Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 804 The Evolution of Divine Power

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In July in the green jungle world, the heat is unbearable and the sun is like fire.

The City in the Sky is adjacent to the white clouds. There are ancient trees in the city, casting large shadows on the ground. You don't feel much heat, so it is a good place to escape the summer heat.

At noon, in the city lord's palace, the fountain rose and fell, and a cool breeze passed through the window.

Boss Cao sat on the chair and held a piece of seedless watermelon in his hand. It had red flesh, white background and green skin. It was full and bright in color and looked delicious.

Especially the watermelon has been magically chilled. If you take a bite during the hot summer, you will feel so good.

Boss Cao and Little Fatty were competing to see who could eat faster. The big one and the little one ate melons with their heads down.

Secretary Dai stood aside and reported the progress of the work to his boss: "After the Chaos Giant led the hunting team in the city to land on Guxu Island, news came back this morning that they had completed a preliminary exploration of the island. There are many strange beasts on the island. , is a good place for World of Warcraft resources.

The hunting team also found an ancient ruins on the island, but it was so long ago that most of the things had decayed and were of little value. The rest is still being explored. "

Cao Yan saw that Little Fatty had quick eyes and quick hands and grabbed the last piece of watermelon a moment earlier than him. He was immediately discouraged and said, "Didn't you say you don't want to eat these low-energy foods, and you still eat so much?"

There was a thick pile of watermelon rinds piled in front of Little Fatty.

"What's the new progress in Abalone and Jungle Goddess' capture of Void Hyena?" Cao Yan asked Secretary Dai.

"The number of hyenas that have been successfully colonized currently has reached more than 16,000, and two of them are king-level."

Dai Huanyu's tone was a little excited: "My subordinates have been considering these days that as more and more monsters inhabit our Sky City, we should set up a department to manage and drive these monsters."

Cao Yan thought for a while: "The idea is good, we can start promoting it."

At this time, a maid came in and cleaned the juicy watermelon battlefield where the father and daughter were eating. At the same time, she reported: "Boss, there are some forces within the alliance and the powerful people in the family asking for a meeting. President Tinon is also here."

Not long after, Tinon and Queero, the president of the Warrior Association, as well as several core forces within the alliance or family patriarchs, such as Fangnan Fantermore, Xia Ji of the Xia family, and others, came to another maid Under the leadership of Cao Yan, they walked hand in hand into the study room where Cao Yan used to handle city affairs.

Dai Huanyu stood behind Cao Yan.

"Is this the ancient elf you hatched recently?" Tinon looked surprised when he saw Little Jigglypuff.

"What kind of hatched elf? I'm not a hen." Cao Yan cursed.

Little Fatty had just finished eating the melon and burped a little. He sat on Father Cao's shoulder with his stubby legs dangling and ignored Tinon and the others.

"Ancient elves are the species with the strongest elemental affinity among known creatures. It is said that adult elves can release forbidden spells without chanting. If you let people from the Mage Association see this elf, you will probably be willing to bankrupt your fortune." You change..."

Tinon said sourly: "All the good stuff has been plundered by your kid."

"Cao Yan, how many legendary races are there in your city now?"

Queero, the president of the Warriors Association, said: "I walked around the city yesterday and saw probably no less than a hundred ancient relics and legendary tribes."

"You have to ask Dai Huanyu for the exact number, I don't know." Boss Cao said casually.

This tone is the same as a rich man saying that money is just a number and I never care how much money I have. It is heartbreaking to hear!

"You guys came to see me for something?" Cao Yan turned his attention to Fang Nan, Xia Ji and others.

Several people felt inexplicably awkward and looked at each other before Tinon said: "Rumors have been circulating within the alliance in the past few days, all about you purging the eighty-four families, such as the head of the Sa family in the Central Region, and Hengduan in the Western Region. The lord of the mountain city and others died violently one after another after being kicked out of the alliance.

As for their respective factions, some people have come forward and said that they were expelled from the alliance due to dissatisfaction. They came to see you before they died, and died suddenly shortly after returning. Although no one explicitly said it was you, it was obviously implied that you killed them.

The outside world is talking about you being a tyrant who kills people frequently after becoming a god and is arbitrary and tyrannical. "

"Tyrant, that's a pretty good name. He has a middle-class temperament." Cao Yan said with a smile.

"Your focus is different."

Tinon said: "Eighty-four forces were wiped out at once. To be honest, even I was surprised. Have you prepared any back-ups to deal with the current changes?"

Cao Yan had time to calm down and said: "Thinking about this matter with your heels, you all know that the church is adding fuel to the fire. The Qing Dynasty will clean itself, there is no need to explain more. As for the removal of the eighty-four forces, I have not prepared any back-up, I just feel that this is the way to go. Simple and direct, it can reduce unnecessary consumption.

You don't have to worry about this. No matter what happens in this world, in the end, the final outcome will always be determined by strength, and the rest will not be decisive.

