Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 962 Beyond the Rift

There are many people involved in the whole thing, and almost no one knows the whole picture. Each character has his own facts and his own guesses that are difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Xiao Ming spent a lot of time and inquired about the news from many sources before he pieced together a relatively complete story. At the beginning, his understanding was also very one-sided.

To avoid trouble, let us open the God's perspective and directly explain the ins and outs of this matter.

First of all, let's call this kind spider Xiao Zhu. She actually comes from a reincarnation world called "Beyond the Aquila Rift".

In that world, countless years ago, there was a very powerful alien civilization that established a superluminal mobile network Aperture that spread throughout the entire Milky Way and even the universe beyond.

Aperture is different from the blue network that Xiao Ming knows. It is not instantaneous, but gives spacecraft extremely high speeds.

It allows spacecraft to cross very long distances in space, but it also takes a certain amount of time. The farther the distance, the longer it takes. It is actually more like a kind of highway.

However, the alien civilization that established this network completely died out a long time ago.

After the various civilizations entered the space, they discovered and began to use this network. This also includes humans who flew out of the earth.

While the Aperture network brought great convenience, it also produced terrible side effects.

First, the various civilizations did not actually fully understand the mechanism of this network. Some understandings and operations were wrong.

Second, because its creator had long since died, other civilizations did not have enough knowledge and technology, so the network was actually in a state of no maintenance. It would occasionally go wrong.

So, at some point, the spacecraft would be thrown into a deserted space by the Aperture network, which is the so-called "outside the Aquila Rift".

Once here, there is only a very vast and empty cosmic vacuum around, and the available resources are almost zero. There is no ability to accelerate again.

No spacecraft of any existing civilization can fly out. They can only linger here and live until they die.

Spider's spaceship was the first to arrive outside the rift. When they first arrived, they were very desperate and had a food shortage.

Later, spaceships of other races also came here. On the one hand, they received spiritual comfort in the process of helping the lost, and on the other hand, they also received material support.

The various races helped each other and barely survived here. The spider clan has excellent mental skills and can create illusions to help some aliens who are really desperate.

This ability is a bit like Professor X's telepathy. So many aliens actually came to the end of their lives in the gentle illusions of spiders.

The main plot of this reincarnation world is probably about a human spaceship that also came here. How spiders help them.

Humans are still relatively fragile. The image of spiders is also a bit scary. So the humans in the story did not dare to face the real world, and finally chose to immerse themselves in illusions.

The spider race is not only powerful, but also has a long lifespan. They are like the Virgin Mary, and I don't know how many creatures who got lost here have been warmed.

Afterwards, this place and the huge vacuum area around it were locked as their own private world by a Pangu star reincarnationist and taken out of the reincarnation space.

This reincarnationist did not want to develop this world, but intended to use it to harm people. As long as someone is tricked into the private world, that person will definitely die.

He did trap some enemies, and also supplemented some resources for Xiao Zhu. As for the fact that the enemy would be comforted by Xiao Zhu before death, he didn't care about that.

This reincarnation died a long time ago, and this trap was passed down by him to his descendants. Continue to use it to trap people.

Passed down from generation to generation, over time, even his descendants don't know much about the specific situation of this trap. They only know that if someone is put in, they will definitely die.

Even other businesses have been developed, such as using this trap to help other forces do some murders and silence people. Earn some pocket money.

When promoting it, they naturally boasted about this trap. Let everyone mistakenly believe that people who enter the trap will die very miserably.

More than 200 years ago, a spaceship carrying 8 scientists' lifeboats was framed here.

These 8 scientists are also famous to some extent. They are called "Warriors of the Dawn" in the history of the New Han Kingdom.

That's right, they risked their lives back then. The group of scientists who drove an exploration spaceship to the border of the solar system to find the time-space gate.

It was their success that triggered the New Han Kingdom's later vigorous [Yanhuang Rise Plan].

However, at that time, their spaceship was technologically backward and insufficiently supplied. After confirming the time-space gate, they could only freeze themselves and let the spaceship drift away in any direction.

For all the people of the New Han Kingdom, they are heroes. All those who know them respect and admire them very much.

The space project of the New Han Kingdom is a secret that most New Han citizens do not know.

For the enemies of the New Han Kingdom, the eight warriors are a thorn in their eyes. They have to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Even though they knew that the warriors were on the road to death, the enemies of the New Han Kingdom still wanted to vent their anger.

So, they used the means of the reincarnationists and paid some price. They put the spaceship carrying the eight scientists into this trap.

They mistakenly believed the false advertisement and thought that the trap should be a sea of ​​fire and swords.

They never thought that because of this trick, some scientists survived by accident.

Xiao Zhu and the others took over this simple spaceship. At that time, they were very suspicious about how such a broken ship could get out of the rift.

However, as long as it is not reduced to no supplies at all. Xiao Zhu and the others will never give up any life. Try to make every life die peacefully and smile in the afterlife.

You know, after so long, Xiao Zhu and the others have made great progress in one technology, which is the technology of maintaining life.

Several surviving pioneers of the dawn, under the maintenance of Xiao Zhu, have miraculously survived. Those who framed them would never have thought that this would be the result.

Having said that, is this result really just pure luck? Of course not!

This time, it was a blessing in disguise; and the fact that the warriors were able to accurately find the time-space gate even though their technology was so backward before was not just a coincidence.

It was the result of the royal family of the New Han secretly using the causal props of the reincarnation space.

Many of these secrets were discovered by Xiao Ming little by little later. He didn't know so many things at the beginning.

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