Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 791 Pleasant

"How is Baoyue's recovery?"

After entering the room, Cao Yan sat down on the sofa with great dignity, patted the seat next to him, and motioned for Wang Li to sit next to him.

Miss Wang didn't show any dignity at all. Zi Gu and Bao Yue sat on the diagonal sofa to the left of Cao Yan, reached out and took out a small piece of preserved fruit from the snack box on the table, put it in her mouth, and handed a piece to Bao Yue. Lifting his legs up and down, Bai Shengsheng held a slipper on his feet, swinging gently like a swing, leisurely and contented.

The male ticket came back safely, and Miss Wang was very happy.

"I'm already fine."

Baoyue said politely: "Thank you for saving me..."

After Cao Yan came back, Her Royal Highness the Princess seemed a little flustered. Compared with the previous cold and generous manner, she was a little more shy and nervous.

"You fought with that female angel just to stand in front of me. He should have saved you!"

Miss Wang stretched out her long legs and hooked Boss Cao's knees with her delicate toes, "Are you right?"

Boss Cao agreed with his female supporter and said: "Yes, it should be."

Miss Wang: "Baoyue will stay in my room tonight, you can sleep downstairs."

Commander Cao said bluntly: "I object, I want to sleep with you."

Wang Li raised the corner of her mouth arrogantly: "You're so beautiful, sleep by yourself." After saying that, he winked at Cao Yan and said, "Why don't you come up too, and we can sleep together?"

The two of them talked freely, but Baoyue didn't have the rich driving experience of the two of them. She couldn't bear it and said with a rosy face, "I'll sleep in another room."

Wang Li chuckled and said, "Ignore him, let's go."

Holding Baoyue's arm, he ran upstairs. His four beautiful legs were dangling on the stairs, which made Boss Cao feel confused.

The girlfriends went upstairs, and Boss Cao went to take a shower alone. He felt very comfortable and lay idle in the bedroom on the first floor. He soon heard Wang Li's light footsteps outside the room.

In a moment, Miss Wang pushed the door open and came in, her wet hair disheveled, trotting and jumping onto the bed: "Baoyue is still taking a bath, I'll come down and see you."

Commander Cao was overjoyed, but his daughter was considerate. It turned out that the trick they played today was 'driving secretly'.

When Miss Wang came down, she actually had something to say to Commander Cao, but the old driver forcibly held her down, slammed the accelerator, and drove for a while before talking...

(The screen is black here...)

More than an hour later, Miss Wang grumbled and expressed her dissatisfaction: "I came down because I have something to tell you. You are crazy."

"It's not too late now. Hurry up and get on the track and start practicing officially." Commander Cao said.

Well, it turns out that it was just a preliminary stage, not a formal racing.

Wang Li angrily kicked him with her foot and said, "Fight to the death... is it over yet?"

"Then tell me quickly." The old driver wanted to continue practicing driving.

However, Wang Li used the gesture of kicking Boss Cao to kick him far away. He took the opportunity to suddenly turn over, jumped off the bed with his feet, pulled his small slippers, rolled up the thin quilt, and ran out. He turned around and smiled sweetly. : "I'm going back can play with yourself. I wish you a happy time."


Miss Wang closed the door and ran quickly.

Boss Cao said in confusion: " should leave the quilt for me. Don't you have something to say?"

"Let's talk about it another day." Wang Li's voice came back along with her footsteps running upstairs.

"Wang Li is inviting you upstairs to have a party for three by taking away the host's quilt. Two good cabbages are inviting you, a pig, to have sex." The fake system understood again and spoke in consciousness.

"Go aside." Cao Yan said.

"This is the conclusion reached by the spacecraft's deduction. The host will regret it if he misses it."

The fake system said vigorously: "When the female angel came two days ago, it was Baoyue who stood in front of Miss Wang and started fighting with the female angel. Because of this incident, Miss Wang admired Baoyue's affection. On the other hand, The situation at that time was very critical. Wang Li directly faced the threat of death. After calming down, some of his thoughts would naturally change.

