Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 826 The boss behind the scenes

The spear pointed out more parts from the door, and the scene behind the door gradually emerged.

The spear is held in the hands of a four-winged angel. He is wearing exquisitely crafted white-gold angel light armor. He has a majestic figure and sits astride a Pegasus horse that is more than seven meters long.

That day, there was a long and oblique horn on the top of the horse's head. Electric arcs were flowing around it. Its whole body was silvery white. The mane on its neck was flying. It was the ultimate horse.

It walked out from the oracle's door with its head held high, its steps were empty, and clusters of divine light spread under its hoofs.


The angel on horseback raised the spear from flat to upward, and a symbol fell off the tip of the spear. In an instant, a bolt of thunder was drawn down from the sky, and the dazzling electric light seemed to tear the sky apart.

The appearance of this angel caused the emotions of countless people looking up below to explode.

"He is riding the legendary Thunder Beast Pegasus, one of the nine divine punishment monsters of the Light God System!"

"The Angel Legion enters the world, they are finally here."

"This is a great moment that will be remembered in history."

The Pope slowly walked out of the central temple, surrounded by Tilmis, a middle-aged angel, and a group of red archbishops.

He walked barefoot, with bulging veins on the insteps covered with age spots. He walked slowly but firmly, walking out of the temple step by step, and then walked up to the sky, facing the opening of the oracle's door.

At this moment, far outside the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God, and even outside the Holy City, countless believers from all over the world were looking up at the pope ascending into the sky, feeling excited.

Some believers even fainted when they saw the legions of angels coming out of the Oracle Gate. They were obviously die-hard fans of the church.

From a head-up perspective, the Oracle's door has been fully opened at this time, and there are groups of angels neatly lined up inside the door, tens of thousands of them, and the atmosphere is solemn.

Each angel rides on the back of a thunder beast and a Pegasus, with outstanding military power and armor.

At the same time as the Pope ascended into the sky, a tall and imposing angel appeared in the Oracle's Gate, wearing a suit of platinum armor.

The Thunder Beast Pegasus under his crotch is also unique, with four spiral-shaped sharp horns growing vertically on its head. Cold silver and dark purple electric light flows between the four sharp horns, as agile as a snake.

"This is the commander-in-chief of my ninth angel army, Commander Shugel!" the middle-aged angel next to the Pope introduced.

"The commanders of each legion of the Angel Army are all second only to the Lord God!"

"God has mercy on the world and spreads His light into our that people no longer suffer from diseases and all sufferings."


Below, countless believers were making a roaring noise.

Surrounded both inside and outside the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God, there were believers of the God of Light and people affiliated with the church who had traveled all the way from all over the world, as well as some eighty-four people who had been part of the alliance formed by several major associations and were purged by Cao Yan. A member of the family force.

With the church's promises and inducements, they have turned their guns and formed an alliance of interests with the church.

In the sky, Shugel and the Pope faced each other and greeted each other.

Shu Geer has a tall body and a very handsome face.

After seeing the Pope, he jumped off the back of the thunder beast: "Dear the venerable controller of divine authority on earth, Your Excellency Michael asked me to bring his greetings and gifts."

A ball of light emerged from his hand,

There are symbols and scriptures flowing inside, slowly falling on the pope's eyebrows and integrating into his body.

Suddenly, phantoms of scriptures appeared outside the pope's body.

His body was full of vitality, and although his appearance was still old, his mental temperament was completely new, and he seemed to have become younger.

The pope has received this kind of divine blessing before, but the effect is far less obvious than this time.

He could feel that the vitality in his body that was on the verge of drying up was regenerating with new vitality, just like a spring that was about to wither, regenerating spring water, trickling continuously, replenishing the almost dry vitality in his body.

"This is the gospel that His Excellency Michael personally blessed with divine power. I would like to thank His Majesty for your contribution to the divine power in the world." Shugel's voice was rich and powerful, and could be heard by everyone in the world.

Below, countless believers heard his voice and became more and more excited.

"How does Commander Shugel feel about our green jungle world?" the pope asked.

"The pressure of rules in this world is so heavy that I have never encountered it before." Shu Geer frowned slightly.

"The green jungle world is the first batch of primitive worlds born along with the division of the chaos of the universe. It is an important part of the core of the universe and has complete order and rules. The stronger the gods who enter this world, the more suppressive power they feel. It increases,” the pope explained.

Shugel nodded and got straight to the point: "Your Majesty Michael said that there is a heretic in this world named Cao Yan, who is likely to be involved in some of the layout of the Dark God System and the Temple of Era, which is very important. So let me command the Ninth Legion. Come down and suppress it.

Regarding this heretic, I need to have all the information related to him immediately. "

The Lord of Judgment walked out from behind the Pope and said respectfully: "I have all the information about Cao Yan and his forces here. It has been sorted out and can be consulted by the legion commander at any time." After that, he handed over a paper booklet recording the church's information. Collected some information related to Cao Yan.

