Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 783: Big Killer

In addition to hacking, Cao Yan had another big weapon hidden in his hand, but he didn't dare to use it easily.

Because this trump card is out of control, and it may be dangerous to yourself - the Temple of Era!

Regarding the Jiyuan Temple, Cao Yan came to a conclusion after many attempts, and he became the "signal tower" of the temple.

As long as you vibrate the symbols obtained by visualizing the temple in your consciousness, you can get in touch with the temple of the era.

And this kind of connection, as Cao Yan became a god, became closer and faster, and it has been tried and tested.

Including the last time Cao Yan entered the abyss of the dark source world with Dogarosh, Baoyue and others, and robbed the pope and all the angels. In the end, a multi-party war broke out at the bottom of the abyss, among which the projection of the Era Temple was involved. Because Cao Yan acted as a tool man (signal tower), he led the temple there, destroying the church's plan for the dark source world.

At this time, the angels in the oracle's gate not only have strong fluctuations, but also Cao Yan can feel that there are not a few angels behind the gate, so they must not be allowed to come out.

Cao Yan decisively activated the temple symbol in his consciousness.

Far away, in an unknown time and space, the Era Temple vibrated and glowed. The light transcended all rules and ignored the distance. It traveled through the void in an instant, smashed the space wall, and shone into the central temple.

Cao Yan will not be attacked by the temple because he has the symbol of sea consciousness, but he can easily be dragged into the temple.

So Boss Cao shook the temple symbol, turned around and ran away, and put away the aura of the jungle goddess and the kingdom of darkness.

Eggy once obtained a symbol from the body of the time-space dragon in the temple, but at this time it was not affected by the power of the temple. Instead, it descended with the help of the light of the temple, suppressed the angels, and took the opportunity to trap several angels .

On the surface of the oracle's gate, the part of the angel's wings poking out was instantly shattered by the light from the temple.

"Sure enough, the temple doesn't seem to have a good relationship with the Guangming God Department. The few times I sent breaths through the air, they were all opposed to the Guangming God Department and strangled each other."

Cao Yan pondered in his heart: "Of course, it is also possible that the temple is domineering and domineering. It is a psychopath who hates whoever it encounters."


A ray of light descending from the temple impacted on the pillar of the oracle gate, and the majestic pillar broke and collapsed.

Boss Cao ran to the top of the temple,

Sticking to the top wall, I looked at the changes below from a distance.

His previous judgment was correct, the temple appeared, and immediately formed a void passage, trying to drag him in.

If he moves slowly, he has already been taken away by the temple.

The crisis has not yet passed, the symbols in the sea of ​​Cao Yan's knowledge are flickering, blending with the breath of the temple, the void in front of his eyes, and a new passage is being formed.

"This temple is really hurting people and hurting ourselves."

Cao Yan said in his consciousness: "The fake system consumes points and cuts off the connection between me and the temple."

Immediately, the response of the fake system sounded in the consciousness, and the deduction of points was as high as 6,000 points.

The temple symbols in the sea of ​​consciousness were suppressed by the power of the fake system, which slowly calmed down the fluctuations.

The space channel in front of Cao Yan also closed and disappeared.

At this time, the gate of the oracle had long been shattered by the impact of the light released by the temple.

Because of the closure of Cao Yan's 'signal tower', the breath of the temple came and went quickly, disappearing and receding suddenly.

Below, the central temple is riddled with holes, the walls are broken, and there are ruins everywhere. There is only a small part of the oracle's gate, which is still collapsing.

Eggy is located in a corner of the temple, and is pulling out the bloody limbs from the eyebrows of an angel.

Not far away, there were three other angels who were stuck on the spider web. They all had the same fate. They were hunted and killed by Eggy with the help of the breath of the temple.

On the contrary, the pope emitted a faint light, which was connected with the light of the statue in the temple and the light of the great light in his hand, protecting himself, unscathed.

"This old guy is really bottomless. At first I thought he was just a king, standing at the pinnacle of the green forest world. Later, I found out that he might have entered the totem level. Looking at it now, it seems that the previous judgment still underestimated him... "

Cao Yan's thoughts moved slightly, his body disillusioned, and suddenly appeared beside the Pope, punched out, and four trapping balls appeared around his arms at the same time, spinning in circles.

His fist was as heavy as a thousand pounds, but it hit the light wall outside the pope's body, and the light wall rippled, but there was no sign of breaking.

"The Pope is the apostle of the Lord of Light in the world. He is protected by God. The host cannot kill him yet." The voice of the fake system.

Cao Yan hummed, turned his back to the void, and exited the central temple as quickly as a ghost.

During the process, there were two angels who were quite close to his evacuation route, but they all hesitated, gave up blocking, and did not dare to make a move.

Eggy followed behind Cao Yan and left the central temple.

Outside the hall, the fighting situation is still fierce and abnormal.

The members of the church were hit by the death of the main god. Although their morale was weakened, their strength was steadily superior to the coalition forces of all major forces.

There are advantages and disadvantages in both aspects, and the casualties are not light.

"Withdraw!" Cao Yan said in a loud voice.

