Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 793 Girlfriends


The night is getting darker.

In the room, Dai Huanyu, who had been busy all day, came to the window with light steps. Holding a fruit plate in his hand, he sat down leaning against the window sill with his legs together, his long straight legs in a thin skirt. The bottom is looming, and the plump butt stretches the skirt into a peach-like attractive outline.

"Why do I feel like you are happy today?"

The big bear girl was sitting on the sofa aside, looking at the information compiled and sent by the intelligence personnel in the city, and asking casually.

"Yes." Dai Huanyu cast his eyes out the window and stared at the small building where Boss Cao lived not far away, with a smile on his lips.

"What made you laugh so coquettishly?" Taohua asked.

"Is it so obvious?" Dai Huanyu asked.

Taohua nodded in response: "What are you thinking about? Tell me?"

Dai Huanyu: "There may be something special happening tonight."

"Something special?" Taohua was surprised.

Dai Huanyu said: "Princess Baoyue of the Hai tribe will stay at the boss's place tonight."

Taohua didn't take it seriously: "What's weird about this? Baoyue and the boss's wife have a good personal relationship. Aren't they staying at the boss's house these days?"

"But tonight is different."

Dai Huanyu picked up a grape, stretched out his pink and smooth tongue and licked the grape before putting it into his mouth.

If Big Bear Girl has some realization: "You mean, the boss and Princess Baoyue..."

"In the morning, in a side hall of our city lord's palace, Princess Baoyue was invited by the boss to sit at his seat. Moreover, the boss even behaved intimately with Her Royal Highness the Princess." Dai Huanyu kept the treasures of his family.

"How do you know this?" Big Bear Girl became more and more surprised.

"I selected the maids of our city lord's palace one by one. Reporting to me what they saw during the day every day is a way for me to train them.

Let me make it clear first that I did not want to spy on the boss, and the boss did not intend to hide it from anyone. Dogarosh and Leto were also present at the time. "Dai Huanyu said.

Taohua: "I don't quite understand. The relationship between the boss and Princess Baoyue has progressed. Why are you happy?"

Dai Huanyu came over and touched Taohua's head, and said: "Is your brain growing on your chest? If it weren't for the lack of manpower, the intelligence personnel in the city really shouldn't be left to you to manage. You are suitable for managing armed assassinations. The intelligence team is not suitable for intelligence analysis and management. Your bear is too big and it compresses the brain nerves."

Seeing that Taohua was so angry that she was about to attack him, Dai Huanyu quickly explained:

"Boss, Miss Wang, and Princess Baoyue are staying in the same home. Don't you know what this means? Don't you want to analyze it?

It means that Miss Wang is not opposed to the boss having other women. Isn't this good news? The two of us went in the wrong direction before, and we should put more effort into Miss Wang. You see, Princess Baoyue is smarter than us. "

Taohua suddenly realized: "You mean, Baoyue became the boss's woman, setting a precedent, and we also have a chance?"


Dai Huanyu's eyes were looking at the small white building where Cao Yan lived through the darkness outside the window: "What do you think the three bosses are playing in the house now?"

Taohua also looked at the small white building shrouded in the night: "Three people,

Maybe they were fighting the landlords. "

Dai Huanyu blinked his eyes, speechless.

What Boss Cao is doing right now is definitely unknown to outsiders, but it’s wonderful anyway.

The stars are lonely and the long night is fleeting.

When the morning light first appeared, Boss Cao woke up from his sleep, his eyes sparkling with energy. The princess next to him curled up like a baby, with long hair disheveled, a slightly tired look on her beautiful and charming face, her eyes closed tightly, and she was sleeping soundly.

If Her Royal Highness the Princess had followed her wishes, it would have been impossible for the city to fall so quickly. The car was traveling too fast.

Baoyue's original intention was to apply the brakes, at least not to reach the final step so quickly.

The key is Boss Cao's methods. A newcomer like Her Royal Highness cannot resist it. She had no idea what she was going to face last night and didn't dare to ask. She was taken into the car for no reason.

Boss Cao has had two girlfriends since then.

Well, it fits the personality of a cheater very well.

Miss Wang went to another room last night, and finally had a full sleep without Boss Cao's harassment. She was in good spirits.

Her Royal Highness the Princess woke up at the third day of the day. She felt mixed with shame and joy, and her mood was a little complicated. She felt that Boss Cao was terrible.

It was not until lunch that Her Royal Highness basically returned to normal.

At the dinner table, Boss Cao was treated as a tool and was abandoned after he was used. After last night, the relationship between the girlfriends took a step forward and they had a great time chatting.

"I'm going to take a break these days. Let's go for a walk." Wang Li suggested.

Baoyue suddenly became Commander Cao's little wife. She was still not used to it, so she thought for a while and said, "My sister Ferrier is coming over today. If the three of us go out, can we take her with us?"

Thinking of her sister, Baoyue was a little embarrassed. Within the Hai Clan, it was actually Feier who revealed that she liked Cao Yan first. As a result, she, the older sister, slept with her 'brother-in-law', and it felt like the relationship between the characters was instantly messed up.

