Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 852 The Perfect Man Returns to Zhao

The death messengers of this fleet just happened to pass by here and captured someone when they saw him. Anyway, their sect always needs fresh blood.

The death messengers did not encounter any resistance. Even Johns and Redick, who could fight against the other side, behaved very well under the gunpoint. They also obediently handed over their guns.

They knew very well that even if they killed all the death messengers who came to capture them now, it would be useless! If they fired over there, everyone would still be finished.

It is meaningless to resist the warship in space. For now, they can only surrender and find another opportunity to escape later.

Fortunately, this is just a patrol team. They did not carry equipment to transform humans into death messengers. So all the captives were anesthetized and imprisoned.

The death messengers planned to transform these people after they joined the main fleet.

Little did they know that a strange variable had been mixed into the fleet.

In less than half a day, it seemed that nothing had changed on the surface; secretly, these captives had been replaced by shadow clones.

In fact, Redick and the others just escaped under the threat of death, and they didn't commit any serious crimes.

When they were captured just now, they were also a little loyal and didn't tell anyone that there were still humans on the planet below.

Once they told them, the patrol team probably wouldn't mind capturing more people.

Since they retained the last bit of loyalty, Xiao Ming was willing to help them. It was actually very simple to rescue them, even simpler than putting an elephant in a refrigerator.

The first step was to release 9 shadow clones; the second step was for the shadow clones to use the transformation technique to become the appearance of these people; the third step was to use the substitute technique to exchange. All done.

In addition, Xiao Ming also learned his lesson this time. He didn't put these people in Guangmingding.

Instead, he transferred them through Guangmingding and temporarily stored them in the underground fortress built by Huang Xiaoming.

Green Xiaoming continued to stay invisible on the Death Messenger's spaceship. He planned to see what this evil sect looked like.

Nine people who were in coma were lying on the ground in a mess. Huang Xiaoming looked at them and suddenly showed a sly smile.

At the same time, Yin Xiaoming, who was chatting with Wu Ling, immediately understood.

Back then, the Yulinling group in high school was three tall girls who loved sports.

Originally, they had nothing in common with Xiaoming, a geek who was only 1.7 meters tall when wearing shoes. They were just nodding acquaintances.

However, the New Han Kingdom has a strict requirement for high schools. The athletes of the high school team must pass every course.

This is also a declaration to the society that the high schools of the New Han Kingdom do not want to cultivate athletes with strong limbs and simple minds. They must be well-rounded.

However, some students planned to develop on the path of athletes from the beginning. They have never worked hard to study since childhood.

In the Yulinling group, only Gan Lin is both civil and military, and her academic performance is quite good; Gu Yiyu and Wu Ling's grades, tut tut, are simply terrible.

Xiao Ming happened to be doing well in school, mainly because he was a very patient person and explained the questions to others very clearly.

So the head teacher arranged for him to tutor Wu Ling. He was quite considerate of Xiao Ming, as Wu Ling, who was 1.8 meters tall, was the shortest in the group.

This kind of tutoring was one-on-one. Gu Yiyu had other classmates to help.

Thanks to Xiao Ming's efforts, Wu Ling was finally not dragged down by her schoolwork. As a result, the relationship between her and Xiao Ming was quite good.

In addition, Gu Yiyu, Gan Lin and Xiao Ming all had some friendship. However, from the bottom of their hearts, they still looked down on the weak Xiao Ming.

(The word "look down" here does not mean to look down on him. It's just that they have different interests and are not in sync.)

After graduating from high school, they were admitted to different universities based on their achievements in volleyball.

Among them, Gan Lin had the most comprehensive and outstanding skills and good academic performance, and was fortunate to be specially admitted to Zhongdu Chang'an Royal College.

While attending university, he also joined the volleyball team of Zhongdu Chang'an. Everyone understands this operation.

Academic performance is no longer important. As long as she can help the team achieve good results, it is a matter of words what diploma she will graduate with in the future.

Moreover, Gan Lin is quite beautiful. If she is thrown out to be a star, she can definitely crush more than 80% of film and television female stars.

This is a typical child of other people's families. She is good at studying and can enter the university; she is good at sports and can join the national team; she is also beautiful.

Alas, how can others live with this...

Gu Yiyu also entered the Nanjing Military University of Southern Capital as a special athlete. She plays volleyball with the dual identities of a soldier and a student.

In fact, it is not that they do not want to recruit Gan Lin, but the conditions they offer cannot be compared with those of Chang'an Royal Academy.

Wu Ling is more difficult than Gu Yiyu. Her height is considered high among ordinary people, but she is relatively short in the volleyball team.

Although Gu Yiyu's skills are still rough, her skills can be practiced, but her height cannot be changed. The 2-meter tall man makes Gu Yiyu very popular.

Wu Ling did not have such a good treatment. In the end, she was not selected by any university in any of the five capitals and six capitals.

Instead, he joined a volleyball team in an ordinary province and got a college diploma.

Although he was better than many people, he was far behind his two sisters.

After graduating from high school, time passed and Xiao Ming failed to keep in touch with them. He had no interest in sports and didn't know what happened to them.

Although I met the Yulinling trio in the special mission last time. But the operators were not themselves, so they could not be counted.

This time, Xiao Ming was moved by meeting Gan Lin and Wu Ling in the reincarnation world. Old classmates finally met, so they would chat often.

Now everyone is in their thirties. According to Wu Ling, Gan Lin is married. She has made great achievements in volleyball. Her career and family are going well.

Gu Yiyu and Wu Ling are both single dogs. Gu Yiyu is too tall and it is really difficult to find a partner.

Wu Ling did not mention her own situation. Looking at her life energy, Xiao Ming did not ask any more questions. The two quickly talked about telekinesis.

Perhaps the memory of teaching her lessons before has penetrated into Xiao Ming's bones. She unconsciously entered the teaching mode.

Wu Ling was the same, and she automatically and consciously entered the learning mode. She was not surprised at all about Zhang Xiaoming's familiarity with telekinesis.

After learning that Johns, Redick and others were sent back, Xiao Ming temporarily stopped teaching. Let Wu Ling go back and continue to practice telekinesis with the Heart Source Flow.

Yin Xiaoming went invisible and quietly left the survivors' camp and headed for the abandoned camp...

A few days later, Redick, Johns and others gradually woke up. Looking at the familiar warehouse, their minds were in a mess.

What the hell is this! ? Why are you back again?

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