Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 785: Meat buns hitting dogs

When doing this kind of sneaky thing, a skill that has not been used for a long time can finally come in handy. That is [Flying Dragon Exploring Cloud Hand].

Flying Dragon Exploring Cloud Hand is a theft trick that Li Xiaoyao taught Xiao Ming in "Legend of Sword and Fairy 1".

Xiao Ming once used this trick to steal Tom Riddle's diary from Ginny in the Harry Potter Secret Realm.

This is a spell of ascetics that requires spiritual energy to activate. It is very different from the theft method of ordinary humans.

It is almost a spell of causality. As long as this spell is used on a target, there is a certain probability that you can steal something from the other party.

Even if the thing is hidden very deeply by this person, or even not on him at the moment. It doesn't matter, there is still a chance of success.

So even if these monsters are locked in glass cages, it is easy for Xiao Ming to steal things from them, and he doesn't even need to enter the cage. He can steal from outside the cage. But what kind of things did we steal!

A handful of wolf hair? Oh, it turned out to be a werewolf. I have seen it many times in the world of "Underworld", but it is useless.

A wisp of white mane, a unicorn? I have heard of it, but I have never seen it. It is a bit interesting. I will put it in the textbook for analysis.

The scales of a giant snake, the red nose of a clown, a dead branch, a kitchen knife, a broken broom, a pair of glasses, a shroud, a few straws...

Xiao Ming felt like he was really collecting junk. What he got were all worthless things. For useful people, they are worth a lot of money.

He stuffed everything into the textbook until a certain moment when Xiao Ming suddenly felt that it could not fit in, and then he stopped reluctantly.

It turned out that the textbook, a telekinetic item, had also reached its upper limit.

After all, every thing carries a certain amount of supernatural energy, and some are even cursed.

This is Xiao Ming. If it were someone else, the telekinetic beast would have been blown up long ago.

If he could get the items in the basement for analysis, the effect would definitely be better. And it is close at hand.

But Xiao Ming couldn't steal, lest he ruin the sacrificial ceremony.

All the people who came were players, and if they died, it would only mean the mission failed. Xiao Ming had decided not to take action.

However, the monster actually found him on its own initiative.

At that time, No. 4 Xiao Ming and No. 3, the man with glasses, were cooking together.

Ready-made dishes like fried eggs with tomatoes must be made right before dinner time. No. 3 made his sweet and sour fish first, while Xiao Ming was washing rice and cooking.

No. 1 and No. 2 were scattered around the periphery to patrol the surroundings, and No. 5 was thoroughly checking the interior of the house. Several "unfamiliar" people divided the work and cooperated, and they actually did it in a good way.

Suddenly, a subtle chill came over him, and Xiao Ming felt that the surrounding scenery changed, and he was already in an abandoned factory.

Although it was a factory, there was not a single worker to be seen. Looking around, there were countless huge boilers and machines, all running "humming and humming", and it was impossible to tell what they were doing for a while.

Xiao Ming tried it, but he couldn't use circles and scan maps here. Not only that, Xiao Ming's supernatural energy seemed to be unable to be mobilized. This situation is rare.

After a while, a very harsh "sizzling" sound came from small to large, from far to near.

There seemed to be a broken voice, humming a nursery rhyme repeatedly.

The language used in the nursery rhyme is English, a small language in Europe. Xiao Ming happened to have learned a little. He could roughly understand what he was singing.

"One, two, Freddy is coming to you.

Three, four, lock your door.

Five, six, hold on to the cross.

Seven, eight, stay awake.

Nine, ten, never fall asleep."

The hint was so obvious, and Xiao Ming could not mobilize supernatural energy, so he immediately understood.

It turned out that this was a dream world, and that Freddy was probably a nightmare monster.

He could force people to dream and then kill them in their sleep. I believe that if you are killed by him in a dream, your physical body in reality will also die.

No wonder Xiao Ming did not feel his approach. It was all because his ability was too special.

However, this ability to kill in dreams was fine for bullying others, but it was bad luck for him to meet Xiao Ming.

Dreams were just another manifestation of the spiritual world, and Xiao Ming happened to have a very powerful spiritual world - [Tsukuyomi].

Freddy was like running into a gun. Since Xiao Ming was pulled into the dream, the Tsukuyomi world was in turn eroding Freddy's dream world.

He was unaware of it, and not only did he not solve his opponent as soon as possible, but he slowly performed a horror show.

While hitting and scraping the machine with the iron claws on his hands, making all kinds of harsh noises, he sang a scary nursery rhyme that belonged to him.

He liked to enjoy the feeling of his prey being chased by him in the dream world the most. This bad taste was not much different from that of the ancient gods.

Eyes full of fear, running in panic, heart-wrenching cries, useless resistance... In the end, they all turned into a strong sense of despair.

Killing the soul in this state can make Freddy stronger. From this perspective, there is a difference between Freddy and the Ancient Gods.

The Ancient Gods have unnecessary evil tastes; Freddy is a psychopathic sadist.

Freddy and his dream world are actually one and the same. The dream world is his home ground, and Freddy has a great advantage in fighting here.

It's a pity that he forgot an old saying, "If you walk by the river, you will get your shoes wet." Exposing yourself to the enemy at the beginning is actually a very dangerous approach.

When encountering Xiao Ming, whose mental power far exceeds his, he is no match for Xiao Ming even if they fight normally in the dream world. What's more, Xiao Ming also has the killer weapon of Tsukuyomi.

So, before Freddy could pose in front of Xiao Ming, his dream world had been almost eroded by Tsukuyomi.

And Freddy's legs were too slow, and he was completely swallowed up before he even saw Xiao Ming's face.

Facing Xiao Ming's mental power like a god or demon, Freddy was like a popsicle under the sun, and melted in a moment.

Freddy was also helpless. He was just a monster that was not even B-level, and he only had a few "skill points". It was not easy to get like this.

When encountering an opponent like Xiao Ming who was completely crushed, no matter how much "points" he added, it was still a meat bun hitting a dog, and there was no return.

After swallowing Freddy and his dream world, Xiao Ming's Tsukuyomi became even more powerful. It also increased some of Freddy's abilities.

In the past, to pull someone into Tsukuyomi, you had to use the Mangekyō Sharingan to look at the person. Now you can directly invade the other person's dream when the other person is sleeping.

If the enemy's mental strength is not strong enough, Xiao Ming can make him fall asleep unconsciously even if he is awake. What a convenient ability.

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