Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 960 Europa Tea Restaurant

Among the many messages, only two were requests to meet Xiao Ming in real life. It was hard to refuse either.

One was from the Sixth Heaven of Ice to King Lu; one was from 13146 to Huang Huihuang.

The others, even the messages from the trio of Liu Tao, Guan Lin, and Zhang Tie, were just ordinary greetings. They were not ambitious.

Trading with Xiao Ming was a small profit. He exchanged a mini version of Shukaku for two scaled clothes of attendants. It was a good deal.

So in their eyes, Huang Huihuang was a sign of good luck. It was necessary to say thank you and build a good relationship. There was no substantial business at the moment.

The Sixth Heaven of Ice did not raise an army to question the culprit as Xiao Ming imagined. In fact, everyone knew the whole story. There was no need to play tricks.

He could indeed rely on the power of [A Song of Ice and Fire] to make a first accusation and take the lead, which would facilitate bargaining in future negotiations.

But it's easy to mess up if you do this. If King Lu has a bad temper, they might break up.

In fact, Bingzhi Liuchongtian was very worried. He was afraid that King Lu would not accept the friend request at all, which would be a real problem. Because he really wanted something.

So Bingzhi Liuchongtian didn't play tricks, but simply asked King Lu to meet and chat. The location was decided by King Lu. As long as it was a place belonging to the reincarnation space, it would be fine.

When reincarnationists meet, especially when strangers meet for the first time, they usually choose the "industry" under the name of the reincarnation space. This is safe for both parties.

Xiao Ming has heard of this unspoken rule. But to be honest, Xiao Ming only knows one territory belonging to the reincarnation space, and he has only been to that one. That is the Qinglong branch.

So Xiao Ming had no choice, so he replied that he hoped to meet at the Qinglong branch.

When Bingzhi Liuchongtian saw this reply, he almost spit out blood. His organization didn't know that the Qinglong branch was a planet-level Qinglong.

But he knew that the Qinglong branch occupied a large area. How much effort would it take to meet at the Qinglong branch without agreeing on a specific location!

This even moved his partner, Fire Sixth Heaven. Of course, no matter how big a place is, there will be some landmarks, and it is not difficult to agree on a suitable meeting place.

However, the Qinglong branch is actually very far away. To be precise, the Qinglong branch is not in the Milky Way. To go there, you need to buy slightly expensive props from the Samsara Space.

We are all Pangu people, and there are also small industries in the Samsara Space on Pangu. Or even if we meet in the solar system, it would be more reliable.

How can you go to the Qinglong branch outside the Milky Way just to meet? Isn’t this a bit too much?

Even if you have money, you can’t waste it like this. Isn’t this King Lu bluffing?

Ice and Fire Sixth Heaven discussed it and felt that it was better not to swell up their faces and pretend to be fat, and it didn’t matter if they lost some face. So they replied that they hoped to meet at the Europa Tea Restaurant.

Xiao Ming quickly asked the Samsara Space how to get to the Europa Tea Restaurant?

Qianxinglou replied that as long as Xiaoming could name any industry in the real world of the Samsara Space, he could be teleported there for free as a golden VIP.

Similarly, if Xiaoming appeared in any industry, he could also be teleported back to an industry on Pangu Star for free.

The quality of this service was really amazing, and it was completely free. So Xiaoming replied to Bingzhiliutian: OK. I'll go right away.

Then without saying anything, he applied to the space for teleportation... Note that only Green Xiaoming was teleported here. Silver Xiaoming and Yellow Xiaoming had other things to do.

As soon as Xiaoming arrived at the so-called Europa Tea Restaurant, he felt something was wrong.

First of all, the gravity here is very low, only about one-eighth of that on Pangu Star.

Secondly, this place doesn't look like a tea restaurant at all. The megalithic structure of the building looks a bit like the underwater temple of Poseidon.

Finally, Xiaoming looked up and saw that the blue above his head was not the sky, but the sea water. What's going on? Who moved the underwater temple out?

"Captain! Why are you here? I know. Are you here to see me?" A very surprised voice sounded somewhere in front of Xiao Ming.

Can I meet someone I know here? Xiao Ming looked closely and found that it was a member of Mingjing Team, a member of the Dragon Clan Royal Family, with a sword shining coldly on Jiuzhou. He has now turned into a human form again.

"Brother Jiuzhou?! How come...? Oh, so... Europa Tea Restaurant is yours?! And... Oh... I understand."

After a lot of incoherent talk, Xiao Ming "shocked" and understood everything.

To be honest, if Xiao Ming hadn't stayed in the Saint Seiya world for 15 years, he wouldn't have reacted so slowly. Many things are indeed a bit unclear.

Out of inertial thinking, Xiao Ming thought that Europa Tea Restaurant was the name of a tea restaurant on Pangu Star. He was shocked when he was teleported.

In fact, Xiao Ming should have thought of it a long time ago. The reincarnation space is managed by Qianxing Tower, that is, Dragon Palace.

Zhao Jiuzhou also said that he lived in Europa, the second satellite of Jupiter. Plus the name of Europa Tea House, it can actually be linked together.

This tea house is not on Pangu, but is actually located on the bottom of Europa, Jupiter's second moon. It is completely reasonable to see Zhao Jiuzhou here.

The only thing that is unclear is whether this tea house is Zhao Jiuzhou's home. Or is there actually a dragon town here?

Xiao Ming did not feel any threat, so he released his mental power and secretly scanned the surrounding situation.

I found that there was only a huge underwater palace here. There are many rooms and buildings inside and outside the palace.

Europa Tea Restaurant is actually outside the palace. Otherwise, how can you see the "sky" when you look up? The inside of the palace is Zhao Jiuzhou's residence.

There is only one dragon in the dragon clan here, Zhao Jiuzhou, and there are hundreds of sea people busying around. These guys should be employees here.

At first glance, Xiao Ming thought they were monsters. But after careful observation, it was found that only a few of these employees had demonic power (spiritual power).

Most of them have the same energy level as ordinary humans, and they are scum in battle. There is no demonic power in their bodies, so they can't be called monsters at all.

Xiao Ming estimated that they are probably similar to the Kraken clan, all of which are humanoid intelligent life evolved from aquatic species. Commonly known as the sea clan.

Seeing that the Sixth Heaven of Ice had not arrived yet, Xiao Ming and Zhao Jiuzhou sat down directly in a good position in the tea restaurant.

Zhao Jiuzhou was very enthusiastic and asked the employees to take out many good things here to entertain the leader captain.

Fortunately, the tables and chairs in this place are made of huge stones, which are very hard and large. They can really accommodate so much food and drinks.

The two "people" chatted while waiting for the Sixth Heaven of Ice.

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