Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 382 King Level Harvest

The stars appeared on the top of the sky, and the night fell.

Cao Yan glanced at his surroundings, and saw that the black-brown land surrounded by mist was vast and vast.

Somewhat horribly, there are many bones and remains scattered around, filled with white bones.

Fortunately, Cao Yan and his attendants were not too surprised to see a lot of bones in the ancient continent in the past few days.

There are many skeletons near and far, including monsters and humans. Moreover, the bones are relatively complete, which is different from the scattered white bones that can be seen everywhere before.

"These are the bones of the strong. There is a metallic luster on the bones. It shows that they were powerful during their lifetime. They absorbed the power of heaven and earth elements into their bodies and repeatedly tempered themselves. Only then can such bones appear tough and indestructible. "

Black energy loomed in Auch's eyes, and he scanned the distance, "This seems to be an ancient battlefield..."

Cao Yan nodded slightly.

Around these bones from far and near, many rusty weapons can be seen. Judging from the posture and shape of the scattered bones, most of them died in fierce battles, so it should not be wrong to say that it was a battlefield.

Not far from Cao Yan and the others, there was a skeleton of a rhinoceros-shaped monster. Half of its body was buried in dust and mud, but there was a human skeleton on the top of its head.

In the hand of the human skeleton, holding a rusty spear, it pierced deeply into the neck of the rhinoceros monster.

The two apparently died together in a fierce battle. Because of the time, the posture has been deformed, but you can still feel the tragic life and death confrontation at that time.

Auch walked to a skeleton and made an inhalation movement towards the skeleton, a faint gray breath was sucked out of the skeleton by him and entered into the nasal cavity.

"The smell of death and decay of this corpse is about three or four hundred years old. In other words, there was a great war in this place three or four hundred years ago..."

Auch walked to another corpse, repeated the action just now, with a look of surprise on his face, "This one is different, and the time of death is much longer."

Cao Yan tilted his head, full of doubts.

From ancient times to the present, the ancient continent has been born in the green forest world many times, but the time is irregular. Sometimes it will appear at intervals of one or two hundred years, and sometimes it may not be born once in thousands of years.

The last time the ancient continent appeared in the green jungle world,

It was more than two hundred years ago.

Combined with the death time of the bones mentioned by Auch, the corpses in front of us are likely to have happened in the time when the ancient continent was not born.

So where did this ancient continent go before it was born? What happened to cause so many dead bodies here? What kind of power did the ancient continent rely on to appear in the green jungle world and then disappear again and again, in an endless cycle.

Similar problems have plagued countless generations of people in the green forest world.

Cao Yan made a gesture, and the attendants immediately dispersed, each responsible for a direction, and began to investigate this strange battlefield.

Only Dandan was left with Cao Yan. The other magic pets stayed in the trapping ball and did not come out.

Cao Yan jumped onto Dandan's back and began to investigate this ancient battlefield.

"Exploration mission prompt, the host's demon pet ant colony found the skeleton of an ancient dragon elephant in this ancient battlefield... Host points +10, attendant points +10;"

The voice of the fake system sounded in Cao Yan's consciousness.

Eggy was moving very fast, like a wisp of black smoke, lightly heading in one direction of the battlefield.

Cao Yan soon discovered that Dandan's direction was very clear, and it seemed that he had made some discoveries. He was about to inquire, when Eggy, who was running fast, suddenly stopped.

On the ground not far ahead, a huge footprint appeared.

The footprints left by humanoid creatures over four meters long are very clear.

Cao Yan jumped off Eggy's back and came to the giant footprints. Through observation, it can be known that the footprints were not left recently, and like the bones on this battlefield, they have survived for a long time.

There is a strange force in the footprints. It is this force that resists the invasion of natural environments such as wind and sand, and it is also this force that causes the footprints to freeze, and they are still clearly visible after a long time.

The creature with this big foot should have stepped on this footprint while making a vertical leap and kicking on the ground with one foot, so the footprint is deep in the ground.

This also explains why the footprints have residual power. Obviously, its owner exploded the power in his body to jump up, causing the power to be released from his feet.

Cao Yan looked around the footprint carefully, and found that the footprint had six toes, was it left by a humanoid six-toed creature?

Not long after, Cao Yan returned to Eggy's back and continued walking, and soon found another footprint.

The previous footprint was the left foot, this time it is the right foot.

Cao Yan calculated the distance and was stunned. This unknown six-toed creature can reach a distance of 100 meters in one vertical leap... It is obviously running and jumping at high speed, stepping on the ground continuously to leave these footprints .

