Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 574 Sand Sculpture Warcraft

Before the Luanniao in the Moon Palace approached, a storm condensed and rolled towards the black-backed serpent.

Several ancient trees were affected, uprooted instantly by the storm, whirled into the air, and then were torn into pieces by the storm.

The big black-backed snake coiled its body, remained motionless in the storm, thrust its neck forward, and opened its mouth wide to bite the ostrich.


The luan bird vibrated its chest cavity, and amidst the chirping sound, the clouds around him churned. It hid itself in the cloud to avoid the big snake's bite, and a pair of sharp claws pierced through the cloud to grab the big snake's neck.

The close combat between the two monsters was very intense.

At this time, Taohua also rushed over through the delivery, and appeared beside Cao Yan, becoming a crowd of people eating melons and watching the excitement.

She sat down beside Cao Yan, looked at the war of monsters in the distance, looked away, and turned to look at the misty white aura on the World Tree, and said in surprise: "The aura emanating from this tree is so ancient."

The curse continued: "It's not just ancient, there is a strange power in the breath of the World Tree, take a breath and try."

Taohua took a breath according to her words, and immediately felt a gust of air flow into her body with the inhalation.

The air flow dissipated in her body, like a magic potion, which actually pushed her strength to increase slightly.

Taohua was quite surprised, and took another breath, feeling exactly the same as before.

Her power slightly improved again.

Cao Yan said: "The mother body of this world tree was born in the period when all things were born in the green forest world and when the world first opened. It is a kind of energy, so whether it is for professionals or Warcraft, it is of great benefit."

The sight of the peach blossoms was attracted by a piece of emerald green leaves on the tree.

She observed the leaf carefully, her eyes shining brightly: "Boss, the texture that grows naturally on this leaf is actually a symbolic structure of the wood attribute!"

When Cao Yan climbed the tree, he discovered that the leaves of the world tree have natural textures, which can gather and swallow the elements of heaven and earth, similar to the role of symbolic structures.

Considering that this is a world tree, there are countless magical legends about it, and it is not surprising that it shows some magic.

far away,

The battle between the two monsters spread more and more widely.

Scars began to appear on the neck and back of the black-backed snake, and the scales were scratched by the ostrich, dripping with blood.

The luan bird also lost its feathers, and there was even a spot on its back that was black and festered, which was caused by the fangs of the big snake.

The battle between the two sides became more dangerous and fierce.

At this time, the luan bird jumped out of the cloud again, its sharp claws were like stabbing spears, and it stabbed at the big snake's eyes.

The big snake lowered its head and rolled its body, like an earth dragon turning over to avoid the attack of a ostrich.

But just as it was rolling and dodging, a spider web suddenly appeared in the void, and it precisely stuck to the big snake's head.

At the same moment, the phoenix on the opposite side was also attacked, and several white lights appeared in the void, sealing the space on both sides of the phoenix.

The ostrich was startled, soared into the air, but crashed head-on into another spider web that fell from above.

Eggy deliberately spit out spider webs to block the ostrich from the left and right, just to make it fly upwards, and formed another shadow spider web in advance to catch the ostrich head-on.

These two sand sculpture monsters fought with all their strength, and were exhausted from fighting. Dandan took advantage of it and became a prisoner in an instant.

These two monsters are the dominant creatures in the nearby area, but they have not reached the king level.

After they were captured by the spider web, they struggled and writhed, screaming through the clouds and cracking the sun. Unfortunately, no matter how they struggled, the spider web always firmly stuck the two to the web.

Seeing that Eggy got it, Cao Yan handed the remaining half bag of melon seeds to Taohua, and said to the curse: "The world tree will recover, and I am afraid that it will attract many monsters one after another, curse you to stay at the base and be careful. "

After the mantra was answered, Cao Yan sent a message to Dandan, telling him to save some of the beast's blood when it ate the two beasts and turn it over to the spaceship.

Cao Yan then disappeared on the World Tree and was sent back to the association's residence.

Outside the window, the sun is slanting to the west, and fish-scale ripples appear in the sky. Against the backdrop of the setting sun, it looks like a quiet picture in an ancient scroll.

