Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 777 Stolen Faith

The stars are colorful and the night is hazy.

Eastern Territory, Xia Family.

Patriarch Xia Ji, his uncle Xia Fuyi, and several prominent family elders were all there.

The main hall was brightly lit, but the upper head was about a foot above the ground, and a four-winged angel was floating in the air, with arms folded and a cool posture, exuding a strong pressure.

His eyes stared at Xia Ji proudly, and his voice was indifferent: "I am ordered by the Pope to invite the Xia family to join the divine kingdom on earth that my religion is building. What is your Xia family's opinion?"

Xia Ji said: "This matter is related to the future destiny of our family, we need to discuss it internally."

The four-winged angels were clearly dissatisfied with the Xia family's prevarication: "You should know that the light of faith will cover the Eastern Territory within a day, and it is impossible for the Xia family to continue to maintain their independence."

An elder of the family opposite the Summer Festival frowned and said, "My Xia family has a long tradition and has never participated in the struggles of various forces. This is an ancestral precept and it is impossible to change it. Please go back and tell the Pope, Your Excellency, the Xia family in the Eastern Region. Will work with you."

The angel said lightly: "If you don't join us, you are a heretic and will become our enemy."

Xia Fuyi raised the corner of his mouth: "So what, this is the Eastern Region, does your church still want to force my Xia family to fail..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the angel's face darken, and a ball of golden flames flew out from his fingertips, and instantly landed on the elder of the family who had just spoken.


The elder's body was wrapped in flames, his face was distorted, and he looked extremely painful, but he couldn't make a sound.

In an instant, his body collapsed in the flames, turned into fly ash, and disappeared completely.

The flame shrank back to a point, landed on the fingertips of the four-winged angel, and burned silently: "This is the end of provoking theocracy. Let me ask again, do your Xia family agree to join the kingdom of the gods on earth? No, the Xia family will disappear tonight , starting from tomorrow, there will be no more Xia Family in the Eastern Region."

Xia Fuyi stared blankly at the chair that the family elders had sat on just now, his complexion was pale, and he kept silent like a cicada.

The elder's strength was at the top of the lord's level, and he was a little short of entering the king's level, but he didn't even have a chance to resist.

The most horrifying thing was that the elder was engulfed in flames, but the chair he was sitting on remained intact.

The power of the four-winged angels,

It was astonishing, beyond Xia Fuyi's expectations.

At this moment, the angel's expression changed suddenly, his figure swayed slightly, and he appeared above Xia's house, looking west.

That is the direction of the central domain where the church is located.

The next moment, the four-winged angel flapped its wings like thunder and lightning, and hurried back to the church, leaving the Xia family behind.

Everyone in the Xia family looked at each other.

"What happened?" Xia Fuyi asked.

"I don't know. It seems that some kind of accident happened to the church, and the accident is not small."

Xia Ji said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid we have to change our previous plan. The church is aggressive and wants to establish a theocracy in the world. It seems impossible for us to stay out of it."

"Immediately mobilize people to investigate what happened to the church."


Church of God.

The darkness spread like an ocean.

However, there is light from the fire of faith above, and the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God has not completely fallen into darkness. There are lights emerging from all over the church to resist the invasion of darkness.

Boss Cao sat in the chariot, condescending, observing the battle situation.

"Hold the grass."

Dogarosh was going to help himself in the field, but when the battle broke out, he jumped out of the frame immediately.

However, he then saw Cao Yan make a move, easily dragging two four-winged angels and one seraph into the depths of the darkness, disappearing without a trace.

Dogaros was stunned for a moment, then dragged the fat little black Leto back into the car: "What is the darkness you released?"

"A method at the level of the gods." Boss Cao said casually.

"Means at the level of gods?" Dogarosh and the little black fat man looked at each other.

"Well, you don't know that I have become a god, do you?" Cao Yan was also a little surprised.

Dogarosh lives in another world. Cao Yan has only been a god for a few days. On the way he came to Sky City, Baoyue might not have mentioned it to him, and Commander Cao is usually used to restraining his momentum and pretending to be a serious human being, so Dogarosh Coming here, I didn't feel any change in Commander Cao from the breath, and I really didn't know that my good friend had turned over and became a god.

"So you are a god now?" Dogarossa said in amazement.

The little black fat man blinked his eyes and observed silently from the side.

Cao Yan ignored the two and watched the battle below.

For a while, the battle became more and more intense.

Many angels and kings of various forces fought against each other.

And the hunting team of Sky City, Baoyue, and the kings of the major forces joined forces, plus more than ten followers brought by Dogarosh and the little black fat man, gathered together, swept everywhere, and rampaged.

When Cao Yan watched the battle situation for a moment, he saw four or five high-ranking church leaders at the archbishop level were killed, bleeding profusely.

He withdrew his gaze, and prepared to go up to check the Flame of Faith, which was the most important thing in this raid.

At this time, Dogarosh's voice sounded behind him: "Cao Yan, since you have become a god, can you catch a few more female angels?"

