Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 939 Testing of the Dark Clothes

When Chubu died, the Hades of the Earth Yin Star fell off his body, splitting and recombining from the humanoid armor form, returning to its original form - the headless knight. To be honest, it was really a bit handsome.

Watching this change happen in front of him, Xiao Ming had a sense of déjà vu of Transformers. Transformers can also transform between different forms.

The difference is that when the Hades transforms into human form, it is worn on the Hades Warrior. Transformers do not have this function. There is no such a big person to "wear" Transformers.

Xiao Ming was not polite and still "swallowed" Chubu's body. The next step is to test the Hades.

For this reason, Xiao Ming was worried that it was not safe enough in Guangmingding and could not completely block the small universe of God. It is hard to say what will happen during the test.

So Xiao Ming hid in Kunlun. This world condensed by many kinds of high-level treasures. It should still be quite safe.

The "indigenous" queen insect No. 001 here is still responsible for laying eggs in the territory of the Demon Realm Zerg, and was not brought this time. Catwoman was also not there, and it was a little deserted.

The only resident now was Queen Worm 001. Seeing Xiao Ming coming, she flapped her wings and flew over.

In fact, there is no concept of up, down, left, and right in Kunlun. The giant trees inside grow three-dimensionally from the center of Kunlun to all directions. Even the roots cannot be seen.

If we have to divide it up and down, then the core area of ​​the giant tree, the center of Kunlun, is probably the bottom. It's just that Kunlun is still too small, and there are not many mass objects, and they can't form enough gravity.

Although the Zerg under Xiao Ming is also fighting in the Demon Realm, Queen Worm 001 has no help in the battle of the Demon Realm because she clicked the wrong skill tree.

Xiao Ming just keeps her. I really don't know why.

Queen Worm 001 is always thinking about it and wants to help the master do something, otherwise it is really unworthy of such a generous treatment.

A while ago, the alien octopus man Kraken gave Xiao Ming a predator spacecraft. In order not to occupy the space of Guangmingding, Xiao Ming stuffed it into Kunlun.

I plan to take it out and play with it when I have time. But in fact, Xiao Ming thinks that there are few opportunities to use this spaceship. It will probably be left there to gather dust in the future.

As a result, this spaceship was chosen by Queen Worm 001.

Among the Zerg, Queen Worm was originally a spiritual type of soldier. However, Queen Worm 001 added skill points to life, defense and speed.

There is only one skill that can be called a spiritual type, which is the innate skill of Queen Worm - [Infection].

It can combine the body of Queen Worm with machinery, retain most of its functions, and belong to the Zerg.

This skill is generally used by Queen Worm to infect space battleships, large robots and the like. The Predator spaceship is too small.

However, let us not forget that Queen Worm 001 clicked the wrong skill tree. She has developed incorrectly and has no ability to infect large space battleships.

For her, the Predator spaceship is just right. Of course, it is no problem to be a little bigger.

When Green Xiaoming entered Kunlun this time, Queen Worm 001 took the initiative to report his ideas to the master.

Two characters that Xiao Ming had almost forgotten were going to merge. Xiao Ming thought about it and felt that there should be no harm, so he let her do it. So he nodded in agreement.

Hou Chong No. 001 was overjoyed, turned around and rushed towards the Predator spaceship like a gust of wind. It was really fast, as expected.

In the blink of an eye, Hou Chong No. 001 had expanded its body and spread all over the Predator spaceship.

Xiao Ming could sense that the Hou Chong was invading the Predator spaceship little by little and merging with it. The spaceship itself had no consciousness, so there was naturally no obstacle.

But even so, this infection did not seem to be something that could be completed in a short time.

Xiao Ming observed for a while and then lost interest. He turned his attention back to the Earth Yin Star Underworld Clothes.

He planned to conduct a series of tests on the Underworld Clothes, and if he did well, he could use them for himself. The defense of the Underworld Clothes was comparable to that of the Gold Saint Cloth.

Although the Underworld Clothes of the "Earth" generation were a little worse, they were definitely comparable to the Silver Saint Cloth. It seems that Hades, the king of the underworld, is richer than the goddess Athena.

For the first test, Xiao Ming sent out the Seven Shadow Clone to try to put on the Hades Clothes, but the clone was indifferent and ignored the clone...

For the second test, Xiao Ming did it himself. Although he was worried about the transformation of the human body by the Demon Star, Xiao Ming predicted that it should not be that easy.

Can a mere Earth Yin Star transform itself? This is too much of an overestimation of 108 Demon Stars.

Before, when the Sea King Poseidon's microcosm descended on the Nordic Fairy Palace, Xiao Ming had also felt the God's microcosm.

Although it is very strong, it is still beyond his ability to change himself.

There are reasons why the Sea King has not yet fully awakened, and there are also reasons why the Great God Odin in the Fairy Palace blesses him.

However, even if all these factors are taken into account, the Sea King's microcosm is still not enough to tamper with his mind. This is not a question of how many microcosms there are, but a question of realm.

What even the gods can't do, how can a mere demon star do it. Xiao Ming still has confidence in this.

Of course, the Earth Yin Star Hades Clothes has locked onto the Hades Saint. Xiao Ming still can't wear it.

The first two tests were declared invalid, which was completely within Xiao Ming's expectations.

In the next test, Xiao Ming used his copycat ability to transform into Chubu and try on the Hades Clothes.

Just as Xiao Ming guessed, the judgment of the Hades Saint by the Demon Star has not yet reached the point of penetrating into the soul.

Xiao Ming's transformed Chubu immediately received a response from the Hades Clothes. It was decomposed into parts and put on Xiao Ming.

However, the matter did not end there. After putting on the Hades suit, the Demon Star seemed to find something wrong.

The Hades warrior inside had a sense of right and wrong. So he began to communicate with Xiao Ming's spirit. He made the same mistake as Garlon.

The result was naturally a meat bun hitting a dog, and he never came back. (Hey! Who is the meat bun? Who is the dog?)

The Demon Star certainly has a set of skills, but he is far inferior to Zhang Xiaoming in terms of spiritual level. Even in terms of the amount of spiritual power, Xiao Ming is still stronger than the Demon Star.

After being beaten, the Demon Star's first reaction was to find his parents. It tried to contact Hades's small universe to support itself. Unexpectedly, it couldn't find it no matter how hard it tried.

This shows the benefits of Xiao Ming's choice to come to Kunlun for testing. In this small world, the Demon Star can't contact Hades at all. Dad ignored him.

Without a backer, the Demon Star immediately surrendered. As long as Xiao Ming is willing to surrender, the Earth Yin Star is willing to completely submit to Xiao Ming.

But how could Xiao Ming accept such a thing with an extremely twisted will. Without changing his expression, he completely annihilated it.

The demon star Di Yinxing disappeared. Xiao Ming wanted to keep his skill of transforming the human body. Unfortunately, he failed. I don't know where it disappeared.

From then on, Di Yinxing's Hades Clothes no longer had a demon star, lost its own will, and became a Hades Clothes that anyone can wear, including the Seven Stars Shadow Clothes.

Although this result is not the best, it is also quite outstanding.

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