"Young Master Yan, you're back." Cao Yan just teleported back when Pandas outside the door heard the movement and asked.

"Well, I took my magic pet to the abyss."

Cao Yan was talking nonsense, seeing Pandas knocking on the door and coming in, he pointed to the window, which meant that he went out through the window.

Pandas had a bandage hanging on his shoulder, and there was a black scorched mark on his face, but he was injured.

The last time the pope invoked divine punishment, he toppled Cao Yan's residence in the association. At that time, guards such as Yude and Pandas were on duty in the courtyard outside the building, and the divine punishment was not aimed at them, so although the guards were implicated, most of them were traumatic and not serious.

Only Pandas rushed into the collapsed building to find Cao Yan immediately after the divine punishment. Just as the divine punishment was still alive, an electric arc shot at him, almost piercing his shoulder.

But this guy has a brave personality, and he didn't care at all when he got some injuries, and everything was as usual.

He found that Cao Yan was not in the house just now, and he was a little anxious. At this time, seeing Cao Yan came back, he was relieved, came in to chat for a few words, and then backed out.

When the sun was setting, Cao Yan found Qiao Zuo in an office of the association.

"Shuai Qiao."

In addition to being the captain of the Dalong, Qiao Zuo also serves as the deputy commander of the armed forces of the association.

"Sit." Qiao Zuo greeted.

He was wearing a battle armor, and he had just returned from the front line of the abyss against the impact of the beasts, and he was full of murderous aura.

Cao Yan said bluntly: "I want to ask for something, Qiao Shuai, your magic pet, Dagua, is the 10th king level, right?"

"Well, that guy is very lazy. The king creature in our association has stayed at the tenth level for the longest time. It has been in the king state for more than two thousand years. I don't know when it will evolve again." Qiao Zuo complained about his magic pet road.

"Can you give me a few drops of Dagua's blood?"

Last night's "blackmail" Tinon had a good harvest, and Commander Cao has his eye on Qiao Zuo's big melon today.

There are still a few big bosses in the association who have the king's magic pet, but unfortunately they have no friendship with Cao Yan, or even talked to him, so they can't go to him to ask for the blood of the king's monster, otherwise Commander Cao's points will skyrocket.

"Do you want Dagua's blood to make medicine?"

The blood of his own magic pet is not a rare thing for Qiao Zuo.

In the past, when Dagua fought, he was inevitably injured, and he had a lot of Dagua's blood on his hands.

He had a good relationship with Cao Yan, and he threw a small bottle to Cao Yan while talking, and said: "Although the big melon is a king, the blood cannot be used indiscriminately. If you use it to refine medicine, you must be more careful."

Cao Yan thanked him, ran away after receiving the benefit, and then submitted Dagua's blood to the fake system, and got a reward of 800 points as he wished.

After that, Cao Yan went to the repair team of the city defense system.

Seeing him coming, Ji Wen and others came up one by one to report the progress of the repair of the city defense system, as well as some problematic structures in semiotics, and asked Cao Yan for solutions together.

Night fell.

Cao Yan finished his work and returned to his residence again.

He just got the news that tonight the association will have a big operation, which is the plan he and Tinon discussed to use the space portal to launch a surprise counterattack against the church.

After a day of preparation, the operation will begin tonight.

The success of this operation, to a certain extent, determines the future fate of the city of God's Domain.

The night was getting dark.

Cao Yan didn't go to participate in the association's activities. He moved a chair and sat by the window, checking a trapping ball.

A few days ago, he imitated the core system of the ancient continent, made a matrix of symbolic structures, and then placed the Balrog captured by the abalone in the center of the matrix, allowing the matrix to absorb the power of the Balrog to try its operation effect.

A few days later, Cao Yan took out the trap ball containing the Balrog to check.

The Balrog in the ball became listless, and the flames circulating outside his body also seriously declined. Obviously, the matrix structure played a role in absorbing the fire element power outside its body.

After Cao Yan inspected it, his thoughts moved slightly. If this kind of matrix structure is used to make a trapping ball and capture monsters, it will definitely form a huge limit on the power of monsters, greatly improve the success rate of pet hunting, and even create a monster that is more powerful. The Legendary Trapper Ball of Pet Catcher.

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