The little black fat man answered: "There's a female angel over there. I've been staring at her for a long time. You see, she has a big waist, thin buttocks, a tall, fit body, and a beautiful appearance. She must be a good airs. Hurry up and start."

On the battlefield below, there is indeed a female angel, holding a slender and thin spear in her hand, piercing vertically and horizontally, with long golden hair flowing down like flowing water, her body is tall and fit, especially with a pair of long legs, she is wearing a white angel robe, and her figure is buoyant. Convex, quite coquettish.

Cao Yan looked back at the little black fat man, "You have good eyesight, but that female angel can be as tall as two of you, are you sure she will be a good shelf?"

Leto was a little embarrassed, and said: "Because I am short, I want to grab a tall one and improve the breed."

This guy is obviously a greedy person, and he even said it was an improved breed. There are too many dramas... Boss Cao feels that the friends he makes seem to be indifferent. The name of pervert and pervert.

"You two can play by yourself, I have business to do." Cao Yan suddenly disappeared inside the frame.

"Don't go, I'm also optimistic about a female angel..." Dogarossa said anxiously.

After Cao Yan left, the two sticks pulled the frame and rushed straight to the central temple below.


The dragon horns on its head moved forward and hit the bright wall outside the central temple. The wall was full of cracks, but it was not broken.

The pope walked out of the temple holding the great tome of light in his hand, murmuring: "God says: His light is everywhere!"

There was a dazzling lightning in the sky, which tore through the night sky and struck at Ergun's eyebrows.

But Er Chou opened his mouth wide and blew out a column of air, smashing the lightning into pieces.


There was a sudden sound of collapse, and a section of the dome at the top of the central temple was struck by the dragon's tail, and the wall shattered and collapsed.

At this time, two angels flew from the flanks to assist the pope and besiege the two sticks.

Inside the frame, Dogarosh and the little black fat man also rushed out and participated in the battle.

Scuffles broke out.

high altitude.

Cao Yan kept rising, getting closer and closer to the fire of faith.

As the distance approached, the chanting of scriptures sounded in his ears, lingering and invading his spirit, but a black bead appeared in Cao Yan's hand immediately, which was the source of darkness at the core of the Kingdom of God. The scripture sound suddenly disappeared.

He successfully came to the vicinity of the flame of faith.

The fire of faith is huge, like a sun falling into the green forest world, spreading endless light and heat. If you look closely, there are countless scripture characters flickering in each flame .

"This thing gathers the power of faith of countless believers and is blessed by the gods. No wonder it is so powerful."

Cao Yan raised his hand and threw the source of darkness out, hitting the flame of faith.

The dark breath continued to invade the fire of faith.

Seen from below, less than half of the flame of faith was instantly rendered dark.

However, the flame blazed again, burning blazingly, and could not stand in a stalemate with the darkness.

"The recovery time of the Kingdom of God is too short, and the source of darkness is not enough to suppress the fire of faith."

Commander Cao frowned. The focus of this raid was to destroy the flame of faith. It was a raid. If it was delayed for a long time, something might happen.

He decided to change his strategy. Since he couldn't directly destroy the Flame of Faith, taking it away would have the same effect, and then slowly figured out how to destroy it.

He integrated his spirit into the source of darkness, fully mobilized the ruins of the Kingdom of God, and released the laws of the Kingdom of God.

In the ruins of the Kingdom of God, countless symbols of dark elements emerged on the surface of the temple building that had been restored. The black gas turned into long ropes, binding and entwining the fire of faith, and dragging it into the ruins of the Kingdom of God.

However, in the middle of the flame of faith, a golden halo rose, and a phantom of a god emerged, which was Michael Michael.

At this moment, the entire battlefield was shrouded in coercion by the phantom of the main god.

Some kings couldn't resist the pressure and fell to their knees on the ground involuntarily.

The phantom of the god transformed by the forehead stared at Cao Yan, and said in a deep voice, "You are Cao Yan!"

"Yo, you still know me." Commander Cao said.

"There is no secret that can hide the insight of a lord god."

Michael Michael: "Your level does not have the ability to destroy the spread of the fire of faith."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly reached out to grab Cao Yan, the power of rules and order intertwined, the world became sticky and thick, blocking the possibility of Cao Yan's escape.

Fortunately, Cao Yan had been prepared for a long time. At the same time as his hands, the dark kingdom of God released a force, and he retreated into the ruins of the kingdom of God. It is a phantom evolved from divine power, and still has the strength to beat ordinary gods.

At this time, the power of the dark kingdom of God erupted completely, and the flame of faith in the sky was finally shaken. With the retraction of wisps of black air, it was dragged into the dark kingdom of God.

The phantom of Michael Michael also disappeared.

Down below, the people of the church were shocked to find that the fire of faith had been robbed...

It is precisely for this reason that many angels who were scattered outside were inspired and returned to the church one after another.

"Withdraw!" Commander Cao said.

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