Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 845: Darkness Chen Cang See Darkness Chen Cang

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It is not the style of the Krypton Emperor to concede losses only by making an agreement. What's more, this kind of thing with ambiguous content and unclear details is very controversial in detail, and often has a huge operating space.

If Li Mo's camp is strong and he is weak, it is likely to sign a treaty of bereavement and humiliation as I did in Qing Dynasty. If the strengths are reversed, even if one manages one's own losses, as long as he has the general strength of the US, he can minimize the cost and slime.

What's more, Krypton had no idea of ​​paying compensation at all. He was clearly opposed to Tianjing and negotiated one by one to continuously reduce the price he had to pay. But all this is in the guise of blinding eyes, in fact, it is trying to steal time to secretly call people.

It should be noted that this time he came, but he was not alone. Far away in the universe battlefield, there is also a heavyweight foreign aid, the Amazon Queen from a paradise island. This Diana is very different from the stupid and sweet Gal Gadot in terms of appearance and character, but is a more authentic European and American lady with a magical green tea face.


This woman with great strength and ambition is not a vase, but a strong woman with all her tactics. Queen Krypton used each other to invest in Clark's property with the DC Greek Protoss. When the Krypton King was in power, he used the power of the Krypton Devil to open up the "Devil Paradise Island" in the abyss, regained his own Amazon tribe, and became a Lord (average strength).

She apparently respected Krypton Emperor's love, but she lived privately for many years, and each has her own financial independence. The Krypton emperor was tired of this ‘ca n’t afford it’, and Diana also kept her head in her private territory, but both sides knew each other but kept a tacit understanding. Rather than being a model couple, it is better to talk about mutual use and a good cooperative relationship (***. (Alien immigrants who are also DC registered, are suppressed and discriminated against by the aboriginal people of the main world, and hold each other to warm up)).

The Krypton emperor was suppressed by the Gaita empire, and the idea of ​​calling for help was also moved. But he couldn't keep his face open to beg women, not to mention Diana's appearance fee was not low, and finally chose the cheaper **** force. (Li Mo: Emperor Krypton, you really failed to be a man. My little Kiki not only helped me for free, but also bought me six yuan of spicy hot supplements for nutrition. Thoughtful and considerate? Just ask you if you are envious?)

Then the Krypton Emperor counterattacked the Gaeta Legion and found a young and beautiful elf girl with extraordinary life. When she moved evil thoughts, she would not even tell the old woman to help her. Unfortunately, at this time, the Li Mo gang came to ask for salary. He and the devil couldn't eat each other and had to summon Diana to help.


The devil, who was given the heavy responsibility by the Krypton Emperor, and argued with Tianjing for a long time, the Krypton Emperor saw the time was ripe, and suddenly sneered and turned the table.

(╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻

"Humph, Victor, your food is too ugly! It's not that I don't agree to compensation, but that you have done too much. Every month, how many times has it been turned, how can it grow indefinitely? Incomplete Heavenly Dao does not mean that Heavenly Dao is unfair. Have you ever done one? "

The Krypton Emperor kicked the table abruptly, naturally relying on it, and the source of everything is still on the moon. If he chooses to refuse payment, it is a face of heaven, and his status in Gotham will be unstable. Therefore, he took the initiative to participate in the negotiation, which gave Tiandao face, indicating that he was willing to play according to the rules of the game.

However, in the process of bargaining, he raised a reasonable protest with DC Tiandao. This shows that he is willing to abide by the rules, but it does not mean that he is willing to eat boring losses. This kind of infinite loan shark is very unreasonable. The incomplete program of the DC Heavenly Dao is rigid and lacks subjective decision-making, so it recognizes the adoption of part of the Krypton Emperor's views and is in a dilemma.

At this time Emperor Krypton's reinforcements had arrived, and immediately proposed to make a fixed win or defeat, DC Heavenly Dao was accurate.

Seeing that Krypton Emperor lifted the table halfway, Tianjing secretly had moths, and sneered, "Oh? After doing a game, who gave you the courage?"


Tian Jing suddenly noticed that the space of this demon domain became disordered, a group of powerful forces spanned a long and slow distance, tore a passage, and appeared at the negotiation site step by step.

Then, wearing a purple tights, carrying a sword and a shield, hanging a rope hand with a purple light ring, the appearance of the old features is mean and neat, which is completely different from the silly and white Miss Israel Sister, another parallel universe. The magical green tea with the isomorphic European and American faces appeared.

