Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 833 The Sad Demon King

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The Demon King was over ten feet tall, wearing black and gold armor. He stood proudly a few meters in front of Cao Yan, like a mountain with astonishing pressure.

His face was also covered by armor, revealing only a pair of unruly and violent eyes, radiating fiercely.

When he heard the sound of Donna and Phoebe approaching from behind, he suddenly turned around. The moment he saw Phoebe, he breathed heavily in his throat, like a wild beast roaring in a low voice, and his eyes widened.

This guy might have turned into a big bear... Boss Cao was a little funny.

At this time, only Cao Yan remained calm. The devil's violence and ferocity had no impact on him.

Phoebe and Donna's faces turned pale the moment they saw the Demon King's back.

The two of them stayed away from the Demon King and stood on the other side of the palace, unconsciously moving closer to Cao Yan's position.

The Demon King pointed at Phoebe and said solemnly: "I want to take her away, she is my woman."

Cao Yan asked Feibi: "The devil came this time and said he would take you away. I think your own wishes should be respected in this matter. If you are willing, you can leave with him and reunite as husband and wife."

Then he said: "Of course, if you don't want to, we won't force you."

Most of the time, Boss Cao respects human rights and freedom.

But before he finished speaking, Phoebe said: "I don't want to, and I will never leave with him even if I die. We are not husband and wife at all."

The devil said angrily: "You once promised me that you would be my woman for the rest of your life."

This demon king is quite simple, he believes what others say... Boss Cao's lips curled up slightly, watching the show from the side.

"You forced me into your devil's palace. If I didn't follow your wishes, you would force me. All the women you had sex with died. Do you think I don't know? I won't lie. You are going to die, what do you want me to do?"

Phoebe was very emotional and continued to break the news:

"The bloodline of your war clan is abnormal.

Once he has a close relationship with a woman of other races, the woman's blood will boil and she will scream miserably for several hours as if she is being steamed before she finally dies. And you also have a special hobby, torture and kill at least one woman every day.

Who would want to spend their life with a crazy tyrant like you? If I don't protect myself well, how can I survive in the devil's palace? "

Boss Cao blinked his eyes, thinking that there was a huge amount of information, let me sort it out first... First of all, women who have sex with the devil will die! What kind of driving skills does the Demon King have? Every time he drives, he gets into a tragic car accident, with a 100% fatality rate!

And this guy also has a special hobby, torturing older girls every day. He is a 404 lover, a cruel bunch.

According to Phoebe, she had always relied on her acting skills to make the devil happy, so the devil regarded her as his most beloved soul mate, and he never had an easy time with her in real life.

In other words, the devil in front of him is a poor man who was deceived into his true feelings, but gained nothing... Cao Yan thought.

This Phoebe is definitely a genius at deceiving people. She deceived the devil into believing her, and she was so infatuated that she would never forget her. Otherwise, she would have been played to death by the devil.

Boss Cao looked at the devil's majestic and astonishing figure, and then at Phoebe, who was in human form, and thought to himself: Just judging from their size, the models of their pipes are not compatible. If he really wants to do something, he probably can only It was a one-time transaction, and one of them was bound to die afterwards, either the Demon King was pinched to death, or Phoebe died due to penetrating injuries. It was extremely tragic.

Judging from this, the two of them must have never been in actual combat!

Boss Cao is working hard to analyze the plot.

After listening to Phoebe's words, the Demon King realized that he was a poor person whose emotions had been toyed with. His emotions broke down and his sadness turned into a river. He roared and rushed towards Phoebe.

Boss Cao was about to take action to stop him, but he saw the eyes under the demon king's mask suddenly glowing with light. He suddenly changed direction and rushed towards Cao Yan. The fist wrapped in the armor blasted out from the air and hit Cao Yan's face.

The Demon King was stimulated by Phoebe, lost his mind, and became violent, but it was actually an illusion.

He took the opportunity to exert force, and his real purpose was to kill Cao Yan.

Cao Yan hated him for genocide, and the last time he was defeated by Cao Yan, a spear of fate pierced his abdomen, and he became a prisoner. At that time, he was fighting the storm giant and the chaos giant.

So he was defeated by Cao Yan, but he was not convinced.

Now that he has recovered from his injuries, he has secretly made other arrangements. As long as Cao Yan is killed, he will launch a mutiny and regain everything the Zhan clan has lost.

Soon, the Demon King's fist rushed in front of Cao Yan.

Boss Cao pointed forward and stabbed forward, but the second strike came first. Under the pressure released from his fingertips, the Demon King's movements suddenly slowed down, and then seemed to be frozen, and the outstretched fist could not move forward.

He was suppressed by Boss Cao's power, and his figure slowly became smaller until he knelt on the ground.

"I can spare you this time for two reasons."

Cao Yan calmed down and said: "First, you are still of some use to me.

Second, you are a poor person who was deceived by a girl, so I forgive you for this offense. But you have to remember, if there is a next time, I will wipe out the entire war clan from this world and support a new race. Do you understand? "

The Demon King roared repeatedly and tried to stand up.

Unfortunately, the finger that Cao Yan pressed on his head was as heavy as a stone and could not move at all.

