Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 774 Cool Angel【4000+】

Castle in the Sky.

After receiving the news from Dai Huanyu, Commander Cao came to the study, flipped through some materials about the church, and realized that the fake system was talking:

"The gods of the light department who came to the green forest world this time carry the fire of faith. The host should be careful."

"What is the fire of faith?"

"It can spread the light of faith and use it to spread faith. It is a common method for the church to conquer many planes. It is very efficient and difficult to resist."

The fake system explained how the flame of faith spreads, and Commander Cao's face was serious when he heard it.

He pondered for a moment, then opened the attendant assistant again to check the progress of the Dark God Kingdom and the Dragon Hunting Team.

The ruins of the Kingdom of God are still absorbing the black energy from the dark source, and the temple in the center of the ruins has basically been restored to its integrity. On the square in front of the temple, countless death guards and bones of the undead stood there, densely packed, making one's hair stand on end.

When the assistant system switches the screen to the sea, it presents a completely different scene.

A giant spider web with a diameter of a kilometer covers the sea. The edges of the web stretched out, hanging stickily in the void.

And on the net, there is a giant dragon sticking to it.

The spider webs were broken one by one under the dragon's struggle, but soon new spider threads grew to fill up the broken parts.

On the edge of the spider web, Dandan was lying there, her limbs were like knives, stabbing out continuously like a phantom.

The dragon's body was mottled with blood, and Eggy was also injured, but it used the shadow attribute to change between virtual and real. Every time it changed, its body reorganized between virtual and real, and the injuries were repaired accordingly.

After Cao Yan sent Dandan to the Internet celebrity, the battle to catch the dragon became a battle between Dandan and Shenlong.

The two were at a stalemate, but the dragon was obviously at a disadvantage because it was stuck by the spider web.

A dragon is stuck on the spider web, fluttering in the wind.

"Is the main pet of the Lord City Lord so fierce? Overwhelming the real dragon!"

"Have you seen City Lord Cao's main pet show his true colors before?"

"I've never seen it before, this is the first time..."

The rest of the Pet Catcher,

While watching the battle of spider dragons, they discussed.

On the surface of the sea, the power of the elements collided violently, and the battle was in full swing.


Cathedral of God.

Holding the fire of faith, the worldly deity has a strong body, a golden armor, and a three-dimensional face, as if carved with a knife and an axe, like a statue of a god revived, with life.

The moment he entered the green forest world, the bright elements of the whole world seemed to be boiling and becoming extremely active.

"Your Excellency Michael Michael, I never expected that you would come in person!"

The pope, as the ruler of the god of light in the human world, is equal to the heir of the god, and is comparable to the main god Mier (the head of the Michael family).

He and Mi E nodded in greeting, while the rest of the people in the hall knelt down on the ground with excited expressions.

Mier's golden eyes flickered, scanning the surroundings, penetrating the void, as if he was penetrating some secrets in the depths of the green forest world.

As he walked, the void around him suddenly shattered layer by layer, and orderly power was generated under his feet.

"Get up, I will stay in the green forest world for a while. I have made arrangements for other things, and the angels under my command will be responsible for the implementation." Mi's voice was thick and deep, ringing in everyone's ears.

His voice fell, his figure disappeared suddenly, and he disappeared.

But before disappearing, the flame of faith in his hand was lifted up by his divine power, and it gradually rose into the sky, hanging above the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God.

Its volume rapidly increases, as if a round of sun is rising.

The flame of faith is getting higher and higher, and the light is falling from the sky, centered on the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God, spreading in all directions.

"The spread of the faith has finally begun," thought the Pope.

He was the only one present who could sense Mi'er's whereabouts, and knew that Mi'er had entered the depths of the world.

After Mier left, ripples appeared again at the gate of the oracle, and more than a dozen four-winged angels and five seraphs walked out one after another. The fluctuations of the divine power emitted by these angels caused pillars of light to condense above the church, which were dazzling.

"Your Majesty, God Mier ordered us to follow your arrangement and strive to spread the fire of faith in the shortest possible time." A seraph who came out said.

"How long will it take for the flame of faith to spread to the limit?" the pope asked.

"The fire of faith brought by God Mier can cover a medium plane within ten months. This world is too vast to be fully spread out, but it is not difficult to mobilize the divine light to illuminate the densely populated five domains." Said the seraph.

