Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 824: Blood of god

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After breaking the magical space of Krypton Lolita by Li Mo, she also caused a lot of harm. A small face became paler immediately, her brow furrowed in the corner of her mouth painfully, and a pair of young ladies went on a picnic After a little finger, the pitiful look was terribly painful.

At the moment, Krypton's heart is both sad and angry, but also excited and happy.

Of course, she doesn't shake M. Sorrowful and angry at Li Mo, he broke the space and hurt her. Put it in the past, so provoking a god, there is only one way to die! At the moment, instead of retaliating, she was still so excited. Because Li Mo's powerful attack power actually hit the evil blood king, which made her see new hope.

When she looked at the gorgeous Li Mo again, she was both happy and tired, feeling that this guy had an indescribable hate. Aware of this contradictory emotion, Kryptonine Lori was almost crying by herself. Li Mo bullied her so much, she actually felt that the goods were stylish, and she was really a pill.


When Krypton Jinluo repaired the protective cover, she asked with concern: "Are you not injured?" She was only a minor injury, but Li Mo's appearance was much more miserable. !

"Severe injury!" Li Mo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face dignified and the tone was sore, and Krypton's face turned white instantly. What should you do if you are seriously injured? "But what happened was healed suddenly." At this point, he still looked like he had never seen anything.

‘Second Olympics! ‘Loli God almost could n’t hold back the squirting out of my blood, I ’m TM holding back the internal injury!

The sea of ​​blood outside was tumbling violently. She turned to look at Tian Jing who was fighting with the evil blood king. She was anxious and asked, "Can you fight again?"

"It's difficult!" Li Mo's expression was serious and heavy, and he looked at her seriously "... but it's not impossible."

"Huh ...!" Krypton Krypton, who was turned around by Li Mofeng's circuit, was finally angry: "Become enough, just talk to me, don't make a big turn!"

"The attack just now was completely accidental, I couldn't reproduce it, and I dared not try again. But I still have another hole card, but I need your cooperation!" This time, he finally spoke his words.

"What should I do? You say!" In order to survive, Krypton didn't care about it, and cooperated.

"I heard that the blood of the gods can make the Saint Cloth evolve, you know!" Li Mo said, his eyes were burning, and he stared affectionately at Krypton Lori, waiting for her reply.

The attack just now was totally an accident. Li Moben wanted to try out the legendary power, and by the way, put a nirvana to show the potential, and then persuade the goddess to invest in **** blood. If the "Dark Blood Saint Cloth Form" is turned on, he will be able to fight in a stronger posture and exert his power to contain the threat of the evil blood king.

Who would have thought that the move just now was too powerful. Although it was thrilling but the effect was far more than expected, his confidence was full.

Krypton's eyes widened, angry and frightened and said: "Do you want my blood? No way!"

"The Holy Cloth absorbs the blood of the goddess, and can get a temporary promotion and enter a short 'half-artifact' state. Then mine can control a more powerful force! A simple legendary attack cannot work." Li Mo explained seriously.

The Krypton emperor's real blood (earth fairy blood) alone allows his holy cloth to break through to the gold level. If it is replaced by a god, what should be the scene? So he kept paying attention to Lori God.

Although Kryptonian Lori is not a true deity, there are also divinities in demigods and pseudo-gods, which can stimulate the potential of the holy cloth. When Sato Saori was not awakened, her blood was equally effective. The loli god, a small scum **** with only fragments of personality, although not comparable to Athena, can also be used.

(Speaking of the blood of the goddess, there is an additional gossip: it is said that the death of the dark saint fighters on Queens Island is generally garbage, and the self-made dark cloak is scum. Money, bought the maid of the yarn weavers, bought a piece of the aunt of the **** blood, the dark cloth was extremely awakened, and fought all the way to become a legend, and was finally killed by the star who took the goddess of blood. My aunt fiascoed the silver gun. 'Good poem! So wet!)


After listening to Li Mo's explanation, Kryptonine Lori hesitated, and the blood of the gods was very precious. Without her consent, even if Li Mo snatched her blood, she could lose her effectiveness.

"Quickly promise him, I need support."

Tian Jing has been in contact with Krypton Gold. The violent evil blood at this moment has gradually returned to reason. Although its strength has declined, it has begun to summon some terrible things. The dangerous hunch continues to stimulate her. One guess will know that evil blood is raising the card.

Wayne couldn't hide, Krypton gold was getting more and more frustrated, she was difficult to deal with alone, urgently needed Li Mo to show his power again. If the cloak staining blood can improve performance, Li Mo may be able to break out that kind of attack again, helping her. On the contrary, it is Krypton Jin Luo, and I'm sorry for the title of false god. The strength of non-combat gods is really rubbish, and only serves as a mascot.

Krypto Jinluo gritted his teeth and looked innocently at Li Mo, his mouth narrowed: "How much blood do I need? I'm afraid of pain."

"Not much, just a little bit. Rest assured, my technique is very good, and it doesn't hurt at all!" Seeing Krypton Jinsongkou, Li Mo immediately grabbed her little hand and moved to the side, then flexed his fingers.

The pure finger pressure was strengthened by the Saint Cloth, and turned into a ray of sharp knife gas, which split instantly. Frightening Thunder Knife!

Just listening to the bang, Kryptonian's little hand floated a layer of divine glory, bouncing Li Mo's attack and instantly decomposing into nothingness.

"Huh? What are you doing!" Li Mo glared, and the kryptonite goddess was aggrieved, explaining: "I'm afraid, this time I'm not defensive, you should be gentle."

"it is good!"

Li Mo nodded, but did not believe at all. This time, he directly added the flame demon radiation, flicking again with the increase of the holy cloth, only listening to the harsh sound of tearing the air, the flame demon Zhu split knife! (Pocket version)

A flash of red light flashed, Krypton's body twitched violently, and then opened his mouth to treble the dolphins that wiped out the world.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

And her small palm, penetrated by the sharp radiation knife, burst into a golden blood spot in an instant. A lot of blood spattered out, spilling Li Mo all over. The demon fibers all over the Saint Cloth, after touching these golden blood, woke up suddenly, were inspired by greedy appetite, and poured into Li Mo's brain without reservation.

'I'm hungry! ‘His spirit lost in an instant, and the little white hand looking at Krypto Jinluo was full of appetite and could n’t help but want to swallow her. Immediately, the wave of killing intentions swept through the soul, calming him down.

At the moment, the goddess of Kryptonite was held by Li Mo and kept bleeding. He cried aloud: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!"

"It's embarrassing this time!" Li Mo kept talking, and I didn't want to back this pot, because you were too skinny.

Seeing that holy cloth proactively protruded a blood-red metal wire, which was connected to his wound and engulfed the blood continuously, Kryptonine Lori was frightened by a shock, and asked with tears in his face: "Okay No?"

"Okay, a little divinity is enough!"

The Saint Cloth communicated with his heart, and he could feel the satisfaction of swallowing the blood. Kryptonian's bleeding volume is enough to support the sublimation of Phoenix for about five minutes, but the goddess must give him a little divinity in order to stimulate the shape of the 'half artifact.'

Seeing Kryptonian Lolita's eyes with doubts and suspicions, Li Mo explained: "Don't look at me like this, I am majoring in the Devil's Core, and it's useless to get your divinity."

The divinity is indeed cherished, but it must be matched with itself. What's more, even if Krypton Lolita is a god, he is also a tractor in a chicken, Li Mo certainly can't look down on it. It's strange! Kryptonian gold loli comes with lucky attributes. If her kryptonian gold divine nature is swallowed by the holy cloth, there are absolutely no harm but good.

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