Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1071: Krypton gold-making **** Victor, online licensing Kakashi

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Kakashi, who was blown out of the casino, was not discouraged. He left behind and would not be transformed. He was ugly, and he was very characteristic. Afterwards, he transformed himself into other appearances, and swam through the city to patronize many casinos and shops.

This time, he did not use counterfeit money but real money. After several attempts and temptations, he did not hesitate to recharge and experience the mysterious krypton gold power derived from the Taiyin fairy, and finally figured out the changes here.

Under the layout of immortals, a new religion called ‘Krypton God Religion’ emerged on the short book street where money is paramount. Promote the doctrine of "Krypton gold is power" and take advantage of the convenience of "Krypton gold online payment" to quickly spread across the short book street and spread in the vicinity.

The ninja world's management consciousness of the faith is very weak. The Temple of Fire and the Evil Religion are left unattended. There are countless shrines around the world, known as the eight million gods in the ninja world. Even if someone preaches the 'Flying Noodles Religion', it will not be a surprise. Kakashi's attitude towards the 'Krypton Golden Religion' is also noncommittal.

It was the means by which theocracy practiced the doctrine of "Krypton gold is power" that made him shine.

Ninjas use phone bugs to recharge Chakra and emotions, and the behavior of trading on the psychic network is a kind of "Krypton Gold", but it cannot fully interpret the true meaning of "Krypton Gold". Before the introduction of the "Kryptonian Concept", the psychic network was regarded as a type of ninjutsu by ninjas.

Nowadays in the short book street, even the poor can accumulate their belief in the 'Krypton Gold Goddess' and pay valuable items to recharge the Krypton Gold value. When a civilian obtains a phone bug and has faith and kryptonite value, he upgrades from unarmed to powerful.

Krypton gold is power! We non-chiefs have power!

Krypton's behavior can be exchanged for guns, can hire ninjas, can buy carat factor to get ninja constitution, can learn ninjutsu, can marry a wife! Krypton gold is all-encompassing and all-encompassing.

Everything is false, everything is krypton!

If you do n’t move your enemies, it ’s not Krypton ’s fault or Goddess ’fault, but you ’re not pious! Not enough recharge!

After experiencing the convenience and power of the “Krypton Gold Trading” on Short Book Street, Kakashi was shocked. Through the Kryptonian behavior, he saw the horrifying future behind it.

Civilians lack the potential of ninjas and are unable to practice Chakra. They are born to be the first class of ninjas. But the special telephone bug can save the spiritual condensed beliefs of ordinary people, combined with the value of krypton gold, and gain the power of not weaker than ninjutsu, breaking the supremacy of the Chakra system. This is a subversion of the ninja class!

Not only that, the concept of krypton gold is very broad, covering all trading activities, even the Ninja Chakra can also be included. It can be said that krypton gold is not ninjutsu, but ninjutsu can krypton gold, and everything can be krypton gold!

If this momentum is allowed to grow, Kakashi will not be good or bad, but it will definitely bring about disruptive changes.

Kakashi did not know that Taiyin Mo scanned the entire ninja world and found that the residents of the casino city of Short Book Street had the strongest desire for money. He is here to promote ‘Kryptonian Golden Religion’ like a blessing, just like Huo Xiu came to the earth ’s center, and Bing Xiu went to Beiming.

Li Mo had a detailed discussion with Krypton Jinluo across the crystal wall and obtained many mysteries of the gods.

He is now using the psychic magic net to spread the "Krypton Gold Faith" on Short Book Street, and to create the "Krypton Gold Worm Valuation, Exchange, and Online Payment System", which is the basic hardware for the rise of Kryptonism.

In addition, the ‘Kryptonian Golden Deity’ in his hands is the core key and supporting software. It is possible to combine the collected "power of faith" with the "concept of krypton gold" to continuously create "krypton gold divine power"!

These days, Li Moan ’s cloned army priest force has been preaching and preaching doctrines. The residents of Short Book Street also fully understand what is happening to Krypton Gold?

When they realized that their consumption process was a kind of 'krypton gold act', the concept of krypton gold was born, and a meme was formed. With the help of the clergy, it was continuously copied and passed on, so that the 'krypton gold concept' became more and more Spread more widely. (Increased breadth)

During this period, the authors of the priests were like shepherds, constantly guiding the proliferation of the 'Krypton gold meme'; like a pair of scissors, stifling the use of Krypton gold for evil and opposing the bad mutations of the church; Benign mutations continue to accumulate ... Finally, the krypton gold meme is like a biological evolution of thousands of years, and it has accumulated and grown continuously, becoming complex and deep. (Increased depth)

On the contrary, if there is no doctrine and no clergy to guide propaganda, people do not realize that they are in krypton gold, even if they consume it, the krypton gold divinity cannot be combined with the belief to generate ‘krypton gold divine power’. This is the short board of the gods, and there is nothing if there is unbelief; knowing only exists, realizing there is a concept, otherwise the actual existence will be attributed to nothingness.