Shugel took it in his hand and looked through it on the spot.

His spiritual power was extremely powerful, and he finished reading the information in an instant, saying: "It is indeed not an ordinary heresy."

The Lord of Judgment echoed: "The information read by the legion commander was compiled and written by me myself. Cao Yan is indeed a very powerful and evil person."

Shu Geer glanced at the Lord of Judgment: "I feel your fear of Cao Yan!"

The Lord of Judgment was a little embarrassed and lowered his head and said: "How confident is the legion commander that he can deal with Cao Yan and his Sky City?"

Shugel sighed lightly and ignored his inquiry at all.

However, the angel general who was the first to come out of the Oracle Gate later said: "Our Ninth Legion has traveled to many worlds for hundreds of years, executed heretics, spread the glory of the gods, and is invincible. What do you think? How confident can we be?"

The Lord of Judgment, who was criticized one after another, became increasingly embarrassed.

At this time, more and more angels from the Ninth Legion came out of the Oracle's Gate. An indescribable majestic wave gathered from where these angels stood, and the aura was like a tide.

"No wonder the church invited us to watch the ceremony. The arrival of an entire legion of angels is a miracle that has never happened before in history."

"I'm afraid the City in the Sky is going to end this time."

"Cao Yanjiao is so domineering that he drives us out of the alliance. Let's see what happens to him this time..."

"It seems that the structure of our green forest world is about to be reshuffled."

"It's still too early to tell. Don't forget, Cao Yan has won many battles in recent years. There have been rumors some time ago that a main god of the church has come and was defeated in his hands... Although the army in front of us is strong, but against Cao Yan may not be sure of victory."


Below, some representatives of major religious countries or other forces who had been invited to watch the ceremony were talking a lot.

In the air, Shugel muttered: "Your Majesty, I have something to communicate with you alone." Immediately, his mental power was shaken, and he started a private chat with the Pope.

The two of them murmured for a long time, Shugel nodded slightly, and then walked to one side with his generals, apparently having other orders.

The Pope and the entourage behind him fell from the sky and returned to the church's meeting hall to take their seats.

The Lord of Judgment, Tilmis and others were very curious about the content of the private conversation between the Pope and Shugel, and made various speculations in their minds.

Soon after, Shugel also fell from the sky and walked into the meeting hall.

The Pope said: "Commander Shugel Corps, when are you going to launch an offensive to attack the City in the Sky?"

Shu Geer: "Cao Yan should know the news of the arrival of our ninth legion soon. In order to prevent them from being prepared to respond or fleeing to escape, I will launch an attack as soon as all my legions come out from the Oracle Gate. Attack and take the city in the sky."

The Pope reminded: "The power of Sky City is growing very fast. Almost every time, their power will jump to a new level, especially Cao Yan himself. The legion commander must remain vigilant and cautious enough. "

Shu Geer said calmly: "I never underestimate the enemy. What's more, before coming, His Excellency Michael summoned me specifically for Cao Yan. Your Majesty, you can rest assured."

The Pope was a little surprised. Michael personally entered the Green Jungle and had a fight with Cao Yan. He didn't know that the car almost overturned. He was surprised to hear that Michael valued Cao Yan so much as the Lord God.

Shugel added: "The offensive and defensive confrontation of the army is different from the confrontation between individuals. I am fully confident that I can destroy the City in the Sky. Your Majesty can rest assured and wait patiently..."

Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly darkened.

The Pope and Tilmis also reacted and turned to look outside the meeting hall.


There was a sudden loud noise outside the meeting hall, the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God shook violently, and the sky and the earth spun, like an earthquake.

A thunderous voice came out from the loud noise: "The devil under Cao Yan in the Sky City has come to invite you to fight."

One voice after another followed closely: "Chaos giants under the Sky City... Storm giants, servants under the city lord... are ordered to come, and everyone from the church comes out."

Intertwined with these sounds were crackling sounds and low voices. The situation outside the chamber seemed to be changing rapidly.

Shugel has rich combat experience and is used to seeing all kinds of scenes, so he is very stable. It was just that he was so arrogant towards the people of Sky City and dared to come to invite a fight. He was a little frightened and angry, and his figure disappeared out of thin air and went outside the meeting hall.

Castle in the Sky.

Boss Cao squatted on a stone step in his backyard, looking down at a group of ants on the ground. The queen had just been released by him and was feeding.

Boss Cao muttered while looking at the ants: "Counting the time, it's almost time to start."

Dai Huanyu was squatting next to him: "Boss, won't you go to the scene in person?"

Cao Yan said in a very high-spirited manner: "We are respectable people who play chess, commonly known as the boss behind the scenes. We don't need to jump on the chessboard and fight with others, just watch the excitement."

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