Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 685 Era Temple

In front of everyone's line of sight, there was an area with a diameter of more than 100 meters. The soil wave turned outwards, and a deep pit appeared in the ground. All the surrounding trees collapsed and were surrounded by flames.

The big bird, which had been hit by the falling object in the air, fell to the center of the pit on the ground. It was already torn apart, incomplete, and died in a miserable state.

A little away from its corpse, there is a half-human-sized gray-blue ball, which is what fell from the sky.

Just as Cao Yan and the others approached, the ball, like a flower blooming, rolled and cracked from the inside out, revealing a humanoid creature curled up inside.

When the ball was completely cracked, the humanoid moved and quickly stood up from it.

The sphere was less than half the size of a human, but the humanoid creature standing inside it had an astonishing height of more than two meters, which was very strange.

His figure is slender, not too strong, but he has a strong sense of strength. His skin has a bit of indigo color, and his facial features are the same as those of humans, except that his forehead is slightly narrow, giving him a brutal and fierce look.

He came out of the ball, stretched his body, looked around, and immediately stuck out his tongue, which was as long as a meter, and pierced through the head of the dead big bird.

The next moment, a breath was drawn from the body of the big bird, and was swallowed by the humanoid creature through its tongue.

The remains of the big bird shriveled up instantly, turned into fly ash, and disappeared completely, leaving nothing behind.

This scene, against the backdrop of the surrounding blue flames, was eerie and terrifying.

A humanoid creature descended from the sky, sucking up a huge bird carcass in an instant, and the strangeness made people palpitate.

The flamboyant man came from a distance, just in time to see these changes, and immediately hid behind Cao Yan.

"What kind of creature is this?" Feng Qiwu also had a look of surprise on his face.

After the humanoid creature absorbed the remains of the big bird, it turned slightly sideways, and only then did Cao Yan and the others see two wing-like protrusions on his back.

At this time, one of the protrusions fell off and cracked, and fell to the ground, like a giant egg hatching, and crawled out of it was a monster with a thin head, shaped like a hound, but much stronger than ordinary dogs. , standing side by side with the humanoid creature.


After the dog monster appeared, it made a strange sound. It sounded like a certain tissue in its body was vibrating, forming a compound syllable, which made people feel panic.

When it made a sound, it turned its head and stared in the direction of Cao Yan and others.

The humanoid creature also turned around, looking at the crowd. The two sides were separated by a distance of more than a hundred meters, looking at each other, and the atmosphere was chilling.

The eyes of the humanoid creature fell on Cao Yan, and the blue eyes were eerie.

He suddenly stretched out his slender arm and pointed at Cao Yan, with a sneer on his face.

"This guy seems to be provoking you, Young Master Cao." The flamboyant man probed his head and said.

At this time, the humanoid creature jumped up and jumped onto the back of the dog monster beside him.


The dog monster was as fast as a ghost, backed into the jungle not far away, jumped among the trees, and disappeared into the depths of the jungle in a blink of an eye.

"This guy was still provoking you just now, why did he run away suddenly?" the flamboyant man said in astonishment.

"He fell from a high altitude, consumed a lot of energy, and was in a relatively weak stage, so after landing, he absorbed the corpse of the big bird immediately and recovered some of his strength. After observing us, he saw that he was not Cao Yan. Therefore, he did not come to fight, but retreated into the depths of the jungle. As for his provocation against Cao Yan, he probably wanted to lure Cao Yan to chase him.

Knowing that he was no match for Cao Yan, he dared to lure Cao Yan to chase him. He was obviously very confident in his ability to survive and fight in the jungle, and believed that he could use the jungle environment to defeat Cao Yan. "

Surprisingly, it was Wang Li who made this analysis.

Feng Qiwu and the flamboyant man turned their heads to look at Wang Li on the bear's back in surprise.

"Because I have Cao Yan by my side, I don't have safety concerns, so I can concentrate on observing the reaction of that humanoid creature and analyze it randomly." Wang Li explained.

Cao Yan said with a smile: "You are not analyzing randomly. Before that guy left, he sent me a subtle mental fluctuation. He really wanted me to chase him and play hunting and killing games with me in the jungle."

Pompous man: "Then what are you waiting for, let's catch up right away. Young Master Cao, you take the lead and find out what kind of monster he is."

"If I catch up, I'll throw you up to lead the charge first." Cao Yan said angrily.

He was also quite curious about the origin of the creature, but considering that Wang Li was by his side, he didn't plan to chase it himself.

Cao Yan took out a trapping ball and released a space portal from it.

The void was full of fluctuations, and shadows sprang out of the portal one after another, disappeared in a flash, rushed into the dark jungle, and chased in the direction where the humanoid creature left.

These shadows that appeared were all void hyenas.

With the characteristics of the void hyena, it is perfect for tracking that humanoid creature.

And after the void hyena, Auch also came out of the portal, bowed slightly to Cao Yan, turned into a black air in the air, like a long river hanging in the air, and disappeared in the depths of the jungle in an instant.

The goddess of the jungle also appeared afterward, and in a flash, she directly merged into a big tree without a trace.

With the abilities of Auch and the Goddess of the Jungle, and the assistance of the Void Hyena, the humanoid creature would be in an embarrassing situation no matter what its origin.

"Don't beat him to death, bring him back to me." Cao Yan ordered Auch and the Goddess of the Jungle through the attendant assistant, and immediately communicated with the fake system in his consciousness: "What is the origin of the guy who fell from the sky?"

"The spaceship said before that there are angels coming from the church. The purpose of their coming is because there will be changes in the green forest world at some point in the future." The fake system responded.

"So this strange creature that descended from the sky has the same purpose as those angels?"

Cao Yan said unexpectedly: "So he is not a living species in this world?"

"The spaceship detected that he was thrown from a height of more than a thousand feet into a green forest by some kind of force, and the specific origin needs to be found by the host itself.

What is certain is that the Green Jungle World will become more and more lively in the future. The situation the host saw just now will not be an exception. said the fake system.

For some time to come, the world of the green forest will become very lively. Similar words were also said when the archangel Ma Nei came.

Cao Yan was a little worried: "If creatures from other planes break into the green forest world one after another, will the existing world structure be affected and large-scale chaos occur?"

"This is not true, ordinary people will not even notice the relevant changes. Their arrival is not an invasion, but to enter the Temple of the Era. The Temple of the Era will appear in the depths of the jungle, and related changes will also occur in the depths of the jungle , has minimal impact on ordinary people." The fake system said firmly.

"What exactly is the Jiyuan Temple?" Cao Yan asked.

"The existence of the Temple of Era is a cosmic mystery. There are legends that it comes from a tilted place in the universe, which is also the strange place that the spaceship has been looking for."

The fake system said: "During the long time and space travel, this spaceship has also chased the Temple of the Era. There is a picture of the Temple of the Era moving in time and space stored in the spaceship. Does the host want to see it?""

Cao Yan became very interested: "Of course, let's get it out and have a look."

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