Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 859 Pledge of Allegiance

"From the moment I saw you, I felt that the future had changed and the prophecy was no longer accurate.

But I could never have guessed that you were the savior. In just a few days, you eliminated King Marshall, the scourge of the universe.

I hope that under your leadership, the Death Messenger can get on the right track and stop being a disaster to the universe."

Aaron, an elemental, flattered Green Xiaoming while hinting and guiding something meaningfully.

As a form of life, the elemental people also have life energy. Aaron's life energy shows that her mood is 50-50 now.

Half of her is grateful for the death of King Marshall; the other half is worried about the future of the Death Messenger.

This man who calls himself King Lu has power far beyond King Marshall. Aaron has no idea whether he is good or bad.

What if this is a guy who is more brutal than Marshall, then even if he finds the surviving Avenger, he may not be able to deal with him.

What Aaron doesn't know is that the surviving Avenger Redick has actually seen Xiaoming a long time ago. Although he had never really fought with any of Xiao Ming.

However, based on the ability of King Lu to rescue them from the hands of the Death Messenger and return directly to the nameless planet, Redick did not have the courage to confront Xiao Ming.

If he knew this, this elemental tribe member who cared about the world would probably be even more troubled.

Although Xiao Ming's camp has always been kind and lawful, Aaron did not know this, and he was inevitably worried.

Xiao Ming did not know how to comfort this "meddling" elemental tribe member. She was so willing to be frightened, so he could only let her go.

After Zazan's shadow clone became the king of the Death Messenger, the Death Messenger's expedition to a certain planet was naturally terminated.

The first thing the Queen did was to summon all senior commanders to a meeting.

At the meeting, everyone was required to swear allegiance to Zazan. At this time, Zazan had been replaced by the new insect human Zazan. It was no longer the shadow clone.

When fighting with King Marshall, Xiao Ming sent his shadow clone because he was afraid that Zazan would not be a match for King Marshall.

Due to the level restrictions of this world, the new insect-human Zazan only has C-level strength, and does not have the combat power of the Chimera Ant Division Leader in the Hunter World.

Just born, this new insect-human has no combat experience. There are few trump cards, so of course it is his father who fights.

Fortunately, his telekinesis and special abilities are still preserved. In addition, he has a small universe and mental power.

After careful consideration, Xiao Ming did not give Zazan spiritual power. In order to avoid the level of spiritual power being too high, it would raise the evaluation of Zazan's strength in the reincarnation space.

During the meeting, the senior leaders of the Death Messenger thought it was just a simple loyalty ceremony, and they would just say it, but they didn't expect to have to sign and seal it.

However, it's a small matter. Can signing a signature guarantee loyalty? Too naive. Everyone thinks so.

However, they don't understand the mysterious power of telekinesis. The contract signed by everyone is the special ability activated by Xiao Ming's lawyer beast.

It takes effect immediately after signing. If it is violated, according to the oath of the Death Messenger, the price is death.

The lawyer's contract, for the kinder people, the lower the punishment. For the more serious the sins, the stronger the punishment.

This is not Xiao Ming's deliberate setting, but it is based on Xiao Ming's personality. When the ability is formed, it automatically becomes like this.

The high-level people of the Death Messenger basically have blood debts on their hands. The lawyer's contract is naturally very restrictive to them.

Many ambitious people are restricted by the contract. From the moment they signed their names, they can feel that they are cursed.

Once the contract is violated, it will be a very terrible backlash. It is estimated that they will die.

Some people accept this fate calmly. Since you can't resist, just enjoy it.

Some people are very reluctant, but they have to give in. For example, Commander Wako and his wife.

Looking at their constipated expressions, Xiao Ming is very happy. I just like to see you unhappy and helpless.

To be honest, Xiao Ming has some sympathy for the lower-level death messengers. He still regards them as victims and is willing to help them.

The higher-ups don't have this treatment. If they weren't worried about not being able to control the army of death messengers, most of them would have been killed. Now they have to make amends.

However, Xiao Ming doesn't intend to let them have an easy time. After Zazan takes the throne, Xiao Ming plans to give each of them a sword of rewarding good and punishing evil.

The sword of rewarding good and punishing evil is a soul treasure, and it is not restricted by the reincarnation space. It is true that this thing cannot be rated.

For a long time afterwards, Xiao Ming was busy getting officers of all levels in the death messengers to sign contracts.

After even the lower-level officers pledged their loyalty, Xiao Ming confirmed that the death messengers were in Zazan's hands. The higher-ups were also possessed by the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil without exception.

After that, the Insect King and Zazan spent several months adjusting Zazan's mind ability - [Aesthetic Reincarnation Injection].

This ability seems to be similar to Xiao Ming's insect evolution needle. But in fact, there is an essential difference.

When Xiao Ming uses the insect-human evolution needle on humans, he always uses it together with the original life fluid.

Therefore, in the process of transforming the target into an insect-human, most of the energy consumed is provided by Xiao Ming. In this way, the survival rate of the target can be guaranteed.

But as the leader of the Chimera Ant Division, Zazan will definitely not be as "selfless" as Xiao Ming.

And she didn't care about human life at that time. The purpose of developing this mind ability was to obtain stronger chimera ant soldiers.

So the target of the shoe queen's transformation consumed her own energy and vitality.

Because of this, many humans died during the transformation process.

Now the situation is completely different. As a fifth-level insect school among insect humans, Zazan's attitude towards life must naturally be consistent with that of the insect king.

The insect humanization of the death messenger is mainly for their loyalty. Rather than to obtain powerful warriors. The queen's mind ability must also be modified accordingly.

The final result is death, and most of the energy will be provided by scientific methods to replace the effect of the original liquid of life.

And the transformation of insect humanization will also be appropriately strengthened on the premise of preserving the life of the death messenger.

After the new ability was confirmed to be formed, Zazan entered a period of rapid transformation.

After working for less than two days, Zazan, who was originally very happy to become the king, understood the sinister intentions of the insect king.

Too tired! On average, she can only launch less than 30 aesthetic reincarnation injections every day.

It would take tens of thousands of years to transform these hundreds of millions of death messengers into insect humans. Zazan, you've worked hard.

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