Pointing to the green jungle world outside the church, the Pope said, "May God's light spread to every corner of this world as soon as possible."

A group of angels rose into the sky and went to all parts of the green forest world.

"Your Majesty, what should we do?" the Lord of Light and Darkness said excitedly.

"No need to do anything." The Pope said lightly.

Lord of Light and Darkness: "The city of the sky and several major associations..."

Pope: "They are no longer a threat.

All the angels are working together to promote the fire of faith and spread the glory of God. When the light of faith shines on Sky City and several major associations, they will all wake up from their confusion, become the people of God, or... cease to exist. "

In the next few days, the news of the coming of the Lord God, promoted by the church, spread throughout the world.

The whole world was shaken, either in fear or joy.

On the first day of Mi'er's advent, he raised the fire of faith into the sky, juxtaposed with the scorching sun outside the sky.

The next day, the light released by the fire of faith covered the holy empire where the church was located.

On the third day, the divine light continued to spread, and less than half of the central domain was affected by the divine light.

On the fifth day, the divine light enveloped the entire central domain, and began to spread to areas outside the central domain...

Its diffusion speed is much faster than the previous dark source black gas invasion.

While the divine light was filling the air, there was also the sound of reciting scriptures, which spread within the area covered by the light, lingering in the ears of every living being.


Mid-December, evening.

The setting sun was like fire, and the sky was a maple red.

In the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion of the Sky City, hundreds of people gathered, and there were no empty seats.

These people come from different forces, headed by the presidents of the four major associations such as Tinon, and they are all high-level leaders of various forces.

"The Church calls that diffused light the Light of Faith...

Their actions this time came too fast, without any warning in advance. "

"Actually, the church has declared that God will come for two or three years, but we have never taken it seriously. What the fuck, it explodes when it is said to explode."

"Although the light spreads quickly, it doesn't seem to have any destructive power at present."

"Why not? Wherever the light shines, there will be a kind of chanting sound of scriptures. Ordinary people only need to listen to it for a few hours, as if they have opened Su Hui, and they can recite and understand the scriptures of the church on their own, and become the voice of the church. believers.

This is obviously mental aggression, it's terrible.

Just think about it, if this kind of light spread all over the world, our world would be over, and almost everyone would become members of the church. "

"In a week, the central domain was shrouded in that light of faith. The speed of transmission is too fast to respond."

"It's not just a matter of speed..."

"Cao Yan. What happened to the Light of Faith? Do you know the details?" It was Tinon who asked.

The spread of light released by the fire of faith is a means for the church to spread the faith. It came so abruptly that the major associations had no relevant experience and were helpless.

Tinon and other bigwigs feel very bad now, the current situation is too difficult in troubled times.

Commander Cao sat among several bigwigs: "The light is the same as MLM brainwashing, but the method is more sophisticated. To resist, you need to fundamentally destroy the light source, which is the flame of faith hanging above the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God.

Our choice is simple, submit or resist. "

Brainwashing and pyramid schemes are some of the things that some people here don't understand, but they can understand the meaning.

"We have always been called heretics by the church, and we have no chance to surrender. Naturally, we must fight desperately and fight the church to the end."

Tinon and the others looked at each other, but they did not lack the courage to fight to the death.

The key to the current situation is that they don't know how to confront the church and resolve the crisis of the spread of the light of faith.

"Cao Yan, if you have any suggestions, tell them quickly." In the meeting hall, hundreds of people stared at Cao Yan.

At this time, an elf girl quickly walked to Dai Huanyu behind Cao Yan from the outside, and whispered a few words.

Dai Huanyu also listened to Cao Yan's report to Balabala.

After a while, Cao Yan said to everyone: "There are high-ranking angels approaching the sky city."

There was a commotion in the chamber, and the atmosphere immediately became tense.

Someone asked, "How many angels have come?"

"What level of angel is it, is City Master Cao sure to deal with it?"


In the high sky, two streamers of light jumped and flickered, approaching the city of the sky at high speed.

Those were two seraphs, and behind them was the Lord of Light and Darkness.

"Ahead is the city of the sky." The Lord of Light and Darkness is in charge of leading the way, and is ready to witness the destruction of the city of the sky with his own eyes.

