Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1194: Six Dao people, small tube out, big tube out of cage

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Six brothers joined the battlefield successively, facing the six spots that had not completely mastered the moon, and immediately prevailed. What's more, the Dragon King at this time was also attracted by the six spots of the wind, forming a touching picture of three SSS-level beatings. Doesn't it fall at this moment? When to wait!

No matter how proud Aotian is, he is not an opponent of three people. In this way, the two brothers were psychic, and once again launched a spiritual shock, shaking the spotted soul. While he was in a trance, he changed the "tin rod" in his hand into a yin and yang escape spear, vigorously projected into two meteors to the 6th moon, and penetrated deeply into it.

Two unique forces of one yin and one yang broke out at the same time. While the two teamed up to attack the spot, the yin and yang escape also blocked the refining of the 6th moon by the cut off spot. The situation was reversed only in the blink of an eye.

The energy of Yuyiyu Village also took root in the moon on the 6th, and began to compete with the spot for the ownership of the moon.

Because of its early advantage, Banaotian is still slowly improving on the basis of holding 60% of the control right on the 6th of June. Yuyi and Yucun later came up, but neither "Ten-tailed Soul Crab" or "Ten-tailed Praying Mantis Shrimp" could compete for one-legged and ten-armed "Ten Tail". With the cooperation of the enemy and the enemy, people only occupy 10% (× 2), and compete with Ban for the final control.

Advancing according to this situation, even if the two temporarily suppress Banaotian, the 6th month will eventually fall into the hands of 'Xiaotongmu Liudaoban'. However, the two brothers did not dare to continue to attack the 'Tain Yinxian', competing for the moon on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, fearing to release their mother.

So the two brothers exchanged hearts and reached a consensus quickly. The power of Dragon King Tuanzang and Ape Devil is all based on the ‘moon’, which is not strong in nature and has reached the upper limit, which is not a concern. The orthodox ten-tailed man Zhu Liban proud genius is the enemy of the heart!

At this moment, if we join forces to get rid of the threat of "spots", then go back and swallow each moon calmly, and join hands to suppress the mothers, and then solve the apes, dragons and other hazards.

At the next moment, Yucun will transform Daoyu into thin and sharp blades, launching Kakashi ’s space capabilities, and inexplicably locate it in the Fire Kingdom in the middle of the Ninkai Continent, cutting through time and space, creating a Biliangban channel, taking the lead Stable in the past.

Suzuno Yu of Yucun suddenly raised his hand, first activated Vientiane Tianyin to **** the small tube wood spot on the predetermined trajectory, then waved several pieces of begging jade to hit the dragon king, and then pulled it with gravity, wanting to pull it together .

It's a pity that although the Dragon King has no brain, the body grows bigger and bigger, which has exceeded a thousand knots. It is an inexplicable hunting centipede that is even taller than ten tails. Its body twisted violently, and a golden cicada was unshelled. The "outer armor hard shell" covered by countless Rc carat cells was sucked away by Vientiane, but the body retracted to the moon on the 5th and no longer moved.

Seeing the failure of the pulling people, Yu Yi no longer delayed, immediately broke out the "Super God Luo Tianzheng", and put Aotian into the Nabiraka channel, and sent to the Ninkai Continent. But today's spot is also in the six-level class. The whole body seeks Daoyu to spin at a rapid speed to create a force field and fix the body in place, wanting to resist the attraction of 'space cracks'.

Ban heart knew that if it was shot out of this space, it would shoot down the world. At such a long distance, coupled with the interference of the Yui brothers, and then want to devour the moon on the 6th, it is even more difficult.

The same is true for Yui and Yucun, pulling away enough distance to weaken the spot and moon signals, and teaming up to kill him in a fair environment!

Seeing the spot stuck in the crack, Yui climbed out after struggling, and immediately flew away. Suzuno, who wrapped around him, put on a shrimp king armor and turned it into a fire meteor. Drag him into the crack.


In the sky of the Kingdom of Fire, three burning meteors suddenly appeared, tearing the sky and smashing towards the ground.


After the three loud noises, Yucun, Yuyi, and Bian climbed out of the crater, and the two brothers broke out, constantly switching the strengths of the qualified person, cooperating with the unpredictable tacit agreement, and attacking Aotian and his Payne. Four.

The hungry ghost Dodge Rabbi who can devour energy, the water gate of the animal road that is good at space movement, and the sect of Shura Dao were all smashed and shattered, and finally there was only a useless ‘human Dao Sunward Sun’.

Seeing his descendants practiced as puppets, Yucun was furious: "You dare to practice my descendants as puppets, die!"

Yui was also angry at the spot to make "Thousand-Handed Puppet" a puppet, and attacked with his brother at the same time. Three different Qiu Daoyu constantly hit, expand, and contract, and finally, created a local mushroom cloud. And the two brothers also rely on tacit understanding to suppress the spot.

The spot seeks most of the jade, and it looks like a dozen or so. The number of Yudao and Yucun's begging for jade are slightly less than him, but after adding each other, it is far beyond Banaotian.

The two brothers gave up their skills and tactics and struggled hard with the purest power. Soon the spot couldn't support it, so he had to turn his jade for protection into a shield. The two brothers pinched their spears and fired bombardments.

After five minutes of continuous firefight between the two sides, Banaotian finally could n’t hold on, and the shield broke into countless fragments, and then Su Zuoneng ’s body was pierced and cracked by the begging spear, and he was penetrated more than ten holes, ten tails in the body. Also unprecedentedly weak.

