Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 998 Infinity Gems

Infinity stones, innate treasures, and source energy are wonders of the universe. They have endless energy, and almost no one knows their origins.

Later, a powerful person appeared in the world and felt the existence of the Infinity Stones, so he "sacrificed" them into magic weapons, either for cultivation or for fighting with others.

This is the most superficial way to use the Infinity Stones. In the Marvel Universe, most masters use the Infinity Stones at this level.

However, this kind of high-end and classy magic weapon usually has spirituality. It is hard to say whether it has a soul, but the Infinity Stones will develop their own "personality" over time.

Theoretically, because the Infinity Stones can provide unlimited energy, each stone has the ability to create the world directly out of thin air.

However, not every stone "wants" to create the world. They each focus on different directions. This can barely be regarded as the origin of its personality.

When the Infinity Stones have personality, their users may not be able to use them for a long time.

The Infinity Stones in Marvel are obviously still very "young" and their personalities are not very clear. The Infinity Stones in the real world are different.

Once the personalities are not compatible, the Infinity Stones are likely to abandon their users at any time and look for more suitable masters.

Even a gem no longer has only one user. It can be transformed into millions of people, allowing many creatures to use its power at the same time.

In fact, few people can hold the Infinity Stones for a long time. Because when ordinary people have such powerful power, their desires will soar, and they will continue to use it to fight bravely.

Coincidentally, no Infinity Stone likes this kind of owner, and the gem will eventually leave this person.

Even the cornerstone of the Heavenly Court - the Power Stone/Pangu Banner, the name clearly means that it likes fighting, but it actually doesn't like fighting and killing.

Only when the user's personality matches the personality of the Infinity Stone can it be held for a long time.

Sometimes, the Infinity Stones even become "masters" themselves, and the so-called users are just its "tools".

In the real world, the four gems that my master A Cha was originally familiar with have surpassed the status of the Infinity Stones in the Marvel Universe.

For example, the Space Stone/Tai Chi Diagram used to build a cosmic transmission network is probably dominated by the user.

His user used the power of the space gem to build a network that connects the entire universe, so that there can be a channel for communication between various civilizations and powerful people in the universe.

This seems to be very consistent with the personality of the space gem. As a result, this innate treasure called the Tai Chi diagram has honestly become a transportation hub for the entire universe.

And this user is a figure from ancient times. Now he has long passed away, or he has traveled to other universes to play. Crossing the universe should be very simple for him.

In short, this universe transmission network is his legacy to the universe. However, there are not many people who know that he once existed.

And all of these people are ancient powers. Even my master A Cha has only heard of him and has never met him.

The reincarnation space goes one step further than the transmission network. Regarding the time gem/chaos clock, A Cha also revealed a secret to Xiao Ming.

Because A Cha used to be a reincarnator, she later carefully investigated the reincarnation space, so she knew some inside information.

The dragon clan is just one of the managers of the reincarnation space, and it is indeed the one with the greatest authority, but there are other forces that also participate in the management of the reincarnation space.

The one who controlled the time gem was an ancient dragon clan. In that era, it should be said that he was a dragon clan, and there was no second dragon in the universe at that time.

His ambition is relatively big. According to the situation of the reincarnation space, this guy is likely to be a time traveler. Or he has obtained a lot of memories of a time traveler.

He has a very open mind and knows a lot of things. Even the concept of the entire reincarnation space should come from another world.

People are so annoying when compared to others. Look at this time traveler, and then think about the Zhang San I met before. Xiao Ming couldn't help but sigh, they are both time travelers, why is the gap so big? !

The power of the Chaos Bell is not enough to complete the construction of the entire reincarnation space, so the energy of the three gems of power, soul, and space is also borrowed in the reincarnation space.

Of course, because it is borrowed, Qianxinglou did not obtain the power of other infinite gems, and the authority of the reincarnation space should be divided to others accordingly.

Therefore, the Heaven and the Underworld also have their own forces in the reincarnation space. They are responsible for maintaining the power from their own infinite gems.

In the same way, the three families have their own spokespersons, but they differ in the authority they control.

For the reincarnation world, the ancient dragon sacrificed everything he had. In exchange for the survival rights of his descendants, the dragon clan, in the reincarnation space.

Therefore, the current dragon clan is really just the manager of the reincarnation space. They are far less knowledgeable and authoritative about the time gem than their ancestors. They have never even seen their ancestors.

Similarly, as a reincarnationist, Ah Cha has naturally never seen the face of the dragon clan. All he heard were legendary news.

Of course, at their level, legends are no longer hearsay. They may have some misunderstandings, but they almost never lie.

Let's talk about the cornerstone of the underworld - the soul gem/book of life and death, which is more powerful than the previous two.

The space gem and the time gem are both used by people, even though they are willing to do so.

But the soul gem is different. The so-called underworld and the so-called underworld are simply part of the soul gem.

In other words, the soul gem is the underworld and the underworld, and it is the maker of the rules of the entire underworld. It controls the reincarnation of souls.

However, the reincarnation of souls under the control of the soul gem is not the same as the six reincarnations that humans usually talk about.

Even if there is no king of hell, judge, or ghost messenger, the soul gem can still maintain the normal operation of the underworld.

All the civil servants in the underworld, including my master A Cha, are working for the soul gem.

It's just that the mentality of the civil servants coincides with the personality of the soul gem. So the soul gem gives the civil servants the authority to use their own power.

Within the scope of the granted authority, civil servants can also carry out processing that suits their own wishes. The so-called six reincarnations are processed by a master himself.

He existed earlier than A Cha, and now I don't know if he is still alive.

Anyway, Ah Cha couldn't contact him, and didn't know his background, he was just working under the rules set by him.

If that great man was called Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, it actually made sense.

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