Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 802 Son-in-law

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As the internet celebrity approached Guxu Island, Cao Yan keenly felt the changes in the surrounding temperature:

"The nearby sea is covered in fog, the sunlight is thin, and the temperature is very low. But the closer you get to the island, the higher the temperature becomes."

The old turtle said: "The giant tree in the center of the island burns blazingly and will never go out for thousands of years. Its existence replaces the skylight, and its heat radiates the entire island, so the temperature here is higher than that of the nearby sea."

Cao Yan and others soon left the Internet celebrity account and landed on the island.

"The ecological chain here is indeed different from the outside world. There are actually so many earth dragons."

Cao Yan and others stood on the back of an old turtle that had enlarged its size to more than ten meters. The old turtle was crawling in the air, moving towards the center of the island at a speed that seemed slow but was actually fast.

During the process, Cao Yan and others stood on the back of the turtle, overlooking the island.

The island is covered with vegetation, with mostly flat land and few hills. Among the many vegetation, different types of ground dragons can sometimes be seen shuttled in and out.

Earth dragons are a subspecies of dragon-type creatures.

They are slightly similar to dinosaurs. They are ferocious and good at fighting. They come in many varieties and have rough skin and thick flesh. They are the dominant group of monsters on the ground.

There are many large-scale forces in the Green Jungle World. It is said that a long time ago, there was an order of Earthly Dragon Knights. However, later on, the Earthly Dragons gradually became rarer and it was difficult to form an organization.

These knights, which were famous in the mainland in the past, disappeared.

In addition to the ground dragon, there are also many amphibious monsters on the island, marine lizards, flying-wing electric eels, duck-billed black dragons, etc., all of which are rare and powerful creatures.

Feier's closed eyes also looked around.

For the first time, she followed her sister and brother-in-law, curious and excited.

Going deeper into the island, you can see more and more various creatures along the way.

Cao Yan was quite surprised by the variety of monsters and the complete ecological system on this ancient ruin island.

He summoned the circle and part of the ant colony and placed them on the island, allowing them to forage for food and survive on the island. This was also a kind of exploration of the island and training for the circle.

"This island,

Maybe it can become the breeding base for monsters in our sky city. Commander Cao thought.

Continuing to delve deeper into the island, Cao Yan was delighted to see that he captured several magical beasts that were rarely seen in the outside world, including a membrane-winged bird, an amphibious emerald sea dragon, and a nest of dragon eggs laid by this sea dragon.

In addition to the large number of animals on this island, there are also traces of the past civilization in some places. There are collapsed building ruins and broken walls, which are in dilapidated condition.

When Baoyue saw the remains of a statue that could only be barely recognized, she was surprised and said, "I seem to know where this place is?"

She pointed to the statue below.

The lower body of the statue seems to be a fish tail, but unfortunately it has been broken and cannot be determined.

Only half of its head is left, and the special thing is that there is a third eye carved between its eyebrows.

"A statue of the three-eyed, multi-armed Poseidon."

Baoyue said: "I have seen relevant records in the ancient books of the clan. This is the mark of a powerful and ancient deep-sea dynasty. Their beliefs are very strange. They believe that the gods exist in the center of the earth, so their civilization development and research , has been extending underground exploration.

What Baoyue said echoed Lao Gui's description just now. This ancient ruins island rose from under the sea through a major earthquake.

The group continued deeper into the island.

Although the ancient ruins island is full of monsters and extremely dangerous, it does not pose much of a threat to Boss Cao.

A few of them finally arrived at the core area of ​​the island.

The giant flame tree in the center of the island is majestic and mysterious. Its material is like red crystal. From a closer distance, you can see the power of flames flowing inside the tree as hot as magma. It is extremely strange.

Under the giant tree, there is a lake steaming with the breath of fire, and the giant tree is rooted in the middle of the lake.

In the boiling lake water like magma, there are a few small red beasts swimming happily. They look a bit like crocodiles, but their bodies are more rounded, and their heads are silly, a bit like turtles, with a growth on their head. It has a pair of dark golden short horns.

Cao Yan's eyes lit up: "Flame Cauldron Golden Horned Beast."

A beast-catching ball was thrown out by him, spinning around and releasing a powerful catching force, which suddenly attracted several small beasts in the molten pool.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for capturing the Flame Cauldron Golden Horned Beast. This creature is a rare gregarious monster. The four captured by the host are all King Level 10..." the voice of the fake system.

"The flame crystal mine under the tree is connected to the ground. It is the flame power of the crystal mine that escapes, causing the tree to burn. And because of the years of burning, the tree crystallizes and becomes an elemental fire that never goes out. Tree."

Boss Cao's eyes flashed, and he saw directly what was going on beneath the surface.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and the huge flame tree as huge as a mountain shook its entire body, and a bird song came from the tree, tearing the sky apart.

A big red bird flew out from the tree crown, and its sharp eyes looked at Cao Yan and others from a high place. Then the big bird quickly determined that the person who came to cause trouble was a top boss, and quickly shrunk its neck, without hesitation. It flapped its wings and flew away.

"This bird knows the current affairs." Little Princess Ferrier said with a smile.

A rhizome of the giant tree was taken out by Boss Cao. In the center of the rhizome, there was a crystal-like underground fruit hanging, shining like the scorching sun. The light flowed and fell into Cao Yan's hand.

The old turtle was stunned, and conveyed his mental fluctuations and said: "You heard me say that there is a sacred tree burning in the center of this ancient ruins island, and you thought that the roots of the sacred tree might be connected to the earth's fire eye and could bear regular fruits, so you came here in a hurry. Stealing something, right?”