The two women were chattering, and Cao Yan had no time to relax. The fake system was talking: "The host's sister-in-law is coming. The skill book of one eel and two abalone given to the host yesterday seems inappropriate. The host should be provided with the skill of one eel and three abalone." support."

Cao Yan was in a good mood and ignored it.

Wang Li looked at the man: "Are you busy lately? Let's go back to your house. How about taking Baoyue to meet your parents?" (Wang Li once went to meet Cao Yan's parents, which was described in the previous article) .

Cao Yan thought: If I take back two wives at once, I wonder if my mother's heart can bear it?

Baoyue had always thought that her brother-in-law was an orphan, so she was quite surprised to hear that he had parents: "Didn't Cao Yan's parents both die?"

Wang Li immediately explained to Bao Yue that Cao Yan was an alien. With the current relationship between the three of them, there was no need to hide it.

In the afternoon, Ferrier came from the deep sea and met up with her sister.

In the evening, Commander Cao's residence became lively. After dinner, the three women suddenly discussed going for a walk on the street.

Boss Cao was pulled out to carry his bag. Wang Li asked, "Would it be too ostentatious if we go out together?"

Cao Yan shook his head. He is now famous all over the world, and everyone in the Sky City is well-known.

But most people are famous but have never met him. The few times he fought with people in the sky above the city, it was because the distance was too far. Few people could see his face clearly from the air, so there would be no problem in shopping in the city. . Even if someone could recognize him and saw Boss Cao walking on the road with his girlfriend, he would not come up and beep at the wrong time to disturb Boss Cao's enjoyment.

"Let's go."

On the street, Boss Cao held out his hand to hold Wang Li and Baoyue without any hesitation, and was stunned by Fei Lier who was following them.

However, she is a princess of the sea tribe. She has witnessed hundreds of beauties in her father's harem since she was a child, and her ability to accept this aspect is far beyond ordinary people. When she saw her crimson-colored sister, she quickly realized the current ethical relationship between the characters.

The little princess of the sea tribe's watery eyes turned slightly, and she suddenly grabbed Boss Cao's clothes from behind and shouted: "Brother-in-law..."

This brother-in-law’s cry is sweet and waxy——

So the brother-in-law and brother-in-law magically became one, and started wandering around the streets with their girlfriends.

Xia Fuyi was killed, and Xia Chu had been depressed for days.

His second uncle, Xia Fuyi, had always been in love with him, and they had a very good relationship.

Xia Fuyi was killed suddenly. Xia Chu was in a very bad mood these days. He stayed in his residence and never went out.

That night, a group of friends came to see him. Xia Chu was forced out by the crowd and wandered around the night market in the Sky City.

These few friends of his are all children of aristocratic families in the Eastern Region. Because their forces joined the Sky City and the alliance formed by several major associations, they all followed them to the Sky City to idle around and do nothing.

As they walked, several people talked about the recent major events in various places, and the topic was naturally inseparable from Commander Cao's glorious record of suppressing the church.

"I heard that the angel that Master Yan was chasing was a woman, the most powerful seraph among the angels."

"What's the point? You're being chased around like a dog by Master Yan! Those guys from the church are so stupid. If they go against Master Yan, I don't see what will happen to them."

Cao Yan's current status in the world has countless fans.

These children of aristocratic families from the Eastern Region are no exception, and they are keen on helping their idols boast.

"I also heard that the female angel is beautiful and charming, with a good appearance and figure. If I were the master, I would definitely capture her and train her as a slave girl, and ride her as a horse every day..."

The young man who spoke was called Lu Duo. He had an upper-middle-class appearance, but was tall and had twinkling eyes. He had a very good relationship with Xia Chu and was a close friend who had discussed each other's strengths and weaknesses.

After he finished speaking, another young man next to him suddenly said: "We don't know what the angel you are talking about looks like, but I am sure that she is not as good as those women in front!"

After hearing this, everyone else looked forward and were collectively shocked.

On the street in front, there were several beautiful women walking side by side, chatting and laughing. To describe it in one word, it is like overwhelming the country and the city. There are such beautiful girls in the world, and there are more than one.

"Look at that man, he's so hateful."

When Lu Duo and others saw a man among the women, they were immediately filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

The man was surrounded by three women. He seemed unaware that he had become the public enemy of men, with a look of hatred on his face.

Xia Chu was in a low mood and was a little absent-minded. After listening to the excitement of his friends, he also raised his head and looked ahead.

When he saw the faces of the men and women clearly, Xia Chu felt his adrenaline surge, and he raised his feet and rushed forward.

Lu Duo and others were surprised: "Xia Chu, this is not our Eastern Region. The city in the sky has hidden dragons and crouching tigers. The elders in the family have repeatedly warned that this is not a place to cause trouble. Although the three women are good-looking, we No need to provoke..."

Xia Chu muttered: "You want to eat shit. That man is City Lord Cao. I have something to say to him."

After saying that, he threw away a few friends and accelerated towards Cao Yan.

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