With the continuous copying, accumulation, transmission, and proliferation of 'Krypton gold meme', 'Krypton gold divinity' has created a lot of divine power from it. As the divinity controller, it has the ability to capture memes and merge into the soul with divine power, and finally create something similar to the `` Holy Field Force Field ''. There is the most primitive `` sacred position '' over there!

Laws, divinity, divine power, and priesthood interact with each other, and eventually produce a higher level of crystallization similar to Dao fetus, that is, the most primitive 'fragment of God'.

When the rule of krypton gold mold is accumulated and consummated, the divinity is spread all over the body to obtain the body's blood, the priesthood and the soul are constantly expanding and perfecting, and after the innumerable pieces of the gods are pieced together, a new **** is born after being approved by Heaven.

Li Mobai started from scratch, but he had the "King of God" course taught by Krypton Jinluo, the "Kryptonian Gold Rule" authorized by her, the "Kryptonian Golden Divinity" incorporating divine fibers, and the "Taiyin Demon Net". You can continue to promote the "Krypton Gold Doctrine" in the short book street to absorb faith and create "divine power", and finally condense a "Krypton Gold Priesthood", and then integrate into the psychic world of "Taiyin Holy Land" as a server, let Krypton gold glory spread Even bigger, eventually radiating the entire ninja world ...

The successful establishment of this set of virtuous cycles can continually harvest faith and divine power, improve and expand the priesthood, cultivate and strengthen the divinity, and finally help Krypton to synthesize a small piece of "divine personality", and even even freehandly produce a "new Krypton God" Come!

In a blank world, it is absolutely tempting to get a complete set of Kryptonian Spirit Package, or even replace it.

However, Li Mo is eager for the full experience of ‘creating a god’ by himself. Once he masters this knowledge, he can make an analogy and continue to produce more different gods.

Kakashi, who knew nothing about the "Krypton Gold Payment", continued his short book street tour, knocking on the side traces of the Taiyin fairy, and finally got a clue.

In order to promote the 'Krypton Golden Religion', the Taiyin fairy created a super-luxury casino on the psychic magic net. Every day, different bonuses are set, and all the world's heroes are invited to join the krypton gold game. Ten winners each day can get a lot of money ' Krypton Gold Gift Pack ', become a strong man.

Regardless of wealth, power, rights, and beauty, all can be obtained in the Krypton Gold Arena on Short Book Street, and the threshold is very low. This is an opportunity for ordinary people to jump the Dragon Gate. It instantly detonated the enthusiasm of the people and accelerated the krypton gold among the civilians. Faith's transmission.

At the same time, this ‘online casino’ is also connected to the psychic network, and the ‘Kryptonite Power’ redemption function is available. From now on, ninjas can not only recharge with limited 'Chakra and Negative Emotions', they can also exchange 'Chakra + Negative Emotions' by dedicating 'Faith + Krypton Gold' at a ratio of 1:10.

In addition, the fairy has mercy on the world, and also launched an exchange of making money with krypton gold, making money with faith, and making money by selling Chakra. This gave those pacifists (Bie Sun) who loved peace (cowardly cowardly) and were unwilling (dare) to kill in Chakra, a way of living indifferent to fame and fortune.

When the Kryptonian and the psychic network are connected to each other, a large number of high-quality believers have emerged among the ninjas in the ninja world, accelerating the growth and growth of the 'Kryptonian Golden Religion'.

"Huh ... I must find out!"

The more you understand the Kryptonian doctrine, the more Kakashi feels terrible. He must enter the online casino in person and win the top ten, in order to see the lunar fairy side and tell Muye's appeal.

"The first online casino on Short Book Street is online! Short Book Street Krypton Gold Casino, female Ninja dealers online licensing, accompany you to the sky. Give you a different gaming experience, and provide a variety of lottery games, industry compensation It has the highest rate, and stimulates its endless fun with a small blog. You can swim all the games for 100 yen, and Muye Fat Sheep is all right! Contact number: 6666 6666 6666! "

Listening to the strange but fascinating login sound, Kakashi only felt the blood boiling, and the dead fisheye was instantly exposed, embarking on the road of krypton gold career of his virtual gambler! Write an inspirational legend.

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