Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 82 Shipwreck Site

Emily and Bobby had no time to care about the diver's grievances.

After the excitement, the two of them swam and rushed towards the large shipwreck.

Xiao Ming hurriedly followed, repeatedly asking everyone not to be too far away from each other, as there might be danger here.

Considering that they had experienced so many dangerous situations in the past few hours. Now of course they have to learn their lessons and act carefully.

Emily and Bobby both said that they would not leave the diver too far.

They just refused to look for things together. Who would be the one to find it?

Xiao Ming also had no choice but to order, "Just don't leave me more than 30 meters away."

Then he watched the two of them cheer and continue to swim towards the shipwreck.

Xiao Ming was not too worried about the octopus brother who acted alone. His mimicry ability was enough to protect himself.

As for Emily, Xiao Ming discovered along the way that the mermaids had a natural charm bonus for marine life.

If she acted alone, there would be very few creatures that would actively attack her.

Could it be that all the dangers encountered along the way were caused by herself? Xiao Ming could not admit this.

This is the difficulty of the plot mission, it is definitely not my problem!

No! Plot mission, isn't this my fault? I can't get rid of it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ming suddenly felt quite depressed. It turns out that I am the source of suffering along the way.

From the perspective of the game, players can safely wait in the town to purchase the things Emily and Bobby bring back. There is no danger, but the quality of the things is...

Players who personally participate in the treasure hunt will definitely get more. But there will be corresponding dangers.

Xiao Ming, who was not in a very good mood, thought viciously: "It is better to give me something good. Don't provoke me, I will move it away for you if you provoke me!"

Yes, Xiao Ming's inspiration suddenly came. It can be moved. I have a butler space and can switch roles.

It is completely possible to load things in one space and then empty it from another character. Then switch back and continue to load things.

Repeatedly, it is possible to completely empty this place.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ming was no longer depressed, looking at the countless ships in front of him, and drooling shamefully.

When he got closer, he realized that he was just daydreaming. These ships are too big!

Each ship is as big as a hill. Xiao Ming's butler space has a volume of one thousand cubic meters. The length, width and height can be adjusted according to Xiao Ming's wishes.

But even so, it is not enough to accommodate even a medium-sized ship, let alone a large ship. Where can there be a small ship on this seabed?

Xiao Ming looked around unwillingly and finally found a way. This is what he thought of when he saw a half-broken medium-sized ship.

If the hull is broken enough, it may be stuffed into the butler space. If it is not broken enough, won't it be broken by itself?

Broken ships can be repaired by themselves. This means that there will be many more warships at once. Rich!

So Xiao Ming began to look for targets with great interest. When encountering a medium-sized ship, cut down all the masts, as they stand there and take up the most space.

Make the area around the hull flat, otherwise it really can't be stuffed in. In the end, it was found that only more than 70% of a ship could be put in the space.

There was no other choice but to find a suitable location to cut it in half and divide a medium-sized ship into two halves.

In this way, half of the ship can finally be stuffed into the housekeeper space smoothly at once. It's nothing more than spending more superpowers when repairing it in the future.

The next question is where to put it? It seems that it is better to put it in Funnel Village or Drunkard City. There is a lake and a shipyard there.

But the character of the deceased is not there. It's too late to rush over now.

Let's put it in the Li Family Pirates in Diaoyucheng. Xiao Ming is reluctant to put it there. After all, it's not his place, wouldn't it be like making wedding clothes for others.

After thinking about it, the only place that is safe and belongs to him is probably Turtle Back Mountain City. The terrain there is dangerous and closed, which is the most suitable.

Think of a bunch of half-ships piled on the mountain, which is quite funny. Just treat it as a temporary warehouse.

After a long period of collection and transfer, you have to pay attention to avoid the sight of Bobby and Emily during the process.

Finally, 12 medium-sized hulls divided into two parts and 5 half-hulls with a completeness of 50-70% were piled on Turtle Back Mountain.

Among them, there are warships, merchant ships, and exploration ships. Together with the things in the ship, cannons, cargo, supplies, various things carried by the crew, and some remaining corpses.

Of course, many small sea creatures that settled in the hull were also brought to the mountain. This is to add food to the bandits.

During this period, Xiao Ming frequently switched roles. Take care of the other characters by the way.

In the explorer, Xiao Ming finally remembered to give Han Qinlong's relics to Han Dong. Favorability +5.

In addition, the Warrior Order and the Medal of Courage were given to Han Dong. And Han Dong was also equipped with a bone trebuchet. This is all thanks to the housekeeper space.

Because Han Dong is responsible for the migration task of Xiaoyang Village, Xiao Ming dare not let him or the intelligent program do this task.

For the time being, stay on the adventure map and follow the explorer to do some chamber of commerce tasks.

There is nothing special about the researcher. In addition to shopping in Tanshan City every day, just stay in the workshop to make puppets.

An elf came to inform that the group of players who provoked the researcher had been sentenced to one day in prison and expelled from Tanshan City after being released from prison.

For the deceased, these piles of broken ships are enough to keep them busy. Xiao Ming ordered his generals to lead the bandits to search the wreckage of these ships thoroughly.

Put away everything you can find in different categories. All the spoils must be returned to the public, and there will be rewards later.

The undead are not smart enough to do these things. As for the bandits who may hide some, Xiao Ming doesn't care.

It's not that the divers moved all the medium-sized ships. In fact, only the movable ships that are easy to see were moved.

The wreckage of the ship on the seabed is stacked layer by layer, and many medium-sized ships are pressed under other ships. Xiao Ming can't do anything about them.

Bobby and Emily both filled their small pockets (personal backpack space). Satisfied.

Let's find the divers together and go home. Xiao Ming feels that he hasn't moved even one billionth of the things here. Very unwilling.

More importantly, the next clue of David Diaosi's heart has not been found yet.

It's a pity that Xiao Ming can't even delay time. The system directly follows the plot, and the divers automatically follow the two friends to leave the shipwreck.

When Xiao Ming wants to turn back to the shipwreck after being out of the control of the system. The system prompts that it is not allowed.

If you want to enter the shipwreck, you must be led by Bobby or Emily.

This is also a necessary restriction made by the system. Otherwise, any player can keep moving things out as soon as they find this place.

It will definitely destroy the balance of the game. Therefore, the restrictions on entry rights and the restrictions on stay time are very necessary.

Given that other players simply cannot move things as crazy as he does. Not to mention moving ships out.

Xiao Ming thinks it is better this way. His relative advantage will be more prominent.

While thinking about how many good things can be collected from the wreckage on Turtle Back Mountain.

While asking Bobby and Emily when they can come again next time.

Emily is older and braver. She said that we can come again next week to explore and search for treasures.

Octopus Brother Bobby is young and a little frightened. He thinks he should come again next month. He needs to calm down for a while.

Well, once a week and once a month, this is probably the highest frequency that he can come to the shipwreck to search for treasures.

Regarding the size of the ship. The author found some information and felt a little dizzy after reading it. As a game setting, I won't go into too much detail.

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