Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 817 Where is the road?

The biggest problem with Magneto is that he not only puts mutants above ordinary humans, but he doesn't even care about the lives of ordinary humans.

He and his subordinates treat human lives as worthless, and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. They never care how many innocent people they kill.

Isn't this turning the originally neutral humans into enemies? ! Isn't this stupid! There is no strategic vision at all.

How many mutants are there on Earth? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Hundreds of thousands at most.

Most of them are E-level and D-level mutants with little strength. Many superpowers are just for fun and are actually useless.

There are only a few hundred mutants with certain strength, and there are very few strong ones among them.

With such a small number of people, how can they fight against billions of ordinary people on Earth? !

Besides, only a part of mutants are as jealous of the world and look down on ordinary humans as Magneto.

Most mutants' parents and relatives are ordinary people. They all hope to live in peace with humans and not have such discrimination.

Magneto's attitude of treating humans as grass has also excluded a large number of mutants.

Think about a normal person, who would like to be told that his parents are of an inferior race. Even if he is superior, it is not worth being happy.

Of course, Xiao Ming agrees with Magneto's attitude of strictly guarding against humans. Professor X's idea is too naive.

But in terms of methods, Xiao Ming really dare not agree with Magneto's terrorist approach. On the contrary, Professor X's approach is worth reference.

Xiao Ming thinks that the first step for mutants to pursue living space is to establish a base where mutants can live well.

Xiao Ming even thought that he could transfer mutants to other reincarnation worlds like the Chimera Ants. However, this idea was rejected by Professor **.

After Xiao Ming pointed out the various reasons why humans cannot be trusted, Professor X, who has a deep understanding of human nature, actually knew this.

But Professor X's approach is almost kneeling and licking humans. He helped the mutants to do a lot of things for the human beings, and prayed that the human authorities and the people would give the mutants some living space.

This is simply impossible. The wisdom of the flower growers was clearly seen thousands of years ago.

Humans are not a race that knows how to be grateful. Those who are not of my kind must have different hearts, which is the creed of humans, especially those in power.

This sentence seems to make sense, but in fact, even among humans, their hearts must be different. Race is just an excuse.

In this world, World War I and World War II were wars launched by humans against humans, and had nothing to do with race.

However, Magneto's approach was even more unreliable, and Professor X could not find a better way for a while. The future of mutants is worth worrying about.

Xiao Ming, a mutant who is stronger than him and Magneto, appeared, and his character seemed to be kind. This gave Charles Xavier hope again.

As for why Xiao Ming's plan to "immigrate" to other worlds was denied?

That's because mutants were originally born from ordinary people. It's just that the genes mutated during the genetic process.

Even if all the mutants on Earth are transferred away now, what will happen in the future?

Wouldn't the mutants who continue to be born be even more helpless and at the mercy of others? So Professor X cannot leave, and the mutants must never give up the Earth.

Establishing a base was originally Professor X's idea, but the school he established was too small and did not have enough defense.

He has been seeking to reach some kind of agreement with the American traitor government to ensure his own safety. But doing so is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger.

The American traitor government has repeatedly used mutants, and has been ungrateful and stabbed mutants in the back many times. The professor has personally experienced it.

The characteristic of this government is that money is supreme, and for the sake of profit, it does not care about any ethics and shame.

Mutants must master enough power to make people afraid, so that they can truly establish a survival base for mutants.

At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that this power cannot be abused, otherwise Xiao Ming will erect a powerful enemy for the humans in this world.

Although Xiao Ming is very dissatisfied with the American traitor government in this world. But the people are still innocent.

We can't let the common people suffer just because we don't like this government.

Therefore, the specific details still need to be discussed with Professor X and various forces.

Professor X took Storm, Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, and Morpheus's clone back to school.

Yin Xiaoming put on an invisible uniform and followed secretly. Xiaoming's invisibility has been tested, and generally a sharp-feeling A-level strongman can find clues.

However, Professor X's strength has been too thoroughly understood by Xiaoming. Knowing how to prevent it, Charles's ability is helpless against him.

Xiaoming set up several barriers in Bright Summit, which is equivalent to prisons, and imprisoned Magneto and Sabretooth respectively.

After Magneto woke up, Xiaoming met with Magneto with Neo's clone.

After a few words at the beginning, Xiaoming criticized Magneto's actions as worthless.

What kind of person is Magneto? An absolute hero! How could he be so easily convinced by Xiaoming? !

Even if Xiao Ming had some truth in what he said, he still thought that everything he did was just overcorrecting.

After mutants take over the dominant position, it won't be too late to change back. Extraordinary measures should be adopted in extraordinary times.

In his heart, mutants are the representatives of human evolution, a better race, and the progress of the world. It is an inevitable trend for mutants to replace humans.

Any human who blocks this process is against the general trend of the world, and it is not a pity to die.

Damn it! Xiao Ming is also a little angry. Humans are indeed progressing, but they can't even abandon their ancestors just because they are progressing. Without ancestors, how can you be who you are now.

Because of your own strength, you betray your parents who gave birth to you. How terrible and ungrateful.

Originally, Xiao Ming still had some respect for Magneto. Now it seems that this old man may have gone crazy and become a little psychopathic.

In his subconscious, he regards the theory of mutant supremacy as the first truth, and everything else that conflicts with this truth must give way.

Even the affection between parents is suppressed. This is also related to Lao Wan's childhood experience.

As a mutant, he suffered a lot when he was a child because of his bloodline. He was caught by the police for research.

As a result, he is proud of his mutant bloodline and believes that humans are a low-level race. His persecution of himself stems from his fear of the higher races.

Mutants are the general trend of the future. For this reason, low-level humans should give way to higher races and accept the rule of mutants.

His idea coincides with Voldemort in the Harry Potter world.

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