Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 873 Gift Wand

"Master Zhao Ang, you are too polite. The information about the Infinity Stones is enough. As for this wand... I will not refuse it."

Huang Xiaoming took the wand as a gift, and he liked it very much.

Xiaoming had been to the secret realm of the Harry Potter series and learned the magic there.

The biggest feature of the magic in that secret realm is that it needs to be cast through a wand.

This wand is not the kind that can be used as a dog-beating stick in the world of the Lord of the Rings. It is a very small and exquisite wand, like a musician's baton.

It is not impossible to cast magic with bare hands, which requires the magician to have a deep understanding of magic; in addition, it requires more than ten or even dozens of times the mana.

Of course, in general, the energy level of the Harry Potter secret realm is not the top, and Xiaoming is busy with his own affairs.

So Xiaoming did not explore the secret realm very deeply, did not learn much magic, and did not understand it very clearly.

However, a small magic learned in that world - [Repair as before], made Xiaoming feel that there was a lot of room for operation.

He does have a magic wand in the secret realm of the game, but not in the real world. The magic wand Zhao Ang gave him is just in time.

If the magic of "Repair as Original" is used to repair ordinary small items, Xiao Ming can still cast it with his bare hands.

But if it is used to repair some advanced things or large things. Xiao Ming cannot give so much mana at one time.

The feature of [Repair as Original] is that it can repair almost any item without reason.

Even if the caster does not know what the item originally looked like, it can still be repaired. Why does such magic arouse Xiao Ming's interest?

You should know that broken things usually lack some materials. For example, if a pair of glasses is broken, there must be some fragments that are too broken to be found.

The magic of "Repair as Original" uses mana to make up for the missing part of the material.

This is one level higher than alchemy, and it is similar to creating things out of thin air. This is something that can only be done by source energy.

Of course, the mana consumed by creating things out of thin air is quite large. If there are too many missing parts, it cannot be repaired.

For example, if you tear off a small piece from a banknote and repair it, it will not work.

The object it targets must be damaged, not disassembled. And only when more than 70% of the debris is collected can it be repaired.

Those items that are so damaged that less than 70% of them are left are beyond the range of this magic.

Of course, there are loopholes to exploit. For example, if you tear off 1/4 of the banknote each time and repair it, you can get an extra banknote after repeating it 4 times.

The premise is that you are not stupid enough to tear off 1/4 of the same position every time.

But to be honest, with the repair technique, there are many places to make a lot of money. There is no need to be so clever. The lost mana may not be recovered by a little money.

Xiao Ming thinks that this spell can play a big role both in the game and in reality.

In reality, Xiao Ming has to go through at least one reincarnation world every week. You can get a lot of things. And broken items are definitely easier to get and cheaper.

With the repair technique, we have obtained a lot of complete items. It's really a good deal. Maybe this magic can be used to repair spaceships.

In the game, Xiao Ming has three opportunities to use source energy to repair or strengthen items. If he has the magic of [Repair as before], then the repair work can be done by magic.

Invisibly, he can strengthen once more. This is still very helpful for improving the strength of the game character.

However, the wands Xiao Ming got before were not universal items and could only be used in the Harry Potter series of secrets. The main game does not accept them.

Now Xiao Ming has finally got a real wand. So, is it far away to get another universal wand in the game? Xiao Ming is full of confidence.

The one Zhao Ang gave to Xiao Ming is certainly not a very high-end product, but it is not too bad. It is the wand used by Cedric in the original book.

It is twelve and a quarter inches long, made of yellow cinnamon wood, male unicorn hair, and very elastic. Yellow cinnamon wood is the wood of knowledge, purity and truth, and is sometimes called the "unicorn tree".

This kind of wand can basically only be "produced" from the Harry Potter world, and it is difficult to make in the real world.

Then again, no matter how special the wand is, it can't surpass the Zanpakutō. Since the Zanpakutō can be made, so can the wand.

First, you need to get permission from the reincarnation space and learn how to make it; second, you need to get the material supply.

The materials for making the wand must come from the Harry Potter world. This requirement is quite strict.

The one Xiao Ming got was not produced by the reincarnationists. Instead, Zhao Ang got it in the mission world.

There has been no suitable person in the family to use it, so Xiao Ming got a bargain.

The deal was reached, and a few days later, several reincarnationists were sent to receive and drive away a sky carrier.

Although Xiao Ming was very curious about how they would send the spaceship to reality. But in the spirit of the contract, Xiao Ming did not do anything on the spaceship.

During this period, Zhao Ang told Xiao Ming about his family's several guesses about the Infinity Stones.

The secret of the Infinity Stones is probably too high-level, and even the Song King family, one of the Twelve Kings, only knows a little bit.

It's not their fault. The reincarnation space protects the infinite gems very strictly. Even if they are placed in front of them, the reincarnators can't see the gems clearly.

If they are not qualified, they can't even get close to the infinite gems. So many things are guessed and guessed.

The only infinite gem that Zhao Ang can confirm is the one in the spirit ball of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

That's because I heard the special introduction of the collector, so I can know this news, and it's hard to say about the others.

Zhao Ang estimated that the ether particles used by the dark elves to destroy the nine worlds last year may also be an infinite gem. After all, not everything is qualified to destroy the world.

In addition, he suspected that there may be an infinite gem in the machine used to open the space gate and summon the Chitauri. I really don't know about the others.

His guesses are all correct. The spirit ball contains the power gem; the dark elves use the reality gem; the space gem opens the space gate.

When in the secret realm, Xiao Ming once came into contact with the space gem for a short time and gained a lot of improvement.

Something with such rich energy may really be an infinite gem. Xiao Ming agreed with Zhao Ang's guess and wanted to see it.

Just because the reincarnators couldn't get the Infinity Stones didn't mean Xiao Ming couldn't get them. When Xiao Ming thought about it, he felt itchy.

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