There were some things that she was still hesitating about before, but now she figured them out. "

"Then what?"

"Then... as an experienced driver, you should understand. Miss Wang, please go up and taste the taste of deep-sea abalone."

Fake system: "The host needs to know that this is not the earth, and there are no monogamy restrictions for professionals. What Wang Li sees and hears, and the surrounding environment, are all factors that affect the changes in her heart."

Commander Cao squinted his eyes and felt ups and downs.

In some aspects, if Wang Li had objections, he would choose to respect his female votes and not force them. This is the integrity of Boss Cao as a decent person.

But if Wang Li didn't object, the situation would be different.

To say that a veteran like Commander Cao has never thought about some saucy things is sheer lies.

Judging from Baoyue's coquettish appearance today, it's obvious that what the fake system said makes some sense. Wang Li and Baoyue have probably communicated... They have traveled through time for several years, and Commander Cao has not felt the power of traveling through the halo until now.


However... the operation of running directly upstairs as mentioned by the fake system definitely does not exist. It is so short-sighted.

If he really ran upstairs, it would easily make the situation extremely embarrassing, and good things would be ruined.

The next correct step is to first determine the princess's thoughts, and then slowly reveal the weapon.

The next morning, everything was as usual.

The three of them got up and had breakfast. Baoyue left first.

Boss Cao took Miss Wang to the Demon Pet's House in a leisurely manner, and then returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

Around nine o'clock in the morning, two female secretaries, one charming and the other ambitious, walked into the study from outside side by side.

Dai Huanyu lowered his head and said: "Boss, when that female angel attacked, my subordinates were not well-guarded. Please punish me, boss."

Cao Yan waved his hand: "The female angel came directly through space. Even if I were in the city, I wouldn't have discovered it in advance. It has nothing to do with you."

Then he asked: "What is the situation outside now?"

Dai Huanyu: "Now inside and outside the city, almost everyone is talking about the battle in which the boss defeated the Seraphim and led the crowd to attack the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God. This battle made the whole world feel the boss's hardness."

Cao Yan laughed dumbly: "Pay close attention to the church's trends and don't relax."

Dai Huanyu: "Does the boss have any plans to attack the church again?"

Cao Yan shook his head: "The church has suffered a heavy blow, and we are not relaxed either. Let's live in peace for a while first."

After the two women left, Cao Yan took out the Small World Trap Ball and looked into the ball.

After capturing the old turtle, they were attacked by Tilmis. In the animal trapping ball, only the jungle goddess remained, so the old turtle has not been completely surrendered until now. However, with the end of the battle with the church and the return of familiars such as Dandan, Big Stick, Ergun, and Abalone, Old Turtle is not far away from completely surrendering.

Cao Yan was looking at the animal trap ball when Taohua poked his head in from the outside: "Boss, Dogarosh and Leto are here."

Two people, one tall and one short, then walked into the study.

"Cao Yan, I heard that you have been fighting with a beautiful female angel these days?" the two asked as they entered the room.

"Let's talk first. I don't have any female angels I've captured. If you want to ask for female angels, it's best not to open your mouth." Cao Yan said.

"We are here for business this time." Dogaroshi said righteously.

Boss Cao said unexpectedly: "You two still have something serious to do?"

The fat little black man answered: "This is not the place to talk about business. I heard that you have a giant clam dance team. Let's go to the back house to watch and talk."

Ten minutes later, there was a side hall in the back house of the city lord's palace.

Boss Cao and his two ghostly friends were sitting in their respective seats in a cross-shaped pattern. In the open space in the middle of the hall, the clam spirits of the Big Clam Dance Team were singing a little tune, with a soft and melodious tune, and a long ancient rhyme.

It is worth mentioning that Boss Cao likes to watch clams dancing, and someone found out about it through some dog-leg investigation and spread it.

Recently, in order to cater to Boss Cao's taste, the gift giver tried his best to catch almost all the clams in the sea, and gathered some fresh clam essence to send to Boss Cao.

