Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 831 Inhibitor

"My Lord, this is terrible. Humans have this antidote, which is simply the end of mutants. What should we do? Can you...?"

Most mutants panicked when they learned that humans had a drug that could permanently suppress mutant genes.

And it seems that this drug can be mass-produced. How can we fight against something that can be mass-produced? ! The good days of the Night Walkers are coming to an end.

Several people had to pin their hopes on Trinity, the Seven Stars Shadow clone. This Lord is extremely powerful, and maybe there is a way.

The Night Walker even knew that the Trinity in front of her was not the Lord's real body, but just a clone. She was smart not to leak this news.

A clone has such great power, so what about the real body! Even if the Lord is the same as the clone, the real body is not stronger than the clone. And there is only one clone.

Those are also two purple energy giants! They can walk sideways in the United States. What's more, it is reasonable that the Lord's strength should be even stronger.

Such a thick thigh, when else can I hug it? If the adults can fight against the American traitorous government...

Her thoughts are all reflected in her life energy, Xiao Ming can see it clearly.

They are just more careful and have done some bad things, but they are not to the extent of full of evil, otherwise they would have been dealt with by Xiao Ming long ago.

But these people are definitely not good people. Even when facing a crisis, their minds are not pure.

If they were willing to sign the contract and join X Academy, there would be no such trouble.

Even if humans have this kind of potion, they cannot enter X Academy to use it. The periphery of X Academy is all enchantment.

Humans who have not signed a contract cannot enter easily. Even if there is an inhibitory potion, they can only watch, not to mention that they don’t even know the existence of X Academy.

As for what to do with the mutants on Earth. The fact is that there is an antidote for poisonous snakes, and there is an inhibitory potion for mutants. This is normal. Xiao Ming does not intend to interfere.

Xiao Ming once again invited these mutants to sign a contract and join X Academy to be a good person.

Even if they cannot be good people, they can be ordinary people who cannot do evil.

Under the pressure of humans having a large number of drugs, there is another good choice in front of them. The mutants who lived in seclusion here all joined X Academy happily.

One of them begged Trinity to use the inhibitory drug on her immediately.

Since Trinity has dealt with the army sent by the government, she will always collect some spoils. Everyone has this kind of brain.

"Look, am I worth a potion?" She stretched out a foot hidden under her skirt, and Xiao Ming couldn't help sighing when he saw it.

There are too many cases of genetic mutation, and not every mutation is useful. Many mutations are useless and troublesome.

A pretty girl, but her right foot mutated into a heavy bear paw, which is too bad.

Even if this foot is stronger, what's the use? How can she find a boyfriend in the future? !

This mutation is really not worth keeping. Even if her next generation, or the next generation, has a chance to obtain the full power of the bear.

But it is not worth it if it costs her happiness in life. Besides, in her current situation, it is hard to say whether she can have the next generation.

The other mutants also felt pity for her.

I am lucky. If I get this mutation, I will probably feel the same as her.

After taking an injection of antidote, I watched the fat and hairy bear paw turn back into a slender jade foot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The girl is so beautiful, holding her feet, no matter how she touches or looks at them, she will never get tired of it. If someone who doesn't know sees it, they will definitely think she is a deep well ice.

All the onlookers also feel a little better. It seems that this antidote is not without benefits.

The night walkers looked at each other and still rejected Trinity's invitation. They prefer the unbridled life before.

Even if humans have this kind of potion, everyone should be more low-key in the future. Live a happy day, and the life of being a good baby is really boring.

They asked themselves, such a life might suffocate them. Everyone has their own ambitions, Xiao Ming will not force them.

However, the two people, the clone and the red tank, were injected with inhibitors by Xiao Ming without any explanation.

These two people are simply terrorists, and they have no psychology of fighting for the rights of mutants. They just like to vent violence. It is better for them not to have superpowers.

The night girl trio is better. They used to form a small mutant group and survive in the gray area of ​​the city. For example, sewers, slums and other places.

Although they usually do some bad things that gangs do, it is just for survival, and it is not full of evil. Who said that mutants have no living space in the sun?

It’s just that Magneto and Professor X have disappeared recently, so they have expanded their ambitions and want to do something "big".

After seeing Xiao Ming’s [Susanoo] and the government’s inhibitor, their ambitions were naturally scared out of their wits.

Facing these two mountains, who dares to have ambitions! I should be more careful in the future. If I continue to do stupid things, I will really die.

The hedgehog man has the same mentality as them. I don’t know what’s so good about his broken ability. He didn’t even apply for the antidote.

Thinking of them, they came here with hope, ready to deal with Mystique and recruit her subordinates, so that they can become the boss of the mutant group.

In the future, they will be able to command the support of hundreds of people and have unparalleled power. They can compete with governments around the world. Maybe they can even establish a country and become emperors.

As a result, they were slapped twice by reality.

The first slap was the appearance of the super mutant Trinity, who directly beat them back to their original form. Looking back at their previous ambitions, they felt ashamed.

The second slap was the appearance of the human army and the inhibitor. They realized that they had been monitored and used by human forces.

If Trinity hadn't taken action to deal with the human army, they would have become the guides. They led the human army to catch a large number of mutants in one fell swoop. This reputation would be infamous.

The most terrifying thing is the appearance of the inhibitor. In the future, they may have to keep their tails between their legs and become mutants, otherwise they may be turned back to their original form by a potion if they are not careful.

Fortunately, the safety of X Academy has finally been confirmed. With a strong person like Trinity, X Academy can become the last safe haven for them.

If one day, they really can't survive in human society, they can just come to Mystique to sign a contract.

(﹁·﹁)~ Xiao Ming, who saw through their little thoughts, squinted his eyes. What a beautiful thought!

There are times when it happens, but there is no third or fourth time. There will be no such good thing next time. Do you really think we don't have temper?

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