Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 965 Everyone goes back to their own homes

The one who killed people was Xiaolu hiding in Guangmingding. It's just that other people can't see Guangmingding and think that magma is created out of thin air.

In fact, Xiaoming can also use the Seven Shadow Clone who has eaten the devil fruit to deal with these people. But Xiaolu wants to show his skills, Xiaoming can't stop him.

At this time, Guangmingding is divided into two parts. The underworld cut back from the Saint Seiya world becomes the outer area, and the original Guangmingding is the core area.

Because the underworld is too big, its gravity also affects Guangmingding, which originally has almost no gravity. From now on, it is necessary to distinguish between up, down, left and right.

From the sky, there is only a vast land with a breath of death, with various terrains such as canyons and mountains, and some scattered undead wandering.

Only in a very small core area can some bright colors be seen. This is the original Guangmingding.

Whether Xiaoming uses the teleportation ability of Shenwei or the door-opening ability of the mind beast butler, the real connection can only be Guangmingding. It cannot be directly connected to the underworld.

Moreover, the area of ​​Guangmingding can only support 2 A-level beings. If there are more, it will collapse easily.

Now Xiaohong and Xiaolu have reached A-level, and with the addition of others, Guangmingding is actually close to its limit.

The underworld outside is so big, and there are no restrictions in this regard. Xiao Ming will certainly not be stubborn and just guard Guangmingding.

He moved everything from Guangmingding to the underworld. The original Guangmingding was only used as an entrance and exit, or an airport.

On one side of the original Guangmingding, Xiao Ming plans to build a community, which can be expanded into a village, a town, or even a city, a world...

These are all later stories. At present, there are only a few small buildings here. Some of them have rich spiritual energy, and some have rich yin energy, which are used for everyone to practice.

There are some of Xiao Ming's subordinates, mind beasts, a large number of shadow clones, and seven Yao shadow clones.

In addition, outside the community, some new members have appeared in the underworld. They are the residual souls of some humans and aliens.

Where do these residual souls come from? In fact, they appeared after Xiao Ming broke most of Fang Zhichuan's spiritual power.

When the world "Outside the Aquila Rift" became a private world, it became relatively independent.

In this area, there is no underworld. Whether it is human or alien, the ghosts after death still float around.

This is different from Xiao Ming's private world. Xiao Ming turned the entire Yu Yu Hakusho world into his own private world. The spirit world is also included, which means that the underworld still exists.

The ghosts wandering outside the rift cannot find the underworld and can only wander. High-level reincarnations can see them. Aliens with strong spiritual power such as Xiao Zhu can also see them.

Originally, everyone lived in peace and could chat with each other. Maybe after countless years, everyone will become a ghost.

However, after Fang Zhichuan took over Xiao Zhu's body, he not only devoured the living aliens, but also devoured all the ghosts.

I don't know what skills Fang Zhichuan practiced. He did gain a strong power, but it also caused his realm and energy state to be unstable.

If he is given enough time, maybe Fang Zhichuan can completely digest these things and turn them into his personal hard power.

Never expected that in just a hundred years, a monster like Xiao Ming would come. He was dealt with directly. The souls imprisoned by her were liberated.

Moreover, Xiao Ming also brought the underworld. So these souls automatically entered the underworld.

Unfortunately, these souls have been tortured by Fang Zhichuan for too long, many have completely lost their minds, some have completely lost their memories, and only a few may be able to recover after a rest.

Xiao Ming couldn't even get information from them. He could only let them "retire" in his own underworld. Anyway, it wouldn't cost much death breath.

Besides, Xiao Ming is actually very interested in them. What will these undead souls become in the future if they stay in their own world? Yin Chuisi Ting.

As for the rescued reincarnations, it is still easy to settle them.

Xiao Ming doesn't need to continue to circle these people, but he doesn't want them to reveal their secrets.

After discussing with everyone and obtaining their consent, Xiao Ming and Xiao Zhu worked together to cleanse the memories of these people outside the rift.

Then they were quietly sent back to the real world in different places. Everyone woke up in different places, and everyone went back to their own homes and looked for their own mothers.

Xiao Ming could do things like memory cleaning, but his skills were average.

On the contrary, Xiao Zhu often needed to use the method of memory cleaning because she had been comforting refugees of various races for a long time. Xiao Ming learned a lot of experience from her.

After all, many races, including humans, could not bear too much mental pressure. Deleting memories and living in illusions was the best way for them to deal with it.

Xiao Zhu's skills were very sophisticated, several levels higher than Xiao Ming's, because he often did this. And the reincarnationists were very cooperative, which was the most rare thing.

Not only was the difficulty of memory cleaning greatly reduced, but the effect would also become better. Even if the means were used, these memories would be difficult to recover.

You have to know that the reappearance of reincarnationists who have been missing for decades or even hundreds of years is definitely a big deal. The possibility that they will be checked for memory is very high.

So the work of deleting memory must be done very well. This requires the active cooperation of the reincarnations.

As for why they are willing to cooperate? It can only be said that these people are good people.

Unlike those guys who are accomplices to the evil. Under the pressure of Fang Zhichuan, these people still insist on keeping the bottom line and try not to do or do less bad things.

Their character is still quite reliable. They understand why they need to be cleansed of memory and are very cooperative. So Xiao Ming will not charge them for saving their lives.

Among all these people, 13146 is the happiest one.

In order to protect those scientists, she did not plan to go home and wanted to stay outside the rift. But Xiao Ming provided a better solution.

Although her memory outside the rift was still cleaned, the hibernation capsules of those scientists were sent to the real world by Xiao Ming together with 13146.

It's a pity that the dead warriors, including 13146's favorite people, have no bones left. They were all swallowed by Fang Zhichuan, the bastard.

The reappearance of these dozens of missing reincarnations caused a great uproar among the extraordinary people in the real world.

In particular, the return of the warriors who pioneered the dawn caused a huge fluctuation in the upper echelons of the New Han Kingdom. But these things had little effect on Xiao Ming. No one suspected him.

In fact, because they attracted the attention of the top leaders of the world, Zhang Xiaoming's rise became not conspicuous at all.

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