At the moment when Ban Aotian was hit hard, the "Taiyin Fairy Man" hiding in space went out to lead the snake and started!

He suddenly gave up and continued to suppress the "Hui Ye Ji", and he shot out across the space, intending to take advantage of the fisherman, and turned into a large, yawning handprint, directly grabbing the injured spot.

Sensing that the old moon collapsed suddenly, and Dahui Muhui Yeji reappeared in the Ninja Realm, Yuyi and Yucun's complexion changed dramatically, and they no longer looked at Banaotian. The fairy's big hands, and then torn the space to create Biliangban, rushed into space.

The Taiyin Fairy who deliberately gave up suppressing Huiyueji temporarily restored the strength of the three moons at once, overwhelming the Dragon King and Ape Demon.

Under the direction of Li Mo ’s self-direction, the Dragon King and the Ape Demon felt their lives were at the same time. Under the blinding of the cause and effect of the ‘Obligation of External Robbery’, they joined forces to kill the Moon on the 3rd and began to attack the Taiyin fairy.

At the same time, Hui Yeji, who broke the seal, also sensed her son's call.

The black wandering wandering around, will take control of the ‘Tian Dao Pillar-Ashura’ who is hiding in the dark and healing, and transform this body into the mother ’s descending body. At this moment, Hui Yeji broke the seal, and Hei was absolutely ecstatic and frightened.

Surprise that her mother is finally free, and fear that she is not doing her job properly. I should have prepared a ‘ten-tailed pillar’ for my mother. As a result, the grades kept going backwards and I saw no one.

Hui Ye Ji has just been free, and is in a state of soul at this time, and has no body to rely on. It is far less powerful than the three 'Ten Tails Pillars'. After perceiving the nearby Taiyin Fairy, Dragon King, Ape Demon, and a weak ten tail of Ninja Realm, she looked awkward and thought she had taken the wrong set.

But at the next moment, Yuyi and Yucun's torn space returned, and the breath of the two mutated ten-tailed men's columnar force broke out, which made Hui Yeji look into the soil like a lightning strike.

"Is the Datongmu family finally chasing?"

The two mutated ten tails are very different from the "traditional chakra" she passed down, but they have many similarities, which makes her mistakenly believe that the aliens of the big tube are coming, and their fears are once dominated by the big tube. Shrouded.

When the two brothers returned to space, they saw that the mother-in-law who had broken out of her face looked stunned, and her face shivered with turbulence. She suddenly became wicked and looked at each other. They worked together to create a space. The unreacted mother seals in.

Of course, Yui knew that this temporarily created "small space" could not limit Hui Yeji for too long, so he immediately exploded Chaoshen Tianzheng and used it as an aircraft to bombard outer space. Even if Hui Yeji splits the small world, it will take some effort to return.

After temporarily clearing Hui Yeji, Yuyi Yucun immediately parted ways, and Yuyi went straight to the moon on the 6th. At this moment, the small wood spot was hit hard, and I don't know where to escape? No longer threatened, Yuyi immediately exploded into full force, snatching the majority of the refining moon.

And Yucun went straight to the 3rd month of the siege of the 'Dragon King and Ape Demon', helping them to perform their robbing duties and taking advantage of the chaos to hit the Taiyin Fairy.

At the moment when Yucun and Yuyi shot, the goblins who had been secretly observing finally couldn't help but both shot!

With the help of the "psychic network", Goblin No. 1 directly killed along the 4G signal, and the attack directly acted on the soul of the Taiyin fairy. Another No. 2 goblin who seized the "body of the earth element" took advantage of the siege of the Taiyin immortals to fully occupy the invading psychic network and put it into his hands.

The goal of the goblin is different from the ninja antivirus software. Yui and Yucun only want to bomb the Taiyin immortal and capture the moon to be included in the ninja system. The goblins don't care about this. The colonization of the outside world is a foregone conclusion. They have to kill the Taiyin immortals or make concessions. Then seize the psychic network that entrusts ‘Puppet Heaven ’s Path’ and occupy a place.

A multi-party melee broke out, and Li Mo's secret time was ripe. He immediately issued a signal and began to counterattack!

On the vast land of the Kingdom of Fire, Andy Niang had left the Temple of Fire, wearing a white gauze dress, hiring Ting, and Shi Shiran went somewhere.

Just now, when Yucun tore the space with Yin and Yang escapes and opened the Biliangsaka Passage, he was guided by the subconscious mind of the "Ten Tails-Cut Soul Crabs" and set the coordinates in the country of fire. (This is exactly what Li Mo prepared for Andy Niang)

When Ban Aotian was severely hit, Li Mo intervened, attracting firepower and letting go of the spot while exposing his weaknesses, triggering a group fight against himself, and the blood bar dropped rapidly.

The lucky Aotian, who escaped, was stopped by a holy bodhisattva Antini after not running far.

"Please stay with this donor!"

Ban Aotian is in a state of impatience at this moment, and part of his own Qiu Dao Yu is contaminated and destroyed and cannot be used, and part of it is taken away by the Yuyi brothers. At this moment, he is seriously injured and can only be protected by the last "Human Dao-Sunward Sunzu"

When he looked up at the moment, he looked at Andinie's eyes, and he, who was not good at life, was also shocked at this moment!

The beauty of Antine has surpassed the concept of secular gender. It is not the beauty of women's skin, but a holy inner beauty that directly hits the heart. Even a generation of arrogance and arrogance are also stunned and sluggish at this moment.

There was a voice in my heart shouting: ‘It ’s so beautiful! ’

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