Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 813 Wolverine and Little Rogue

The problem lies with Yin Xiaoming. Together with Xiao Xiaoer, he protected Lian Haolong's young wife Lisa and left Hong Kong with his son.

After passing Luohu Port, we took a train to the mainland. However, the limited scope of the world like winning the commander-in-chief is not set up to be that big.

Not long after the train started, Xiao Ming felt that he had crossed the boundary of the world.

In the new world, all his supernatural powers came back. Ha, it is also a world with a very high energy level.

However, Xiao Ming's Xiao Xiaoer and Lisa were gone, and all the passengers in the same car with him were gone, as well as the train.

To be precise, Xiao Ming should have left the original train.

Later, Xiao Ming learned that Xiao Xiaoer only remembered that the train was walking, and the mission was completed. He returned to the settlement space with everyone.

Alas, it’s hard not to accept it. The reincarnation space’s control over the reincarnation’s time is simply superb.

Xiao Ming knew very well that when the train crossed the border of the world, the decisive battle for the leadership had not yet begun.

At that time, Huang Xiaoming and Lu Xiaoming were still preparing for the decisive battle. In fact, he was being commanded by Kurama to run around.

He hypnotized some of the Tang's subordinates for his own use, and also framed three or five gangsters who probably wouldn't obey orders and couldn't be hypnotized into the police station.

After the decisive battle, many loyal and loyal young and Dangerous boys will enter the police station. It doesn't matter if they go in two days early. You can also avoid a murder.

It was not until after the decisive battle that Huang Xiaoming and Lu Xiaoming left Hong Kong. Before that, Yin Xiaoming had already charged the trapped dragon wrist guard.

In the new world, Yin Xiaoming looked around and found that he was still on a train.

The passengers all looked European. It’s strange, why does such a world have no power to suppress it?

Taking a closer look, Xiao Ming found a clue. The two people sitting in front of him turned out to be no ordinary people.

One of the girls was talking to another bearded man. There was sadness in his voice.

"The first boy I kissed was in a coma in the hospital for three weeks, and now this happens to you..."

The girl choked with sobs and could no longer speak. Her life energy showed that she was extremely sad, and tears fell uncontrollably from her face...

The big man was speechless, put his arm around her shoulders, and let her lean into his arms.

The intimate movements between them give people the feeling of a father taking care of his daughter.

"Few people can understand how you feel." After a long time, the bearded man said:

"But I think this person named Professor X is different. It seems that he really wants to help you, which is rare...for people like us."

With that said, the train seemed to start, and the girl got up from the big man's arms and stared at him.

It is estimated that the two of them will have a more warm conversation, if they are not interrupted by the ignorant guy.

There was a loud "bang", and the door of the carriage in front was kicked open, and a gust of cold wind, mixed with some snowflakes, rushed in. Everyone in the carriage couldn't help but shiver.

Immediately after Feng Xue, two people rushed in and glanced at everyone in the carriage with a ferocious look.

Some of the people avoided their gaze, while others glared at them. Some people have already yelled.

"Who are you? Leave quickly, I'm calling the police-"

These two people are not afraid of the intimidation from passengers at all. He just stared at the four big eyes and scanned the car.

The person who came here is not a good person. Considering the identity of himself and the girl, the big man immediately became vigilant and blocked the girl behind with his body.

Unexpectedly, this action exposed both of them. The two men immediately discovered the goal of their trip.

Seeing Wolverine's appearance, the two looked at each other, seemingly a little afraid. One of them, with the bald head, said to the bearded man:

"Wolverine, don't let Professor X fool you. He wants mutants and humans to coexist peacefully. But there are always people in humans who are afraid of our abilities and covet our genes.

For their own benefit, they will never stop persecuting us. Only Lord Magneto can truly allow us mutants to live openly and honestly under the sun. "

Seeing that Wolverine seemed to be hesitating, another man who dyed his hair green said:

“We kid you not, right now, there are several agencies in the American government that are studying our compatriots.

Test them like mice and slaughter them at will. Can you bear to watch your compatriots being so cruelly persecuted by humans? ! "

As soon as these words came out, Wolverine seemed to be disdainful. He was used to being a lone ranger, so he didn't really care about other mutants.

But the little naughty girl, that is, felt the same way. His expression also changed.

Unlike Wolverine, she has the ability to properly protect herself, and she is more understanding of being discriminated against and persecuted.

Seeing the change in her expression, the green-haired one became more confident. continued:

"I don't deny that Professor

Wake up, even if only 20% of humans are hostile to us, it will be enough for us to exterminate our species. "

What he said actually made some sense. It seems like he is really worried about the future of mutants.

Wolverine seemed a little shaken. After walking on earth for decades, Wolverine has seen the ugliness of human beings most clearly.

I am afraid that more than half of humans are hostile to mutants. More than 20%? ! Professor X is indeed a little naive.

However, Xiao Ming, who was watching, could clearly see that these two guys were clearly two reincarnators.

None of what they said was true, they were just said to distract Wolverine based on their understanding of Wolverine and the Rugrats.

In fact, deep down in their hearts, the fate of mutants is worthless. They only care about what power they can get in this world.

The purpose of their trip is to catch the little naughty boy, Wolverine is not important.

It's just that Wolverine's fighting power is too strong. In line with the principle of "gentlemen" using words but not using hands, the two planned to use words to defeat Wolverine.

As for Wolverine and Rugrat, their life energy looks much better. Both of them are relatively kind-hearted. It was clear who he should help.

"Ahem, ahem," Xiao Ming coughed twice, and after attracting everyone's attention, he asked:

"It's like what you two said so well? Then why are your companions attacking the two mutants outside? Why have you always been ill-intentioned towards this little girl?

Those who talk about right and wrong are right and wrong. If you are really so upright, you won't come here to attack me. "

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