The visor on his face had been crushed and peeled off by Cao Yan's power, and the veins on his face were bulging, full of humiliation and resentment. In front of his soul mate, he was pressed to the ground by another pretty boy, unable to even stand. Get up, the devil no longer wants to live.

He was about to continue struggling, but Boss Cao took the initiative to retract his finger: "Look at your neck!"

The Demon King lowered his head and was stunned for a moment.

I don't know when a black curved blade appeared on his neck, shining with a cold luster, and it was placed at his throat.

The armor on his neck was silently torn apart by the curved blade. As long as the curved blade was extended forward a little, it would kill him.

The Demon King looked along the curved blade and found a monster lying on his shoulder. It was illusory like a shadow and could not see its shape clearly. He could only feel that it had multiple limbs. The curved blade on his neck was the creature's. One limb.

What shocked the Demon King the most was that he had no idea when this monster came to his shoulder.

That monster is Eggy in a shadow state.

When it appeared on the Demon King's shoulder, the little bastard who had been climbing around the temple as if he was looking for something immediately climbed over happily.

The two demon pets seemed to be playing hide-and-seek, and Dandan's appearance meant that it had lost, so the little bastard came over happily.

In the past, the little bastard was responsible for the search, but now that Dandan had exposed his traces in dealing with the Demon King, he became the little bastard hiding, and Dandan was responsible for the search.

Phoebe and Donna looked at each other, including the Demon King who was kneeling in front of Cao Yan, staring blankly at the two monsters.

They alone can easily kill the Demon King.

The power gap between the Demon King and Cao Yan was far beyond everyone's expectations. This made the devil lose the confidence to continue fighting, and he finally stopped struggling.

"You may be spared the death penalty for attacking me, but the living crime will be unforgivable."

Cao Yan flicked his finger, scoff! The Demon King let out a miserable howl, his whole body shivering in pain, and blood was flowing between his legs.

Looking at the position where he was injured, it was obvious that the position 404 was cut by Boss Cao's ruthless hand.

"You can leave now. Remember, when you go back, you will lead the War Clan to work hard."

Cao Yan opened the void with his hand, grabbed the gap between the Demon King's shoulder armor, threw him into it, then waved his hand, the void closed, and the Demon King fell into the depths of the space and disappeared without a trace.

The demon king disappeared, and Phoebe and Donna's pale faces slowly recovered.

But the shock in their hearts was like a wave, one wave higher than the other.

Cao Yan's power far exceeded their imagination, and the Demon King was like a child in front of him.

"Miss Phoebe, I asked Dundalk yesterday where there were high-level flying monsters in your world. At that time, you hesitated to speak. You seemed to have something to say?" Cao Yan looked at Phoebe.

It turns out he knows everything... Phoebe thought.

Yesterday, she really hesitated to speak. Because of some scruples, she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

"I know a place where there are high-level flying monsters, and there are a lot of them. But I heard about that place from the Demon King before, and I don't dare to go there because of his ability. He also said that the place is the most dangerous place in the world. Area. I think even with his strength, he would not dare to set foot in a place. I was worried that speaking out would harm City Lord Cao, so I could not speak out at the time." Phoebe said.

"Then why are you willing to talk now?" Boss Cao asked.

"The Demon King has no power to resist under you. I guess what scares him is different for City Master Cao." Phoebe said calmly.

"Where is the place you mentioned?"

"If I say so, can I make a request to the city lord?" Phoebe asked softly.

This woman wants to trick me... The old driver saw through Phoebe's purpose at a glance.

"The devil asked for you just now. I respected your wishes and didn't give you to him. Logically speaking, you should thank me. How about giving this news to me as a thank you gift?" The old driver didn't take the bait at all.

"City Lord Cao has helped me, and I will repay it in the future. And what I give back to City Lord Cao will be my most precious thing, and it will definitely satisfy you. But they cannot offset each other. I said that there are a lot of flying monsters in places, Cao The city lord has to agree to my request." Phoebe pursed her lips and looked at Cao Yan with a bitchy look.

Boss Cao muttered, "Forget it if you don't tell me. I can ask the Demon King."

Phoebe was stunned for a moment. She was fine just now, but she turned over the table and stopped playing after a disagreement?

She thought for a while and said helplessly: "That place is called Evil Spirit Gorge, deep in the Starry Sky Mountains to the east of this world."

"What's special there?" Cao Yan asked.

"I only know that it is a hunting place for some kind of mythical flying creatures. According to the Demon King, those flying creatures are naturally powerful. As long as they reach adulthood, they are almost always at the king level. They often go to Evil Spirit Gap to hunt."

Boss Cao nodded and said loudly: "Come here, notify the hunting team and let them set off immediately to find a place called Evil Spirit Gorge in the Starry Sky Mountain in this world."

Someone outside the hall agreed to convey Boss Cao's order.

"You two can go down too." After asking, Boss Cao gave the order to expel the guests.

Phoebe and Donna curled their lips, turned around and retreated.

When they walked out of the door, they found that Dandan had found the little tortoise. It disappeared again, and it was the little tortoise who was in charge of looking for it.

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