In the next few minutes, as Eggy moved forward, Cao Yan found such giant footprints one after another.

After night fell, there was a dead silence on the ancient continent.

The light of the stars and the moon passed through the mist and fell sparsely on the ground.

The speeding Eggy slowly slowed down.

When Cao Yan looked through the mist and saw the scene ahead clearly, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

There is a huge humanoid figure appearing in front!

As the distance approached, an inexplicable sadness surged in Cao Yan's heart, "It's the remains of a king-level creature."

Monarch-level creatures can affect one side of the world, forming a powerful synergy between the world and the earth, even if they are dead, that's why the nearby world is filled with a sad and dead breath.

The closer the creature was to the front, Cao Yan was startled when he could fully see its shape.

"The legendary giant...or a humanoid primate?!"

The figure in front was a huge humanoid skeleton over thirty-five meters high.

It just stood there, dead for a long time, with a thick skeleton, showing a light silver luster.

On the body of the skeleton, there is also the corpse of another creature, which is the skeleton of a snake-like monster, which is also huge, wrapping around the skeleton of a humanoid creature.

The hand of the humanoid creature tightly strangled the head of the giant snake, and the cracks in its grasp were densely covered.

The snake's neck twisted abnormally, and in a strange posture, it bit its teeth at the giant's throat.

The postures of both sides at the moment of death were extremely hideous.

The humanoid creature looked up to the sky and roared, as if it was full of unwillingness to die.

The big snake's bones are tightly coiled around the humanoid body, and the bones of both sides are intertwined, forming a scene of intertwined bones, fighting for their lives, which looks quite terrifying.

It is difficult to determine the exact time when both parties died, but the skeletons are well preserved and exude a special aura, so it can be confirmed that they are two king-level creatures.

Cao Yan was greatly moved by this picture of a giant snake stalking and killing a giant.

"Remind the host to find the remains of the giant fighting body in the state of the ancient Titan bloodline returning to the ancestors... remind the host to find the remains of the ancient creature Thick Earth Python. Please collect the bones of the two and send them to the spaceship for storage..."

"Still collecting farts." Cao Yan threw out the trap ball directly, preparing to take away the two pairs of giant biological bones intertwined with each other.


When the trap ball spun in the air, releasing the space-retracting force, the two skeletons shook violently under the force of the space force, and when they were about to be put into the trap ball, there were flashes of lightning and thunder in the sky. Anomalies occur frequently.

Even if a king-level creature dies, it is still protected by a mysterious power between heaven and earth, which cannot be easily desecrated.

However, what Cao Yan threw was a master ball, which was extremely powerful, and finally put two skeletons into it.

He took back the trapping ball, thinking to himself that the visit to the ancient continent was not in vain, the bones of the two king-level creatures were extremely valuable.

Before Cao Yan could finish thinking about something good, Eggy suddenly started to run away.

Cao Yan was stunned for a moment, then looked back, his heart suddenly jumped.

At the same time as he put away the two skeletons, two clusters of faint blue lights lit up in the distant mist, like two big lanterns, quickly approaching his direction.

In the void, there was a violent force like a mountain roaring and a tsunami rushing towards his face.

"There is something in the mist, the bones here are not allowed to be touched..."

Eggy ran extremely fast, similar to flying close to the ground, but the monster in the fog behind was even faster, and within a second of thought, he caught up a lot.

What kind of monster would it be that could make the addicted balls run away at sight?

Thinking about it this way, Cao Yan directly turned on the attendant assistant, turned on the screen projection, pissed into a trap ball with Eggy's ass, rolled into the screen, the projection disappeared, and left this mysterious ancient battlefield.

The moment they disappeared, a group of faint blue flames swept past their position just like a wave.

If Cao Yan's speed was a little slower, he might be cold.

At the same time as sending them away, Cao Yan turned on the attendant assistant and sent a message to the attendants, telling them to leave quickly. That battlefield is obviously not right, it's too weird, and it will hit the street after staying for a long time.

"Leave now? I found a lot of good things here!"

While replying to Cao Yan, Taohua sent her away from the ancient battlefield and rushed to join Cao Yan.

However, Ao He and Dai Huanyu were on the line of attendants, but there was no movement...

ps: I'm sorry, I can't control my head today, and my thoughts keep wandering, so I finally finished writing this chapter. That's all for today, I have to go to bed early, and I have to go to the hospital early tomorrow morning.

Thank you for your support~

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