Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 884 Predator Spaceship

Green Xiaoming didn't hesitate for long, and Zhao Ang on Earth ordered Huang Xiaoming to leave. If you don't leave this world, I will deal with you.

A good man doesn't suffer a loss in front of him. Xiaoming didn't stay here. He used the props to leave the world of "Guardians of the Galaxy".

This kind of separation is a complete separation. The three Xiaomings, carrying all their subordinates, hurriedly returned to the settlement space.

Xiaoming believed that he had a great influence on the world of "Star Trek" and his performance in "Guardians of the Galaxy" was also good, especially breaking through the plot of "Captain America 2".

He thought that there should be a large amount of source energy in the account. However, there was no. Xiaoming asked Qianxinglou angrily.

The answer he got was that Xiaoming had obtained a large part of the energy of the power gem, which offset the reward.

...If that's the case, then forget it. Just when Xiaoming expressed his resignation, Qianxinglou told him that there was a surprise in the rating mall.

Xiao Ming went to see it quickly. Sure enough, in addition to the common items in the rating mall, there was a new item - [Random Invitation to the Immortal Cultivation World].

The name is self-explanatory. It is a prop that allows reincarnationists to enter a random immortal cultivation world. Is it valuable? It is quite valuable!

For so long, Xiao Ming has only been lucky, or unlucky, to enter the immortal cultivation world once.

That time he went to the Journey to the West world, but was killed by Sun Wukong with a stick. Basically, he didn't gain anything.

For reincarnationists, the immortal cultivation world is also full of dangers, but also full of temptations.

There are high-level skills, opportunities, treasures... As long as you get the same good ones, you can make a leap.

So no matter how dangerous the immortal cultivation world is, it is still the world that reincarnationists want to go to the most. At worst, you can die.

With this mentality, thousands of reincarnationists have been rushing forward, sharpening their heads to get into the immortal cultivation world.

Little do they know that the most special thing about the immortal cultivation world is that you may not be able to die if you want to.

Most of the reincarnations basically die. There are always unlucky ones who are left there forever.

However, every now and then, there will be one or two lucky people who appear and continue to "encourage" the reincarnations to take risks.

With Xiao Ming's strength, although he cannot guarantee that he will never die, he is also qualified to venture into the world of immortal cultivation.

There is no rush for this matter, let's talk about it later. Xiao Ming quietly put away the prop.

"Master, what do you think of this thing? I got it with great difficulty." When he came to the team space, Kraken came to Xiao Ming to offer his treasure first.

Two weeks ago, he and Yijian Guang Hanzhao Jiuzhou each took ten hacker energy blocks from Xiao Ming. It seems that it took two weeks to sell them.

As a result, when Xiao Ming saw what he took out, he almost sprayed. It seems that this is not a predator's spaceship.

Kraken enthusiastically introduced the performance of this spaceship. There are space jump devices, weapons and equipment, life support equipment, medical equipment... and so on.

Xiao Ming was speechless. If I want this thing, can't I just bring one from the world of Guardians of the Galaxy?

Of course, the real difference between the spaceship Xiao Ming brought and this spaceship is whether it has been reported to the cosmic management agency.

Kraken told Xiao Ming that on Pangu Star, motor vehicles need to be licensed by the government and inspected every year. The same rules apply in the universe.

Spaceships are not driven casually in the universe. Once space teleportation is carried out, they will be regulated by relevant cosmic agencies.

No one knows whether your spaceship carries dangerous goods, especially bacteria, viruses and other things that are carried inadvertently.

If you are not careful, it will cause catastrophic consequences on another planet. Therefore, cosmic civilizations attach great importance to such things.

Several relatively powerful civilizations have formed a joint management agency. Specialized in handling most of the related matters of space travel. Security inspection is also one of them.

Why say most? Because the network woven by the blue source energy also has places that cannot be covered. For example, the Yanhuang Three Star System.

This agency does not care about the Earth's march to the Yanhuang Three Star System.

However, when the New Han Kingdom takes root in the Yanhuang Three Star System, the influence will be large enough. The blue network is likely to spread over, and then it will be under their control.

In addition, space travel or space jumps in a very small area.

As long as it does not cross two blue network nodes, they will not care. It is considered an internal matter of a node.

This predator spacecraft is probably taken out by an alien reincarnation. Although it is not very valuable, Xiao Ming thought about it and decided not to return it.

He felt that he needed a formally registered spacecraft with weapons. The last one without weapons was a bit miserable.

In fact, at this time, Xiao Ming still didn't understand the rules very well. In the universe, the organization that manages the blue network only supervises things on the technological side.

If an intelligent creature can survive in space with a physical body and use the blue network.

In this case, the energy level of this creature is not low. It is difficult for bacteria and viruses to survive on him.

They are actually not supervised by the technological side. Naturally, there are other masters who take care of this matter, but they no longer need that kind of certificate.

Kraken's civilization is mainly technological, and has limited knowledge of supernatural powers. Kraken also cannot detect the corresponding managers.

In fact, the blue dragon that Xiao Ming saw at the beginning was one of the managers of the supernatural side.

Xiao Ming can lean towards the supernatural side. He knows all the managers, so he really doesn't need a spaceship to go through security checks.

Creatures that can meet the conditions for physical space jumps must at least reach A-level, and a very small number of gifted B-level creatures may also be able to do it. S-level and above are more reliable.

Life at this level has long been immune to all poisons. There are no bacteria or viruses on them.

If there are, then the virus itself is at least A-level virus. At this level, they must be collected for reincarnation space supervision, but there is no need to worry.

We know that there are also creatures in space that adapt to the space environment. They are born to survive in the universe in the flesh.

However, they cannot use the blue network. There are only two ways to use the blue network:

Either develop technology; or develop supernatural power. And the several civilizations at the cosmic level mainly supervise these two aspects.

Of course, Xiao Ming accepted this predator spaceship for another reason. That is, Xiao Ming forgot to bring one back.

When he was driven away by Zhao Ang, time was too urgent and he was too busy in all aspects, so he didn't have time to pack up properly.

In addition, Xiao Ming had a sky carrier that he couldn't take with him, so in a panic, he gave that spaceship to Master Ancient One.

What a pity, he didn't get anything good in exchange.

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