Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 990 The collective activity ends

"Wow! The team leader is so powerful and domineering!" Wuyu pulled out the iron-blooded spear with force and sent it back with a bang.

Fifth Yu was so frightened by the charging velociraptor that he sat down, his diaphragm hit the stone, his buttocks hurt a little, and he had difficulty walking.

His last name is very unique, and he was okay in first and second place, but he was a bit far behind in fifth place, and he didn't even make it to the semi-finals. Because of his poor oral skills, he is not very popular. It made him feel quite inferior. People also have some please-type personalities.

Xiao Ming has been in the Saint Seiya world for so many years, and his status is very high whether in the Immortal Palace or the Temple. A little compliment has no effect on him.

At this moment, he calmly took the spear and applied a healing spell to Wu Yu. He was also very grateful.

Gu Guan'er shot to death the seriously injured raptor in the distance, and then asked Xiao Ming:

"Five velociraptors died here, which will soon attract a lot of scavengers. Let's leave first."

"It makes sense. Besides, the smell of blood is a bit strong and makes me feel a little nauseous."

Liu Yinghong was the first to agree. The members of the six groups immediately changed their weapon magazines and left the place in a tactical formation.

Soon after, a Seven-Yam Shadow clone appeared and used divine power to send all the corpses into the Bright Summit.

Although Xiao Ming did not intend to kill any living beings in this secret realm, the corpses should not be wasted.

The clone came and walked gently, waving his sleeves and taking away all the food. The Tyrannosaurus rex, who rushed over in a hurry but missed, was so angry.

It raised its big head, smelled the lingering smell in the air, and chased in the direction that Group 6 left.

Later, it encountered Group 6 and was driven away by a fire net of 10 submachine guns. It was just a slight injury, not fatal.

This kind of large carnivore generally does not hold grudges, and it is normal to bully the weak and fear the strong.

Faced with an opponent that was so painful to beat, this Tyrannosaurus rex would avoid anyone he saw in the future.

Group 6 continued on the road after repelling the Tyrannosaurus Rex and quickly found the road on the island.

It's easy to deal with now. Walking along the road, you can always find human buildings.

Unfortunately, it was difficult to tell the direction in the heavy rain. Group 6 walked all night, and only discovered during the day the next day that they had arrived at a helicopter landing pad. Nothing else. Is it possible to go in the opposite direction?

I had to rest where I was, eat some dry food I brought with me, and then turn around and go back.

Let's talk about the protagonist, Neo, Tyrannosaurus Rex and his group. Several adults were sitting in the car. Neo and two children rode on the Tyrannosaurus Rex and sped up to the park control center.

Because scientists know that there are three raptors imprisoned in the control center, and they should all be freed by now.

If they got rampant, they would probably eat Hammond and the few remaining employees. So he urged Neo to take the Tyrannosaurus rex back to the rescue.

Of course, this worry is completely unnecessary. Wait until the group of people hurried home slowly. Power has been restored to the park.

At the gate, three velociraptors were obediently circling around Trinity and Hammond, the Seven Shadow clones, looking happy and happy.

Only a few worried scientists realized that the matter here had been settled long ago.

The gray-haired Hammond originally thought that Trinity's subjugation of three raptors was already a great achievement. I was even more shocked when I saw Neo who had subdued the Tyrannosaurus rex.

Immediately proposed to hire two people with high-tech skills as the company's security directors. If all carnivorous dinosaurs could be tamed in this way, the safety factor of the entire park would undoubtedly increase a lot.

The two clones naturally didn't care and agreed immediately. A huge disaster that was supposed to happen just disappeared.

Of course, several scientists still raised some objections. After all, the appearance of Neo and Trinity is a completely special situation.

If they hadn't happened to solve the big problem in Jurassic Park, the two of them would actually have broken the law and trespassed on private land. In theory, it can be killed directly.

This also shows that there are still huge flaws in the security system of the entire park. There is a lack of emergency response mechanism for such emergencies. This is the problem that needs to be solved most.

In addition, scientists have also raised some questions that are almost philosophical. Xiao Ming didn't bother to pay attention.

Humans should indeed respect nature, but cloning ancient creatures is not disrespectful. Who is qualified to decide this kind of issue?

To be honest, Xiao Ming doesn't think resurrecting dinosaurs will be a bigger problem than creating an atomic bomb.

In Pangu Planet, there is no need to worry about such philosophical issues at all. There are at least three great powers in the underworld, heaven, and dragon palace regulating human behavior.

As for what the earth in the parallel world is like, Xiao Ming doesn’t know. I just hope there can be something similar there.

Xiao Ming's two clones have completely solved the main plot. No one even needs to escape the island. Just clean up the mess.

But the mission of Team 33 did not end immediately. Except for the 6th group, the other groups are competing with the carnivorous dinosaurs. Basically they can prevail.

At this time, if the 6 groups go to help other groups, if it sounds good, they will help out, and if it sounds bad, they will snatch the results.

Considering that we are all classmates, we will not do this. The six groups simply returned to the control center and concentrated on accepting various tasks issued by Hammond.

At this time, Neo and Trinity, as trump cards, have been hidden by Hammond. This trump card cannot be exposed to too many people.

Seeing that the main control center was intact, none of the damn plot characters died. Only Gu Waner's life energy showed strange fluctuations.

Xiao Ming guessed that she might know the plot. However, she did not say much, but secretly kept this matter in mind.

After the mission is over, it is estimated that it will be reported to the superiors. It doesn't matter, Xiao Ming is not afraid of these now. His current job is to focus on collecting the genetic information of dinosaurs.

Since he came to the main control center, he can completely control the scientists to make various dinosaur eggs for himself, and Xiao Ming can just absorb them directly.

This move is not to collect energy, but to obtain more genetic information from dinosaurs and enrich the gene pool of insect humans. Xiao Ming is of course the more the better.

The dinosaur eggs just made are still a long way from becoming real life, and absorbing them is not considered killing innocent people.

After about 3 days in the game and about 1 day in real time, this collective activity officially ended.

The results of Group 6 are naturally far ahead, not only better than the other 5 groups of Team 33, but also among the best in the entire 9th Dispatch Team.

This achievement was recorded by the military, and each team member will be promoted faster in the future, and they also received considerable financial rewards.

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