The goal set before the attack was to destroy the gate of the oracle and destroy the cathedral of the Kingdom of God. Now it has been basically achieved. The central temple is dilapidated, and the gate of the oracle is also destroyed by the temple, collapsing and disappearing.

The other buildings of the church were also damaged to varying degrees by the big stick and the two sticks.

Cao Yan's request to retreat came out, and people from all major forces were all clear-headed and ready to retreat.

Eggy sent out a sticky field, which slowed down the attack speed of the church members and bought time for the members of the major associations to retreat.

Everyone jumped into the air one after another and gathered around the two sticks, just like the last time they retreated.

The two sticks released a ball of light, carried the crowd, and went away through the air, with Cao Yan in charge of the rear.

This raid was strategically successful, but calculating the losses, it turns out that more people died on Cao Yan's side. After all, the church's battle angels are far more powerful than the coalition forces.

If it weren't for the shocking news of the killing of the main god, which severely damaged the morale of the church, the losses of the coalition forces would have been even greater.

Cathedral of God.

After Cao Yan withdrew, a group of angels rushed into the central temple one after another, regardless of pursuit.

When they saw the gate of the oracle was destroyed, they were shocked.

The disappearance of the oracle gate means that they have lost contact with the Kingdom of Light. If they want to rebuild the oracle gate, they need to wait for the oracle to come again. The space-time channel of the shuttle.

The pope stood dumbly under the statue, and an angel noticed that his old face was covered with tears.

The Pope was bullied by Cao Yan and cried.

The Kingdom of God Church has been passed down for thousands of years, and has never been beaten so many times by people, and the central temple was destroyed.

The situation in front of him made the Pope so sad that he couldn't help himself.

There was no sound in the hall, and all the angels were ashamed.

At this time, at the location where the collapsed oracle gate was previously, a ray of space ripples suddenly appeared, spreading like water waves.

A figure squeezed out from the space, fell down in the temple, panting heavily.

After that, more people came out of the void one by one, and finally a total of more than ten figures entered the temple.

These ten or so people are all angels, and the leader is a female angel with six wings on her back.

One of her wings was missing in half, and the angel wings that protruded from the oracle door belonged to this female angel.

The half of her broken wing was smashed by the impact of the breath of the temple.

This female angel is Tiermis, the commander of the angel army who entered the green forest world under the order of Mier Michael.

His appearance is glamorous and charming, with gorgeous and elegant golden pupils, and a high bridge of nose, which makes his face have a strong sense of three-dimensionality.

What is even better than her appearance is her figure, fit and slim, wearing a platinum angel armor, nearly two meters tall, with perfect proportions, slender waist and long legs, four peaches on the top and bottom, round and plump. It belongs to the kind of legendary existence with a big heart, a bottomless ravine, and the ability to pinch sugar cane.

Knowing that the clone fell in the green forest world, Michael Michael sent Tirmis down, which shows the fighting power of this seraph.

But she was quite embarrassed at the moment, not only was one of her wings cut off by the power of the temple, but also because of the collapse of the oracle gate, they and a group of angels were involved in the storm vortex formed by the turbulent flow of space, trying their best to break free from the storm and find the right direction to break through After opening the barrier of the green jungle world, it turned back.

Many accompanying angels died in the storm, and the remaining ten or so were also injured.

Tillmis turned her head to look around, and asked the angels in the temple in a deep voice: "What happened here?"


Cao Yan and others teleported through space and returned to the Sky City smoothly.

Although the damage was heavy in this operation, the spirits of the group were quite high.

This attack caused damage to many iconic buildings of the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God, and the central temple almost collapsed.

As a participant of such a glorious record, it is enough for many professionals to boast for a lifetime.

Back in Sky City, everyone gathered together to discuss follow-up matters, and then dispersed in place and went back to their respective homes.

Cao Yan went back to the study of the City Lord's Mansion and sat down, heaved a sigh of relief, and blew on a bottle of Fat House Happy Water (Coke).

At this moment, Dai Huanyu came in from the door: "Boss, Dogarosh and Leto are here."

"Let them come in." Cao Yan said.

After a while, Dogarosh and the little black fat man came in from the outside, and the two looked excited: "Cao Yan, I heard that you are going to attack the church again? Why didn't you inform us?"

"The matter came in a hurry, and it was decided temporarily."

Cao Yan explained briefly, but was a little puzzled: "Didn't you two return to your own world? Why are you so well informed?"

Dogarosh: "The two of us are afraid that you will eat alone, so we left some people in the city. You led people to set off before, and my people notified us. How long will it take for us to rush here by teleportation?"

Cao Yan was stunned for a moment: "Eating alone, what kind of food?"

"Female angel, how many female angels did you capture this time?" Dogarossa asked.

Cao Yan: "You two are keeping people in the city just to pay attention to whether I am going to catch the female angel?"

The two tutted and said: "A female angel is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has a special status. The key is that she has a good physique and can play well no matter how you play. It is a rare commodity, so we are going to stock up a few more female angels."

What kind of ghost and beast friend... Cao Yan gave the two of them a sideways look.

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