Now the dance team has expanded in size, with a total of twelve fair-skinned and beautiful fairies forming the Twelve Clam Girls Band.

During the performance, there were dancers, singers, and music players. There was a clear division of labor. Dogarosh and the little fat man were mesmerized.

"Cao Yan, you still know how to play."

The fat little black man felt deeply: "But Brother Cao, you have to pay attention to your health."

"Are you two doing something serious or not?" Cao Yan asked.

"Didn't you ask someone to invite Princess Baoyue? This matter also has something to do with the Sea Clan. She came to talk about it together." Dogarosh said.

Baoyue was quickly led in by the maid and walked in from the outside.

She was wearing a pure white light metal armor, with a straight and graceful posture and a cool temperament.

Cao Yan looked at Her Royal Highness the Princess who walked in, and suddenly felt tempted to test her. He waved and pointed to the position next to him.

There are many explanations for his behavior. If Baoyue refuses, he can casually give a suitable explanation to avoid embarrassment.

This is the experience of an experienced driver, he can advance and retreat freely.

Baoyue was stunned for a moment, pursed her lips, walked slowly to Cao Yan, and sat down next to him. Her expression was indifferent, but her face was unconsciously stained with a layer of crimson, which was very charming and alluring. .

Dogarosh and the fat little black man looked at Baoyue and Cao Yan, as if they had discovered a new world.

Dogarosh also quietly gave Cao Yan a thumbs up, full of admiration.

Boss Cao casually tested it, and when he saw Bao Yue really coming, he suddenly felt reassured.

The old driver was mean and thick-skinned. He immediately reached out and grabbed Baoyue's hand from under the seat.

Her Royal Highness the Princess' whole body trembled, her heart was pounding wildly, and she entered a state of mindlessness that she had never experienced before in her life. She felt light and airy, as if in the clouds, and the sour smell of love fermented crazily.

She has secretly liked Cao Yan for a while, but she just didn't show it. At this time, she was provoked by the old driver, and she immediately lost the whole line. She had no defense ability at all and was at the mercy of others.

Her Royal Highness the Princess didn't listen at all to what Cao Yan, Dogarosh, and Leto said next.

While Commander Cao was talking, he played with Baoyue's soft and smooth hands, thinking to himself: Tonight's show seems to be worth looking forward to...

"The two of us are preparing to form an alliance in our respective worlds. What do you think, Cao Yan?"

Dogarosh: "This time you had a confrontation with the church, and the entire Green Jungle World responded. It was a unified situation, which touched both of us very much."

He and the little black fat man are obviously Commander Greedy Cao's current status in the world, and their status is extremely prominent. The leader of the martial arts alliance should find out.

"It's not that simple to form an alliance. What are you going to do?" Cao Yan said.

"I just know it's not easy, so I came to you to discuss it. We would like to invite you, as your god, to join the alliances we have formed respectively, and together with the deep sea forces represented by Princess Baoyue, we will form an initial framework." Xiao Hei Fatty said.

It's a good thing for these two guys to form an alliance. It can broaden their resources and increase their foundation... Cao Yan thought.

Sky City's confrontation with the church this time was very costly. If the world where Dogarosh and Little Fatty Black Man are located can really form an alliance of forces, it will become a talent reserve base for Boss Cao to a certain extent, from which elites can be selected and integrated into the Sky City to quickly replenish this consumption. .

In other words, it is in the common interest to assist and promote Dogarosh and the two to form a power alliance in their respective worlds.

The three quickly reached an agreement.

Of course, forming an alliance of forces in their respective worlds is a very huge concept.

At the moment, the three of them only have preliminary intentions, and there are countless things to prepare for later, so the three of them started discussing it immediately.

In the afternoon, Dogarosh and his wife hurriedly left the Green Jungle World and went back to make some preliminary preparations.

Princess Baoyue also said goodbye and left, but made an appointment to meet at home in the evening...

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