As soon as she appeared, the situation changed.

"It's a good idea to darken Chen Cang on the plank road, great!"

Tian Jing looked at Emperor Krypton, her expression gradually solidified, and she spent most of her energy on revising the contract, even ignoring this. No, this is not an omission, but the Krypton Emperor deliberately did it. The other party shields the heavens with the magic domain, allowing himself to ignore this. It seems that the fit between the new body and the blood sky is not enough, and it was actually deceived.

Behind him eagerly calculated how much krypton can be fished, his face was somber, and his face was not ready to use force. Grabbing money from the kryptonite goddess is like pulling a tooth out of a tiger's mouth. She is afraid of death, but she is even more afraid of the possession of her wealth. The so-called broken God's wealth road is like killing God, Krypton Emperor, we will never die!

Observing the master during the whole process, vaguely realized that the causal astronomy is somewhat similar to financial investment. Wayne, who is working hard to study this way, looks at the purple light green tea Diana with a complex face, and at the same time his mind flips. He also saw that there was a gap between the other party and the Krypton emperor. This is a good opportunity for him to make a comeback.

"Is it them?" Emperor Krypton left a hand without giving Dai Aina complete information. She did not know Li Mo's false background, but instead focused her attention on Tian Jing.

The opponent's weak quality is only congenital, and there is no birth tire, but there is a godhead hidden, strong and fragile, which instantly seduce her greed. As for the krypton gold loli, a common pseudo-god, slaughtering the divine nature and priesthood, the truth of this trip. Then she looked at Wayne, her mind suddenly trance, and her mood became complicated.

Wayne is also a master of the younger sister, knowing that at this time he had the last chance to throw off an eye containing countless information, and actually performed the ‘Green Escape-the next king ’s eyebrow teaser’ under the eyes of Krypton Emperor!

At a glance, he successfully reduced countless information eyes into a single eye, projected into the other person's soul window, and avoided the gaze and no longer looked at each other, but the Krypton Emperor was unaware of it, completely ignorant of the luck above his head. Green light.

Diana frowned slightly, digesting the huge message in an instant, neither reporting nor glancing at him again, deep in her mind, wondering what she was thinking? This surprised Wayne, and the other party was no longer the woman who could get it done with rhetoric. But fortunately, such a woman Krypton Emperor can not control.

"I want her divinity!" Unlike the Krypton Emperor who came to doppelganger, the Purple Lantern Lady's body strength is not as good as Krypton Tyrant, so she chose this advent. After slaughtering the Purple Lantern Corps and looting the purple sentiment spectrum, her strength surged and surpassed the Krypton Emperor's avatar, the most powerful one on the field.

"Good!" Emperor Krypton nodded, and naturally chose the enemy, the blood demon, as his opponent, and let Li Mo, a tricky guy out, whoever killed him by mistake could cut off the cause and effect, and he also had an excuse to shirk responsibility.

The devil also understood that Li Mo was not easy to provoke, and deliberately dumped him to the Purple Lantern, who was ready to take the pot and prepare to kill Li Mo, an eye-catching scum.

But at the moment when both sides touched, Tianjing Loli sneered in her heart, what about the dark Chen Cang? Old lady will too! The space disorder that has not yet stabilized in the Demon Realm is turbulent again. A perfect metal giant hand tears the dome and stabs in, dispersing the condensed energy field of the Purple Lantern Lady.

"Sister Red Queen is him, it is this shameless idiot chasing me for seven days and nights, and wants to kidnap me! I would rather die than keep the chastity." Branchi, with Tian Jing's hint, first grabbed the shameless emperor Kryp Dao, at the same time connected to Li Mo's heart devil, arrogant and charming voice said: "Little Didi, sister come to save you! I also brought you gifts, happy or unhappy, pleasantly surprised?"

This huge contrast made Li Mo almost squirt out and replied: Quickly act seriously, don't wave like this, beware of overturning!

"Huh?" The feelings were not harmonious. At this moment, I felt that I was green and the purple light lady suddenly stopped, and I looked badly at Emperor Krypton.

She did not really anger, but found that the opposite lineup was somewhat beyond estimates, a god, two pseudo-gods, and a Wayne. Thinking of the message sent by the old lover, it seems that a counterattack is more cost-effective?

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