Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 80 The Light Spirit Adds to the Trouble

After 8pm, it was time for the secret realm. I guess Brother Wen would definitely go to the Hunter Secret Realm to practice telekinesis.

His luck was not bad. The first time he entered a random secret realm, he entered a secret realm with navy and pirates.

The informant had navy/pirate forces under his command, and the researcher also served among the pirates.

Xiao Ming was looking forward to learning something about life at sea in this secret realm.

In this secret realm, he was not a pirate, but a low-level errand boy on a medium-sized warship of the navy.

He had to do all kinds of hard and tiring work, and the most common thing he did was to mop the floor. He didn't know how to do anything with higher technical requirements.

He had no name, and because he had always been shaved bald, everyone called him "Bald Rag". His status was at the bottom of the entire warship.

Xiao Ming, who entered the secret realm, was now mopping the deck with many errand boys and sailors.

Xiao Ming didn't dare to be careless at all. This secret realm was a bit scary.

He used telekinesis to sense it a little, and even ordinary sailors had a certain amount of life energy.

Those officers were even more dazzling. Is this the beginning of the hell difficulty?

Xiao Ming thought terrified. In fact, he underestimated himself a little. The characteristic of this secret realm is that the strength is generally strong.

So his physical fitness has also been adjusted by the system, which is equivalent to that of ordinary sailors. With his various skills, he can compete with low-level officers.

Of course, with Xiao Ming's combat level, he must be killed instantly.

Although the officers are very powerful. It seems that no one has any reaction to his circle. Maybe these people are not familiar with telekinesis.

The main reason is that Xiao Ming's circle also has the temperament of Xiao Ming's otaku, which is very low-key and wretched. It is indeed not easy to be discovered.

Xiao Ming is on this warship, while being ordered to do various tasks, he uses telekinesis to perceive the every move of the people on the ship.

The focus is on stealing various skills on the sea ship and eavesdropping on the conversations between some officers.

Through this method, Xiao Ming quickly understands all aspects of this secret realm. It's just that the information is a bit complicated. It's also quite difficult to sort it out.

Xiao Ming spent 2 hours in this boring and fulfilling environment on his first trip to this secret realm.

It seems that the single time limit of a large secret realm is about two hours.

Because the information he eavesdropped on was very attractive, Xiao Ming entered the secret realm again and continued to eavesdrop for more than an hour. He then exited the secret realm.

He heard some interesting things. Some very interesting fighting techniques.

Xiao Ming analyzed and felt that: In reality, human physical fitness would definitely not be able to do that kind of action.

He did not dare to test it on the warship. So he used his authority to enter the Hunter Secret Realm.

The physical fitness of humans there is strong enough, so it should be possible to test it.

In the Hunter Secret Realm, in the open area outside the village, the young boy Mu Tou was practicing diligently, his small figure running around.

This technique called "shaving" is very difficult. Step on the ground at high speed dozens of times in a flash.

Use the explosive reaction force to move at high speed, achieving an effect that is almost instantaneous. Is this something humans can do?

Can the human body withstand it? The answer is that he can't bear it. Now, he has to nurse the mind beast to treat Mu's leg injury.

Xiao Ming learned a common sense that almost all the mind power users in this secret realm know in this painful way.

In the future, he must use mind power to protect his legs and body. Through the strengthening of mind power, he can master more combat skills.

Xiao Ming finally gradually simulated shaving to 5 or 6 points. Compared with his previous movement speed, it can be said to be a world of difference.

The next thing to practice is how to avoid hitting things when moving at high speed...

(It is not difficult to start practicing shaving. As long as the explosive power of the lower limbs is enough, you can simulate it roughly. The difficulty is to practice deeper.)

Before going to bed, I suddenly felt something in my heart. My consciousness connected to Xiao Ming②.

I saw several light spirits in my game cabin going in and out, probably waiting for him.

They didn't care about being seen at all. But Xiao Ming was completely exposed.

Xiao Ming couldn't do anything with them, so he had to "charge" a few new light spirits.

I accepted the other party's "thank you". Only then did I find peace. Xiao Ming was already complaining in his heart.

As expected, the next morning, Xiao Ming② was called to the captain's room by the captain and the instructor. He and the captain of the transport ship had a "three-court trial".

Fortunately, Xiao Ming was well prepared. Since last night, he has not returned to the Pangu Star game warehouse.

His consciousness has always stayed here with Xiao Ming②. When questioned by the three officers, he shook his head and said he didn't know anything.

This is also a fact. As for why he didn't let the intelligent program lie on his behalf?

You should know that the intelligent program that operated Xiao Ming② was originally crashed when Xiao Ming's consciousness was possessed.

Later, it was repaired by the nine-tailed fox to be Xiao Er'er, but its function was definitely not as good as the original intelligent simulation program.

In the past, Xiao Ming②'s daily performance was occasionally different, and other uninformed team members basically thought that he was distracted in his daily life.

These officers probably knew the situation of the replicants, and in this long "trial" scenario.

They are likely to find that there is a problem with Xiao Ming②'s intelligent simulation program. Whether this will cause a series of problems, Xiao Ming dare not imagine.

By then, Xiao Ming felt it was hard to say whether the disguise given by the nine-tailed fox could still cover him.

And even if we create an advanced intelligent simulation program, what can we do? It's too late to pretend to be an ordinary clone now.

So Xiao Ming came to play this drama himself, and he performed it in his true colors. He played a team member with a guilty conscience.

(That is, a certain force used the backdoor of the system. Invaded the signal of Zhang Xiaoming's clone and arranged for his own chess piece to be remotely controlled.)

It would be normal for such a character to appear in the fleet. There are at least 1/10 such chess pieces in the fleet. It's not surprising.

It's really strange that he can attract light spirits to carry out abnormal activities.

But such really strange things are the least afraid of investigation. Because no one knows what light spirits are.

If any force has a breakthrough in technology, it will never be used on such a chess piece.

So everyone can almost be sure that this is a sudden accidental event. I'm afraid we have to wait and see what happens next.

What if we act rashly and the light spirit never comes again? In comparison, a chess piece really doesn't need to be taken too seriously.

Even secretly happy in his heart, the forces behind Xiao Ming② revealed the cards that should be hidden, making it known to everyone. All parties have gained.

However, from now on, Xiao Ming② will definitely face very serious surveillance. This is something that can't be helped.

If he can't hold on any longer, he can only give up this replica. It is precisely because this side can be abandoned at any time that the forces of all parties will handle it carefully.

To prevent the forces behind this chess piece from completely turning the table over and not playing. That would be bad for everyone.

As long as they don't force or stimulate too much, the forces behind Xiao Ming② will definitely want to find out why he attracts the light spirit.

They will not rashly end this chess piece's mission. (If the connection is cut off and another replica is used for remote control, it may not attract the light spirit.)

So the current situation is: a stick is afraid of both ends. It is best for Xiao Ming to be stuck.

This is also the result of the discussion between Xiao Ming, Maomaoer and Jiuweihu.

It is also the result of Jiuweihu's analysis of the information collected.

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