Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 848 Abandoned Camp

Xiao Ming did not kill all the monsters in the nearby underground. Of course, he could do it, but he just didn't do it.

He left a few small groups of monsters to practice with the reincarnationists, and he was also worried about the main task.

If the situation arises that a monster must be killed, wouldn't their task be completed if they don't leave a few small groups? !

The nearby underground was cleared, but I don't know how many such monster groups there are in other places on this planet.

Green Xiao Ming came to the underground in person. While releasing the death harvest, the large pieces of decayed corpses were harvested into the breath of death.

Because the corpses were too decayed, the undead materials such as bones and rotten meat could not be obtained at all.

It just so happened that Xiao Ming had no interest in such dead bones. Using this thing to summon skeleton soldiers and zombies, isn't that a joke?

Xiao Ming spent a lot of time cleaning up these monsters underground.

On the ground, the reconnaissance team led by bounty hunter William Johns found an abandoned camp.

In the original book, this camp was the main activity area for the survivors of the spacecraft.

Because the spacecraft was too badly damaged during the forced landing, it was impossible to repair it.

There were only 10 survivors left, 4 of whom were children. Fry, Johns, and Reddick were among them, and Owens died during the forced landing.

They found some useful things in the wreckage and took them with them, and then set out to find a place to live.

It is very difficult to find a place to live on such a desolate planet. It is good to find a cave. It all depends on whether God gives face.

It must be said that their luck is quite good. After passing through a cemetery of giant beasts, they actually found a camp where humans once lived.

There are not only tools and houses here, but also solar-powered cars and a small spaceship. This small spaceship has become their only hope.

Of course, before they start the spaceship, the night that comes once every 22 years falls. The monsters rushed out of the ground, and the survivors were scheming and fighting each other.

In the end, only Redick, an old man and a child were able to escape. The rest of the people, including the beautiful pilot, died tragically.

In this life, due to the efforts of the insect king, the Hunter spacecraft was not seriously damaged, and most of the supplies carried were preserved, so everyone used the spacecraft as a camp.

The only team that went out for reconnaissance was a team of less than 10 people led by Johns.

Their original purpose was to see if there was any life on this planet. It would be even better if they could find food and water.

When passing by the giant beast cemetery, they found countless huge skeletons as big as houses. Before these creatures died, they were probably comparable to the giant dinosaurs in the history of Pangu Star.

However, they are now cold, leaving only huge skeletons for people to watch. Just looking at the bones, it is hard to say how long ago these monsters were creatures.

Under the skeleton, a passenger found a human toy, indicating that humans had been here and even lived here.

Everyone was shocked, and soon they found this long-abandoned camp by following some mechanical traces. Everyone cheered loudly.

But they didn't know that Xiao Ming's shadow clone was quietly following behind this team. He saw all this.

Unfortunately, this world limits Xiao Ming to only C-level. The Seven Stars Shadow Clone is B-level, and Xiao Ming can't summon it. He can only use ordinary shadow clones.

Moreover, the use distance of the spiritual kingdom is also limited. Xiao Ming doesn't know what the shadow clone sees now.

There is no other way, the shadow clone has to cancel its own existence and pass the news back.

Green Xiao Ming, who was harvesting underground, immediately turned and moved from underground to the direction of the camp.

The camp is a little far from the place where the spacecraft landed, and Xiao Ming's work of clearing monsters has not extended so far.

So a new expedition began again, and ten shadow clones moved at high speed along the tunnel towards the camp, continuing to spread fluorescent lights to clear monsters.

Behind, in the tunnel where the monsters had been completely eliminated, there was no need for so many fluorescent lamps. Xiao Ming collected about 70% of them along the way.

Leaving 30% was to prevent the monsters from reviving and occupying this tunnel again.

The fluorescent lamps left behind could at least ensure that the monsters would not dare to approach again for decades.

After eliminating a large number of monsters, Xiao Ming cleaned up the underground part corresponding to the abandoned camp. He also added a lot of death breath to Guangmingding. At the same time, he also discovered the true ending of this camp.

There were a lot of human skeletons scattered in the underground passage, and one passage was directly connected to a closed and solid warehouse in the camp. There was no one in the warehouse.

According to Xiao Ming's estimation. It should be that after the monsters appeared, the survivors of the camp hid in this warehouse. All the doors and windows were sealed. Hope to survive the night.

Unexpectedly, these monsters would dig holes and dig passages from the underground to enter here directly, turning all the survivors into midnight snacks.

At this moment, Johns gathered all the members of the reconnaissance team in this warehouse to plot something. Green Xiaoming, who didn't want to be brought underground, heard everything.

"William, none of us can fly a spaceship! Will your plan really work?" a voice asked Johns.

"Don't worry, I know someone who can fly a spaceship, and he will definitely be willing to go with us." Johns said confidently.

"Who is it?"


"Reddick?! Are you kidding! He is a murderer. Are you sure?" When they heard that it was this wanted criminal, many people expressed their incomprehension.

"Of course, one of his crimes is that he stole a spaceship after killing someone. He is a wanted criminal. I let him go as a condition, how could he not agree?"

"Alas! This spaceship is really too small." Seeing that everyone seemed to be hesitant. William sighed and said in a compassionate tone:

"We are not abandoning others and escaping alone. After we get out, we will seize the time to ask for help. This is the only way to really help others."

"Yeah, William makes sense."

"That's right." Several people echoed in unison. Everyone felt very comfortable listening to this excuse.

Human beings are such creatures. As long as there is an excuse, they can do anything bad. Conscience is worthless.

"Remember, this matter must be kept secret." Johns added solemnly:

"If people knew about it, there would be internal strife and fighting, and we don't know how many people would die. We are doing this for the sake of the overall situation."

"Understood!", "Received!", "Understood!", "OK!"

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