation. Isn't it very similar to the underworld in Chinese legends.

In addition, the spirit world is responsible for protecting the human world, which seems to be the function of the legendary heaven.

The spirit world is probably a combination of heaven and hell.

However, in terms of strength, the spirit world is more miserable.

It can only deal with A-level monsters. S-level monsters that exceed A-level are characters that the spirit world cannot deal with at all.

S-class is just a rough classification of monsters in the spirit world, and there are many different levels within it.

The level of the Ant King Meruem is just a rookie in the S-class.

According to legend, there are three extremely powerful monsters standing at the top of the S-class monsters. Kū, Yomi and Raizen.

Their strength has exceeded the imagination of most monsters.

If it weren't for Kurama and Hiei who were once A-class monsters, it is estimated that the names of these three have never been heard.

Because of the three masters forming a tripartite situation, the demon world can maintain a relative balance. It turns out that the demon world also has a tripartite situation.

After learning this news, Lu Xiaoming immediately told Meruem. Let him be mentally prepared.

After all, it was Xiaoming who brought the Chimera Ant Clan here. Such important news, of course, must be shared.

Hearing that there are many strong people in this world who surpass him, the Ant King is not worried but happy. This is a world worth challenging, and he is so lucky.

As happy as him is Yupi. Yupi is also the type who likes to fight strong people.

Zhang Zhong and Catwoman, Xiao Ming's subordinates, were indifferent to the news. They were neither warlike nor too lazy to worry about anything.

Only Xiao Yapufu had a worried expression on his face. He didn't like the feeling of being crushed by others.

The development strategy of the Chimera Ants needs to be adjusted appropriately.

In theory, the development strategy of the insect humans should also be adjusted accordingly. But in fact, there is no real impact.

The Demon Realm is too big, and there are countless planes.

At the development speed of the two tribes, it is estimated that it will take hundreds or thousands of years to meet these three top monsters.

By then, his own strength should be able to cope with it, right?

Xiao Ming now doesn't know that the three-legged situation is in danger and is about to collapse, and the Demon Realm may fall into chaos at any time.

How to deal with it at that time depends on his ability.

When the mission time is up, the three Xiao Mings returned to the Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain at the same time, which is where they left last time using the [Random World Invitation].

The situation is still the same, and only 0.1 seconds have passed in the Water Curtain Cave.

At this time, Kraken and Zhao Jiuzhou were both on the seabed outside Huaguo Mountain, and they were building a nest for themselves.

While they were not here, Xiao Ming just happened to talk to his sister and brother Wen about the private world.

Xiao Jing'er and Zhang Wen showed great interest in such a fun thing.

The three of them discussed it and began to conduct various tests on the private world. They figured out some basic rules.

First of all, in the reincarnation space, Xiao Ming could not enter the private world. Huaguo Mountain was not allowed, and the team space was not allowed.

Whether it can be opened in the mission world needs to be tried later. But it is estimated that 80% of it will not work.

Then several people returned to the real world together. According to the method discussed before, Xiao Ming first tested it alone.

In the real world, Xiao Ming can enter and exit the private world at will. The flow rate of time in Yu Yu Hakusho is consistent with that in the real world.

Entering and exiting the private world is also very convenient. It seems that every Xiao Ming carries a space door with him, and he can enter and exit with a step.

Xiao Ming can even go hand in hand. Arrange one or two bodies to enter the private world, and leave one or two bodies in reality.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket, it's obviously safer to spread them out like this.

There are so many masters in the real world, and they are all crowded on a small Pangu star. Xiao Ming is guilty of holding a treasure, and it is inevitable that he will face certain dangers.

Now, as long as we conquer an area in the demon world, this place can become the safest haven for Xiao Ming and his family.

Once they hide inside, even if the world ends in reality, Xiao Ming and his family will not be harmed.

From the perspective of strength, it will not be difficult for Xiao Ming to conquer one or two planes.

After all, in the world of Yu Yu Hakusho, the distribution density of masters is relatively low. The world is also wider.

There is enough space for everyone to dominate one side.

Xiao Ming first arranged his Zerg subordinates in the Chiyou galaxy to divide a part of the troops to march into the private world.

That is the demon world plane where Huang Xiaoming established his base. But now the one in charge here is the Zerg King Green Xiao Ming.

He is doing the most important thing, which is to release the Zerg fog in the base. This is the magic weapon of the Zerg that is invincible. And only the Zerg King can release it.

The area covered by the Zerg fog is equivalent to being ruled by the Zerg.

Unfortunately, the Zerg in the Chiyou galaxy are basically space soldiers. Xiao Ming can only bring some of them to the demon world as air force.

The expansion of ground forces still depends on Queen 001 and the already built mother nest to produce eggs.

However, with strong air force support so early, the development of the Zerg in this plane will be smooth sailing.

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