Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 868 Winter Soldier

In the history of this world, Bucky Barnes was also a comrade of Captain America.

Unfortunately, during the final battle, Hydra captured him. He was later brainwashed to become an agent of Hydra and was greatly strengthened.

Later, World War II ended and Germany was defeated. Hydra went underground and began to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D.

Since then, Bucky has been kept frozen by Hydra unless he is on a mission.

Only when necessary, he will be awakened, released to do some killing and hustling, and then hibernate again. Hence the code name Winter Soldier.

After Xiao Ming repaired Bucky's brain, he didn't remember very clearly what he did during the time he was brainwashed.

Memories are fragmented and there is no logic at all. Just simply accept orders and do things. There wasn't much information he could give Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming had no choice but to focus on Nick Fury. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. should know a lot.

But God did not follow his wishes. Although he knew a lot, Xiao Ming could not break through. How can someone who can become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. be an easy person?

His mental strength is extremely tenacious, which is rare. Generally, those who have this kind of spiritual power become magicians. Nick is just an ordinary person.

If Xiao Ming wanted to forcefully break through his spirit, it was not impossible. But that would cause serious damage to him.

The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was not a bad person, and Xiao Ming could not afford to be so cruel to him just to find out something.

If you want to interrogate, there are many Hydra agents outside. Soon, Xiao Ming picked a few more guilty guys and arrested them.

These guys don't have that strong mental strength. Xiao Ming just frightened them casually in Tsukuyomi, and they immediately confessed everything.

Those who can be sent out to assassinate Nick Fury are all Hydra's hardcore. Needless to say, there are actually people among them who know some key information.

After the interrogation, Xiao Ming shivered with fright and secretly sighed: Hydra has such a big appetite.

Two years ago, Loki led the Chitauri to attack Earth, after the Battle of New York. S.H.I.E.L.D. felt the need to build a defensive force.

So we combined the highest technological level on Earth with the captured Chitauri technological items. S.H.I.E.L.D. began construction of three Helicarriers.

Although these three spacecraft cannot fly outside the Earth's gravitational range, they can always orbit the Earth like satellites.

At the same time, these three spacecraft are connected to satellites to monitor every corner of the world in real time. The weapons on the spacecraft have the ability to strike any target around the world.

Nick Fury's original intention was to use these three spaceships to fight against foreign enemies.

It's a pity that SHIELD has been too seriously eroded by Hydra. They borrowed a chicken to lay an egg and prepared another [Insight Plan] for these three spaceships.

Powerful computer systems will calculate who are Hydra's enemies, and even possible future enemies.

They plan to use these three ships to eliminate anyone who might resist Hydra's rule. Establish a new political order.

This idea is indeed not small, and the ambition is also very big. But we can only think about this matter. If we actually start to do it, how can we succeed? !

If nothing else, the Hulk and the others can't be eliminated. When he is in a hurry, he can leap from the ground to the spaceship. What's more, there is still the organization of the Ancient Master.

Even if these three spacecrafts take off, they will at most cause a large number of casualties. Mage Gu Yi is unhappy, he should be able to defeat them all with one move.

Of course, if it reaches that point, the losses around the world will be considerable. Many superheroes and righteous people may have been killed by these three spacecraft.

Nick Fury just doesn't have a long memory. Because of the appearance of Thor Loki, he planned to develop space gems and make weapons to fight against Asgard.

As a result, the space gem was used by Loki to open the space gate and summon the Chitauri fleet, causing huge losses to the earth.

What kind of sky carrier was created this time? As a result, Hydra spotted the opportunity and took advantage of it. Why are the things he does so unreliable?

If the earth wants to survive in the universe, it really should have a certain amount of power. Otherwise, there are too many powerful opponents.

However, he didn't know that the earth already had several protective umbrellas. Otherwise it would have been done long ago.

The first layer of protection is the Asgard of Asgard.

In the eyes of all races in the universe, the earth is still Asgard's territory, but the Asgards are too lazy to care about the earth.

If any alien race wants to attack the Earth, Asgard's reaction must be considered.

You must know that Odin, the father of Thor, is a being that even the villain of the universe, Thanos, is afraid of.

The second layer of protection is Master Gu Yi. She possesses extremely powerful magical powers and can also use powerful magic weapons.

With her and the three magic temples existing, ordinary enemies would not dare to provoke the earth.

The last one is Earth’s colorful superheroes and supervillains. Why do supervillains count?

If the earth does not face a devastating disaster. These people are usually busy with heroes fighting villains and villains trapping heroes. Having a great time by myself.

But once it is invaded by a large-scale alien enemy from the universe. It is not ruled out that a few super villains will become the enemies of the enemy.

But most villains are unruly people, and they are definitely not willing to be the lackeys of aliens.

The greater possibility is that they will join forces with superheroes to fight against foreign enemies.

So Nick Fury's initial idea was right, and his Avengers plan has actually been successful.

Many enemies in the universe know that the Chitauri were driven away by the Avengers on Earth.

Before they want to attack, they must first measure their own strength. Is it enough to play with the three layers of umbrellas?

Not to mention them, even Thanos dared to attack the earth after the death of Ancient One and Odin.

What Nick Fury did was to strengthen the weapons and equipment of SHIELD.

This idea is not wrong, but the mentality of those who master the weapons must be considered. Those in power are likely to use these advanced weapons to attack the third layer of umbrellas first.

After all, in the eyes of those in power, these superheroes and super villains are thorns in their eyes and flesh. They just need to be brainwashed and the people who are cut by leeks.

This kind of people in power only have their own interests in their eyes. For the sake of interests, they can even turn to foreign enemies, which is less reliable than super villains.

During the Battle of New York, the nuclear bomb dropped on New York by politicians bypassing Nick Fury is a clear proof. They even dared to attack Thor.

I really can't trust these politicians. They are too short-sighted and don't know what's outside the universe.

These three spaceships are simply a big gift package for politicians.

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