Cao Yan collected the fire crystal fruit and said, "Don't worry, I'll take this fruit back and make it into a potion. It's your share."

Only then did Lao Gui stop the lemon-churning sorrow in his heart.

Fire crystal fruit is a treasure of extremely high value, which is of great benefit to the gods. It requires various chances and coincidences before it can be formed.

The old turtle's intestines were filled with regret at this moment. If he had discovered the fire crystal fruit when he landed on this island, wouldn't he have been happy? Now that Boss Cao had picked it up, he could only drink the soup base.

Cao Yan glanced around the island. There were obviously other secrets on the island, but he was in no rush to explore.

He built a space portal on the island, opened the pet master's assistant, and said to the little secretary on the other side: "I found an overseas island. The ecological environment on the island is special, there are many monsters, and there are many secrets. Later you let People came to take over this island and build it into the Warcraft reserve base of our Sky City.

I have set up a portal on the island and will send you the coordinates later. "

"Okay boss, I understand." Dai Huanyu's soft voice came from the assistant system.

It is worth mentioning that as Boss Cao's semiotics level and ability to create symbol matrices have increased, the transmission distance and stability of the portals he created have been greatly improved.

Therefore, even though the distance from Sky City to here is far, the docking and teleportation can still be established.

Of course, these techniques have not been made public and are unique to Boss Cao. Only a few people around him know about them.

After building the portal, Cao Yan and his party returned to the Internet celebrity account and headed to the deep sea country.

The relationship with Baoyue changed, and a long-distance docking portal was built within the Deep Sea Kingdom, which came in handy at this time.

Coming out of the portal is Haiyue Pavilion, Baoyue's residence in the deep sea.

Her Royal Highness the Princess then sent someone to inform Neptune that they were back.

Not long after, the father-in-law sent a message asking his son-in-law and daughter to meet at Poseidon Temple.

Baoyue and Feierer took a bath and changed clothes, dressed up, holding Cao Yan on their arms, one on the left and the other on the right, and came to the Poseidon Temple.

At this time, Baoyue was wearing a white palace dress. Her waist became more and more slender, her legs were longer, her hips were like a full moon, and she was plump and straight. Her whole person was full of elegant and gorgeous noble temperament, which was matched with the delicate, lively and charming girl on the other side. The little princess Ferrier complements each other like two pearls in the deep sea. Although they have different temperaments, they both have an incomparable appearance.

Poseidon Temple is one of the main halls of Poseidon Palace.

When the two princesses came with Boss Cao, the palace was already filled with no less than a hundred people from the Sea Clan who were waiting for them.

Seeing Cao Yan and the others, everyone else's eyes turned around.

Bao Yue whispered to Cao Yan: "These people in the palace are all members of the royal family of our Sea Kingdom. They entrust the princes of the Sea Clan and their families in various places. My father must have made arrangements in advance before he summoned us to come back. He thought Let everyone know that he has found a god as his son-in-law, and at the same time, use the mouths of these people to spread the news that you are the son-in-law of my deep sea country, and deter many sea countries."

Baoyue was obviously dissatisfied with her father's plans and taking advantage of her even when she came back, so she subconsciously tightened her hold on Cao Yan's arm.

Cao Yan teased his little wife: "My identity was used by my father-in-law as a weapon. I feel very hurt. Do you have to compensate me tonight?"

"I don't."

Baoyue spat: "Don't think I don't know what you want to do?"

"Just tell me what I want to do." Boss Cao asked shamelessly.

"I won't tell." Baoyue said angrily.

While the two were playing tricks, His Majesty Rokko Neptune, the King of the Sea, who was sitting on the throne in the center of the hall, had already stood up in person, came out to greet you, and laughed from a distance: "My dear son-in-law, I have been waiting for you for a long time. On this day. From the first time you came to our country, I could tell that my two daughters were attracted to you. You and I are destined to be our husband-in-law."


The little princesses Feierer and Baoyue pouted at the same time.

"My father is so thick-skinned. He tells lies when he opens his mouth."

The two sisters complained about their father together.

At this time, Neptune came to Cao Yan and just smiled and nodded to his two daughters. However, he was overjoyed to see his son-in-law. He pulled out Boss Cao's arm that was held by the two daughters, and he took his son-in-law to the throne. He returned in the direction, looking at Zixiong as he walked and said: "My dear son-in-law, come sit with me."

Baoyue and Feier followed helplessly, almost putting their hands on their foreheads.

Ever since Cao Yan became a god, his father's integrity has been shattered to pieces, and he no longer needs any shame.

Neptune returned to the throne, asked his son-in-law to sit with him, and looked at everyone in the palace: "Everyone should know that this is Cao Yan, my son-in-law."

He added: "My son-in-law Cao Yan is an unparalleled genius. Throughout the history of various countries on land and sea, no one can compare with my son-in-law Cao Yan. What do you think?"

Holding the sun and moon in my hand and picking up the stars, there is no one like me in the world.

The father-in-law's bragging reminded Commander Cao of this shocking sentence.

With Cao Yan's shamelessness, I feel a little embarrassed. Although I am excellent, I still have some self-awareness. I have never been a genius or anything like that. I am a very orthodox kind of idiot.

Everyone in the hall cheered in unison, and there was a lot of excitement next.

His Majesty the King of the Sea hosted a banquet in honor of his son-in-law. When the banquet was over, Boss Cao teleported away from the Deep Sea Kingdom overnight and returned to the Sky City, where he abducted two sea princesses.

When Cao Yan returned to the city, it was already past ten o'clock at night, and the little secretary came to his door overnight: "Boss, President Tinon and others have been waiting for you all afternoon, and they left near evening. They said they had something to handle personally. .”

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