Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 931 Three parties fighting for the God's Battle Robe

"Everyone, everyone," Lu Xiaoming covered his stomach with his hand, and said with an embarrassed expression:

"I'm really sorry, my stomach hurts a little, I need to find a place to relieve myself, please wait for me here for a moment... No, wait for me for half an hour..."

Whether it was Alubelisi or the Sixth Heaven of Ice, they all showed expressions of concern and worry on their faces, and said very "sincerely":

'You are welcome, we will wait for you here, we won't go anywhere. You can take as long as you want to relieve yourself, and the later you come back, the better. It doesn't matter if you don't come back. '

What's going on? It's very simple, the battle for the God Fighting Clothes is about to begin.

For the Sixth Heaven of Ice and others, Xiaoming only agreed to hand over the God Fighting Clothes to them, but he didn't mean to help them fight. Not to mention fighting with a strong man like Alubelisi.

Even the Sixth Heaven of Ice couldn't say anything about this. They didn't even want Xiaoming to participate in their battle with Alubelisi.

Because according to the development of this plot, the situation of Alberich, Green Xiaoming and the Reincarnationists competing against each other naturally formed.

Alberich is the original owner of the God's Clothes of Tianquan Star; Xiaoming is the current owner of the God's Clothes; the Reincarnationists are the ones who covet the God's Clothes.

And the three parties happened to gather together. The Reincarnationists were pulled here by Xiaoming. But even if Xiaoming didn't pull them, they would have come.

If the God's Clothes were snatched away from King Lu by Alberich, it would be difficult to take it back.

As for the three 1/3 complete devil fruits given to Xiaoming, it was a piece of cake for the [Game of Thrones] organization.

In fact, if the Reincarnationists want to obtain the ownership of the God's Clothes and be recognized by the space, they must go through one or more battles.

If they can defeat Xiaoming and Alberich, then the ownership of the God's Clothes will at least be obtained by more than half. If he performs better, he might succeed completely.

Huh? In this case, why is Xiao Ming also considered one of the parties?

That's a matter of course. After handing over the God Fighting Clothes, Xiao Ming has completed the agreement.

He can come to rob again. This is not only not prohibited by the reincarnation space, but also not prohibited in advance by the agreement between the two parties.

It's not that the Sixth Heaven of Ice didn't think of this, but he deliberately left this excuse to attract Xiao Ming to come back and rob, so as to increase the difficulty.

(Of course, if the direction of the plot development is that it will be more beneficial for him to cooperate with King Lu again, then he can also sign a new agreement again.)

According to the understanding of the reincarnation space in [Game of Thrones], the more difficult it is to obtain and hold an item, the greater the possibility that the space will approve the reincarnationist to obtain its ownership.

In this, the competition between reincarnationists is also considered within the difficulty.

Of course, it is not possible for both parties to act, because that will not be hidden from the soul space, and it must be a real competition.

In this high-energy world, it is very difficult to fight against the plot characters. Alberich is okay, but if Czech Freed also comes, then there will be no chance at all.

Although it is difficult to judge the strength of the reincarnationist Lu Wang, judging from his ability to join the Fairy Palace, his strength should not be very strong. At most, it is around Class B.

Because A-level reincarnationists cannot join any forces at this stage.

Even if they join, they cannot go deep into the core areas of various forces. They can only move around the periphery and be regarded as guest characters.

They naturally cannot know that there are such things as VIPs in the reincarnation space. It is not their fault to misjudge Xiao Ming's strength.

Compared with the powerful God Warrior and the reincarnationist Lu Wang, they certainly hope to fight against Lu Wang.

They even hope that Lu Wang can be reborn a few more times and fight for a few more times. In this way, the difficulty may be enough.

Therefore, Bing Zhiliu Tian and others even designed many plots, intending to make Lu Wang think that he can get back the God Fighting Clothes as long as he works harder. This is the only way to attract King Lu to use the resurrection stone.

This was not their original plan. They originally planned to cooperate with King Lu. It's just that the plot has evolved like this, and they just adapt to the situation.

It's hard for them. From Xiao Ming finding a few people to complete the transaction to setting off for the underwater temple, in less than an hour, they have already made a relatively complete plan.

Unfortunately, playing tricks on people with telepathy, the Sixth Heaven of Ice has hit a wall.

This battle must not be known to the people of the Fairy Palace, so in order to be farther away from the core area of ​​Valhalla Temple, they walked straight for 4 or 5 hours, and the Sixth Heaven of Ice signaled Xiao Ming to find an excuse to leave. It's almost time to start the war.

After walking such a long way together, the conspiracy and calculations of both sides have been weighed several times in their minds. Xiao Ming also watched several times.

The conspiracy of the reincarnation is indeed sharp, but Alberisi, the first wise man of the Fairy Palace, should not be underestimated.

This time, don't look at the surface that it is 3 reincarnations against a god warrior. In fact, both sides brought a large number of reinforcements.

On the side of the reincarnationists, almost all the reincarnationists in the Nordic Fairy Palace came. There are about ten people, and their strength is between C-level and B-level.

In addition, there are reincarnationists from the Fairy Palace who cannot join. There is an A-level master who should be nearby.

He is the partner of the Sixth Heaven of Ice. I believe everyone can guess his nickname, which is "Sixth Heaven of Fire". The two partners are collectively called [Sixth Heaven of Ice and Fire].

In the organization of Song of Ice and Fire, each heaven is a pair of partners. From the first heaven to the ninth heaven, there are 9 groups of 18 people. All of them are reincarnations of ice and fire.

Until someone dies, the organization will arrange and select a substitute. The sixth heaven of ice was just filled in, so the strength is much worse.

The sixth heaven of fire is a veteran strongman. Since both sides are partners, of course they have to help each other.

On the side of Albelisi, in addition to a large number of warriors in his family. He also pulled a god warrior to help him. And this god warrior is someone that even Xiao Ming doesn't know.

There is no way, he always hides in the dark and deliberately avoids Xiao Ming. And in the territory of God, Xiao Ming can't scan the map on a large scale. So he has never known his existence.

This person is not a genuine god warrior, but the brother of Kaiyang Star Sabertooth Tiger-Xidu, the auxiliary star shadow god warrior Sabertooth Tiger-Badu.

The difference between him and his brother is that Xidu's God Fighting Cloth is black, while Badu's God Fighting Cloth is white. And there is no Odin sapphire on Badu's God Fighting Cloth.

The genuine God Warriors are grateful to King Lu, and it is impossible for them to help Alberich deal with King Lu.

Only Badu has some mixed feelings of love and hate for his brother, which makes his mental state unbalanced.

That is why he was persuaded and used by Alberich to participate in this battle.

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