The church's small actions just show that they are going downhill and they no longer have the confidence to deal with me head-on. "

The subtext of Cao Yan's words is that I did this because I was strong enough to deal with the consequences of this incident, and I was very arrogant.

"The problem of unstable people in the alliance can be easily solved."

Cao Yan looked at a few people: "We, Sky City, will still take the lead and increase the intensity of attacking the church. After a few victories, the cohesion and other things will naturally return, and everyone will understand what is going on."

During the summer festival, Fang Nan and others looked at each other, all slightly refreshed.

They have been tied to the alliance in all aspects, because Cao Yan drastically eliminated the eighty-four forces, and several people were afraid that the current situation would change, so they came together to discuss it.

At this time, hearing Cao Yan's proposal to increase the intensity of the confrontation with the church, several people asked: "Master Yan, are you willing to take action personally? We are willing to follow Master Yan and obey your orders."

Cao Yan thought to himself: Old Turtle has hidden secret places for most of the world, and there are countless good things. Wouldn’t it be nice for me to go looking for treasures? Let’s have a look together with you.

Of course, this cannot be said.

Boss Cao casually took a spoonful of chicken soup and fed it to a few people: "Even if I don't go, you should still have the confidence to defeat the church. Let's establish an alliance. With so many front-line forces joining forces, if we don't have the strength and confidence to crush the church, What’s the difference between it and salted fish?”

He added: "The reason why I eliminated more than 80 forces is to keep the best ones. If everyone can work together as one, the church will not be afraid at all!"

The leaders of several major forces and family patriarchs unanimously stated: "We will live up to Master Yan's trust and work together."

When the conversation ended, everyone left one after another, and Cao Yan also got up and returned to the backyard.

The little fat girl is in the city lord's mansion, which means that Miss Wang is also at home.

When Boss Cao returned to his home in the backyard, the female boss had already prepared lunch and was waiting for him to come back to eat together.

Baoyue went to the mist world early in the morning and met with Leto and others.

After all, she is the princess of the sea tribe, representing the deep sea kingdom, and has many things to deal with with various forces. The lively and active little princess Ferrier also went with her sister.

Boss Cao and Wang Li are the only ones left at home, a rare moment for the two of them.

After the meal, the two of them sat together and began to get tired of each other. From time to time they would pull a thread and chatter.

The little fat girl was riding the dog in the yard, giggling continuously.

"Do you like boys or girls?" Wang Li sat on Commander Cao's lap, swaying back and forth.

"Everyone has his own merits, it's fine. Let's start preparations now and see if we can get pregnant today."

Boss Cao was preparing to practice multi-directional parking in broad daylight. Wang Li wanted to jump up and escape, but unfortunately it was too late.

In the yard, Little Fatty finished riding the dog and sat on the back of the big cat. He held the big cat's ears with both hands and adjusted the direction of the big cat's running.

The big cat looked helpless and helpless, and the fat girl on his back definitely turned into a little devil.

The whole afternoon passed quietly. When night fell, it started to rain lightly, and lightning flickered on the dome.

In the room, Wang Li has gone to bed, and Boss Cao is preparing to start the evening practice.

On the branches of the World Tree, Cao Yan appeared out of thin air, sitting cross-legged, breathing in the breath of heaven and earth.

The moment he closed his eyes, the billions of cells in his body collectively emitted a crystal shimmer, full of vitality, and the sun and moon alternated between his eyebrows.

As the training time extended, beast-catching balls appeared outside Cao Yan's body, spinning around his body, and figures of demon pets such as eggs and sticks emerged from the balls.

Cao Yan's practice and the demon pets became one, achieving each other's achievements, and their power worked together.

An unimaginably majestic power surged through his body in an endless cycle.

The blend of power and rules coincides with the trajectory of time and space, deriving the direction of destiny, which is mysterious and mysterious.

In Cao Yan's perception, this practice seemed to have undergone some unexpected changes, as if it had experienced thousands of years of time reincarnation.

In reality, only an hour passed, but in Cao Yan's mind, it felt like he had been practicing meditation for a long time.

When he finished his practice and opened his eyes, his eyes shone with light, which took a while to fade away.

"The host's control over the divine power of destiny has finally entered a new level. During practice, the power of divine power is integrated into time and space and coexists with time and space. This is the beginning of true control of the divine power of destiny." said the fake system.

Cao Yan thought: "Due to the process of time travel, I absorbed part of the remaining spiritual power of my predecessor, so I formed a dual soul power. After being promoted to a god, two kinds of divine power were derived. The divine power of destiny is my second divine power. I can feel it. There is still a kind of divine power, but it cannot be used after many attempts. What is the reason?"

"Your current power is not enough to promote the host's first divine power, so it is currently hidden." The fake system said.

"What are the attributes of the First Divine Power? Do you know the fake system?"

"have no idea."

Fake system thief bachelor: "The host can guess first."

I'm guessing, but I have no direction, how can I guess?

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