Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 94: The Stone of Other Stars

After death, Zhang Xiaoming returned to his personal space and took 7 or 8 deep breaths before he slowly calmed down his excitement.

He was still not used to this kind of fierce battle, let alone death in battle.

Summarize some experience of this battle. First of all, it is very useful to summon skeleton soldiers in reality. There should always be some bone sticks in the housekeeper space.

Thinking of being a necromancer in reality, Xiaoming felt that it seemed quite interesting. There was a feeling of a big boss behind the scenes.

On second thought, using skeleton soldiers in reality was a bit ostentatious, and using zombies was easy to cause panic. (Do you really want to use them on Pangu Star? That's courting death!)

Among the undead soldiers he had seen, ghosts without entities seemed to be the most suitable.

Be sure to collect the skill book of summoning ghosts. But at what level does the character of the deceased have to be upgraded to learn this skill?

Xiaoming's thinking has deviated from summarizing combat experience to how to act cool in reality. Hurry up and pull it back.

The second combat experience is: his mobility is relatively poor. Facing this low-level battlefield, if the speed is fast enough, it is possible to break through the encirclement at the cost of some injuries.

Xiao Ming's current speed-up skill is the "shaving" that he secretly learned, and he has not mastered it very well.

This aspect can be studied and developed well. The world's martial arts can only be broken by speed. Although it is a novelist's words, it is also very reasonable.

If you can fly in a short distance, it will be even better. Flying is the dream of all humans.

Speaking of which, when the zombie came in with a big hammer, he could actually use the shaving to jump high into the air.

Then throw a telekinetic bomb to kill it. In this way, you can still continue to fight.

However, Xiao Ming has no particular regrets about this. He was actually very tired after fighting for two hours in a row. Self-destruction is also a relief.

Here comes the point. Those things that were secretly stuffed into the housekeeper's space during the battle seem to need to be sorted out.

Checking the gains is more attractive than summarizing the combat experience. Things from another galaxy, Xiao Ming is very curious.

In order not to become a cat killed by curiosity. Xiao Ming certainly can't sort it out in his bedroom. A certain amount of caution is still necessary.

He left the game room and used his telekinesis "Jue" to reduce his presence. (It's not very effective against the undead, but it's very useful in modern society.)

He quietly slipped out of his bedroom. He left the studio through the window. He went deep into the warehouse area. He found an unmanned warehouse and went in.

This place should be safer. Xiao Ming put out all the things in the housekeeper's space.

The things that filled up a cubic meter of space were spread out to form a large area. Why didn't they put the boxes in at the beginning? Mistake.

These things are neither new nor old. They look like they have been there for a while, but the time should not be particularly long.

Even the wooden things have no signs of decay. Of course, it may also be the result of being sealed and preserved.

Based on the ruins of that city, plus these things. Xiao Ming thinks that the level of civilization on Nuwa Star was "once" very high.

And they must be a magic civilization, and they can only be said to have their own merits compared to the technological civilization of Pangu Star. It's hard to say who is better.

Based on Xiao Ming's experience over the past few days, it can be confirmed that magic is real.

That is a substance or energy that exists in the Yanhuang Three Star System, and the two are equivalent.

Xiao Ming is not a scientist, so he cannot study and analyze from a scientific perspective. He can only be a user.

While using magic, Xiao Ming also has some new understandings of his own superpowers.

Especially in the battle just now, when the mana is insufficient, there is no problem in using superpowers to supplement the mana.

His own superpowers are simply a panacea. It can be converted into various forms of energy.

Except for the less total amount, there are no disadvantages. And with the frequent application, Xiao Ming can feel that the total amount of his own superpowers has also increased significantly.

The nature of one's own abilities cannot be figured out in a day or two. The focus now is on the things brought back from Nuwa Star.

Xiao Ming feels that the warehouse where he was fighting should belong to an alien medical clinic.

Because of the things on the ground. Most of them look like medicinal materials. Various grass roots, barks, animal organs, bones, etc.

Observe with telekinesis, they all contain good life energy. But Xiao Ming absolutely dare not touch them at all.

Because from the perspective of telekinesis, these things exude various brilliances.

Xiao Ming didn't know much about Chinese medicine, let alone this kind of alien medicine. He couldn't distinguish these things clearly.

There was no way, so he had to put these things back in the space first.

There were also some things like books and papers. But Xiao Ming didn't recognize the alien characters on them at all, which was depressing. He could only put them away.

What was left were some things that should be jewelry and jade. Maybe these things can be ground into medicine.

However, in Xiao Ming's telepathic perception, he could vaguely perceive that wearing these things would bring different degrees of benefits to the body.

Xiao Ming had seen some jades collected by others before. But at that time, he didn't have telepathic power and couldn't tell whether those jades had the legendary effects.

Now, his "star" stone can attack jade. The stones from aliens do have an effect.

These things should be put away separately. Pick out one of the stones that can enhance physical fitness and wear it close to the body.

Finally, there was a small cup left that looked like it was carved from alien jade. It was unique.

Its special feature was that no matter how carefully Xiao Ming used his telekinesis to observe it, he could not feel that it was special.

And this was the most special thing. The Nuwa planet was full of magical energy, and the entire planet was immersed in magical energy.

Almost everything had some magical power, and in Xiao Ming's telekinesis observation, it would show a little bit of specialness.

So this thing that had nothing special became particularly prominent.

Xiao Ming estimated that it could only be some very advanced means to cover its "magic fluctuations". ——This is a word Xiao Ming made up.

The cover was too thorough. So that under Xiao Ming's telekinesis, it was revealed. -There is no silver here.

When encountering an unidentified object, try to repair it with superpowers first. This has become Xiao Ming's first reaction in the game.

Hold this alien jade cup in the palm of your hand and activate your superpower. Magical things happened.

Xiao Ming's original intention was to repair and restore the treasure to its original appearance. But the treasure itself did not change. (Maybe it was not damaged in the first place.)

As Xiao Ming's superpowers were injected, a drop of silver-like liquid condensed in the center of the jade cup, which was crystal clear.

After the condensation was completed, the jade cup no longer accepted Xiao Ming's superpowers. It was probably in the cooling time.

The drop of silver liquid was suspended in the center of the jade cup.

Under Xiao Ming's telepathic induction, it can be confirmed that drinking it can enhance a certain quality of oneself.

Xiao Ming used the identification technique to further confirm, but for some reason, he did not get any information.

He felt that there was a 90% possibility that it should be a good thing. Drink it or not, this is a question.

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