Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 787: Eat and Drink

After the meal, No. 1 Gu Yiyu ate a little too much, and her belly was bulging. This beauty didn't even care about her image in order to eat.

In fact, this kind of thing is very common in the game. Except for Xiao Ming, the other players are not surprised.

Because no matter how the players eat in the game, it will not affect their figure in reality, and the taste of enjoying delicious food is more real.

So those girls who like to eat but need to maintain their figure will run to the game to have fun.

Do you want to lose weight? No injections; no medicine; no excessive exercise; no surgery. You just need to buy an immersive game cabin.

It's no big deal to occasionally give up your image in the game.

For Gu Yiyu, if it weren't for the strict requirements of the volleyball team, she wouldn't care about the image problem in reality.

Looking at the girl's sweet face and comparing it with her bulging belly, Xiao Ming wiped a cold sweat for her.

Fortunately, she plays volleyball, otherwise she would have become a big fat person, and the appearance of this beauty would be completely ruined.

Gu Yiyu, Xiao Ming, and No. 5, the three of them were crookedly lying on the sofa and recliner in the living room, chatting and digesting their food.

Perhaps because they eat frequently, No. 2 and No. 3 are very restrained and can move normally after meals.

After discussing it, the two of them went out for a walk together. They called it a border patrol.

This is reasonable. They are familiar with each other and it is time to exchange information now.

But what they never expected was that the two walked a long way in one breath and entered the depths of the dense forest.

Seeing that the hut had disappeared, the two stopped and looked at each other, and suddenly hugged each other warmly and kissed passionately.

Oh, Xiao Ming, who saw this scene with a circle, was shocked. Not only him, but also the people who were monitoring everything in the underground base were shocked by this sudden plot.

This is not a trick of the mysterious organization. No. 2 and No. 3 are really a pair of same-sex lovers in reality.

No one thought about it at first, but now they look like a perfect match.

Recalling that, No. 3's behavior has always exuded some feminine charm.

In today's era, homosexuality is open and legal, and the mainstream society does not exclude them. Of course, some people with more old-fashioned ideas still have some complaints.

Xiao Ming has no prejudice against this. Seeing that the two of them are getting more intimate, Xiao Ming smiled and diverted his attention. Don't peep now.

"Hey, No. 4, you are crazy, why do you show such a lewd expression? No. 5, do you feel a little cold?"

"Hiss-now that you say that, it's really a bit cold..."

"Okay, okay, you two. It's nothing, I just... Forget it, what were you talking about just now?"

"No. 1 said that he wanted to go to the cellar to take a look, and I agree. But now... I can't get up... Let's try again in an hour or so..."

"No. 4, tell me, we have been doing this special task for several hours, why is there no clue at all Yes? You won't ask us to complete the mission for several days, will you? "

"How is that possible! I have something to do tomorrow. According to the rules, this kind of mission will not exceed 12 hours at most."

"Yes, we are still flying now. The captain said that after we reach Kuafu Star, the military will assign such long-term missions."

"Haha, No. 5, you finally exposed yourself."*2

(ˉ▽ ̄~)"Tsk~~, I don't want to bother with you..."


It is said that when people are full and satisfied, they are least alert, and it is true. The few of them have eaten at the same table. They are not very vigilant against each other.

When the Yu Linling trio was dominating the volleyball court, Xiao Ming was also a fan for a while.

No matter who the operator is, Gu Yiyu is a member of Team 33 after all. Even if he loves the house and the dog, Xiao Ming is willing to help occasionally.

"No. 1, I advise you not to go there as soon as possible. The things there are all very evil, it's best not to touch them."

"Really?! That means they are all real! I like mysterious antiques the most. I'm going to... burp... I'm going to... burp... later."

After hearing Xiao Ming's words, she became more excited and seemed to be going right away. As a result, she was dragged down by her overeating body. She spoke too quickly and burped several times.

Looking at her situation, as long as she can move, she will definitely go to play with those things.

Alas, good words can't persuade the damned ghost. It seems that this girl is determined to do it. Xiao Ming wanted to persuade her again.

But suddenly he found something unusual and blurted out: "I'll go~~"

"No. 4, why are you going back on your word? You told No. 1 not to go, but now you want to go. Do you have a definite idea?"

For No. 5's deliberate ridicule, Xiao Ming could only smile bitterly and deal with it. His attention shifted to the small woods in the wild.

No. 2 and No. 3 are now fighting with the group of zombies. Seeing their disheveled appearance, they were probably disturbed.

Xiao Ming couldn't help but want to complain. This group of zombies is too unsightly, and they have no sense at all.

No. 2 is the pseudo-Wo Jin, who is a werewolf reincarnation in real life. He can't transform in the game, so his combat power must be greatly reduced. He is about level 3.

And what he learned were all melee tactics. Now that he has no weapons in his hands, he will be at a disadvantage when fighting against zombies of the same level with weapons.

No. 3 waved his right hand and materialized a telekinetic item - a vacuum cleaner.

As soon as this item appeared, Xiao Ming immediately knew which member of the Phantom Troupe he was imitating.

Xiao Di, the 8th member of the Phantom Troupe, is a telekinetic user. She looks like a short-haired beauty with glasses.

Her main telekinetic ability is the materialized vacuum cleaner - a bulging-eyed fish, which can suck in anything according to Xiao Di's command. Living things cannot be absorbed.

In the past, Xiao Ming always thought that No. 3 should cosplay a male member, so he didn't think of Xiao Di.

Now that he knows that he is gay, it makes sense to cosplay a female member. Take a closer look, it seems that he really looks a bit like him, a cross-dressing man.

However, Xiao Di's figure is quite majestic, and the boy No. 3 probably has no chance to catch up.

He pointed the vacuum cleaner at a zombie and shouted, "Disarm and I won't kill you!"

The saw in the zombie's hand was immediately sucked away by a strong force, flew out of his hand and flew towards No. 3.

The big mouth on the top of the vacuum cleaner opened and swallowed the saw in one gulp.

Oh, not bad. No. 3's telekinesis ability is quite skillful, and it seems to be effective.

He activated the ability many times, and the weapons of several zombies were all sucked away. This fight finally looks like it's going to be a fight.

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