"Cao Yan, whom Lord Mier ordered us to capture, is also in the city?"

The one who spoke was an angel with a handsome face, about ten feet tall, and an exquisite platinum battle armor, with three pairs of angel wings flapping behind her, traveling thousands of miles in an instant.


The Lord of Light and Darkness replied: "Cao Yan is the biggest heretic in this world, and he is also the lord of the Sky City."

In a blink of an eye, two seraphs appeared above the sky city, restrained their breath, and looked down at the city.

"The defense system of this city is actually quite mysterious, it is a superimposed composite structure." A seraph frowned slightly, staring at the defensive light wall of the sky city.

"Then Cao Yan's semiotic talent is well known to the world."

The Lord of Light and Darkness said: "This city defense system should be his handwriting."

The handsome angel said: "Come on, let's go in and have a look."

The two angels flapped their wings and were about to move, but saw the city defense light wall below slowly parting, revealing an entrance.

The defensive wall was opened at this time, obviously with a provocative meaning, allowing the two angels and the Lord of Light and Darkness to enter, the meaning of closing the door to beat the dog is obvious.

The light flickered in the void, and the two angels entered the city calmly.

The Lord of Light and Darkness followed behind and also came to the interior of the Sky City.

The streets in the city were full of people, and many people had already spotted the two angels and the Lord of Light and Darkness in mid-air. Surprisingly, no one was too surprised by their arrival, but someone showed an excited expression ready to eat melons.

"The angel of the church has come again."

"I don't know how the city lord will deal with them?"

"How can I deal with it? It must be killed. Last time the church attacked the city, several angels were killed on the spot."

"These two angels have six wings, which seem to be different from the previous ones."

"What's the difference? It's the same if you say it's different. They both have wings and fly in the sky, and they don't feel very imposing."

"Hey, look, they disappeared from the sky..."

A bunch of idle people in the city, completely unaware of the difference between seraphs and ordinary angels, are eagerly looking forward to being able to eat melons again. For a long time, Cao Yan has become synonymous with invincibility in their hearts, especially after becoming a god, no one thought that the great god Cao would not be able to deal with these two seraphs.

In the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion, waves suddenly appeared in the void.

Two seraphs, together with the Lord of Light and Darkness, appeared like ghosts, suspended in mid-air, scanning everyone.

"Cao Yan." The Lord of Light and Darkness saw Great God Cao at a glance.

When the seraph came, he was very sure that Cao Yan would take the pills today, so his eyes were full of condescension.

"Cao Yan, do you know the identities of these two angels?"

"have no idea."

"These two are Seraphim, the commander of the Angel Army."

The Lord of Light and Darkness sternly said: "Cao Yan, you have blasphemed the gods, and today you will receive the final judgment!"

Commander Cao said: "The villain died because of talking too much, you love beep beep so much, maybe you will get a box lunch?"

The Lord of Light and Darkness sneered and remained silent. The two angels beside him had already started to move, with full momentum. In an instant, a coercion spread and enveloped the whole city.

One of the angels flashed, and suddenly appeared in front of Cao Yan, and grabbed it out with his hand.

Commander Cao also waved his hand at the same moment.

The void in front of him burst silently, and a puff of black air rolled out. In a trance, the time and space in the meeting hall seemed to be tampered with by some kind of force. Day and night were reversed, and they fell into a darkness. They couldn't see, and even their thinking was at a standstill at this moment, and everything was blinded by the darkness.

At this moment, the people in the hall seemed to hear the cries of countless dead ghosts, and everyone's heart trembled.

A picture was reflected in their consciousness, white bones, collapsed temples, shattered statues, countless death guards stretched out their skinny hands, grasping the void, and the corpses of gods were scattered, shocking... In the end, everything was blacked out. Gas flooded.

In the blink of an eye, the darkness disappeared, and the hall was bright again.

The strange thing is that the two seraphs seemed to be captured by the darkness and disappeared without a trace.

The shattered space in front of Cao Yan closed, and in mid-air, only the villain Lord of Light and Darkness, who talked too much, was left with a pale face.

The so-called stupid fruit under the stupid tree, you and me under the stupid tree.

Where did the two seraphs go? !

While the Lord of Light and Darkness was completely bewildered, he panicked, with two thoughts tossing and turning in his mind: What is that darkness? The two angels overturned like this?

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