Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 836 Big Devil and Little Devil

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The Evil Spirit Gorge is deep and dark, with poisonous insects and strange beasts running rampant, and strong winds howling like the cries of resentful spirits, which is extremely gloomy.

Cao Yan and Dandan got off the Thunder King's back and stayed far away from the area where Ohe and the giants had just jumped. They acted alone and entered the canyon in a shadow state, carefully surveying the terrain and the Overlord Flying Dragon hovering outside the canyon.

"There are eleven in total..."

Boss Cao spent a long time observing the hunting frequency and process of flying dragons.

This is a serious operation mode for a serious pet master before catching pets. Catching pets is a kind of practice and fun for the pet master, just like fishing. Enjoy the process. When the fish is caught, the fun will be halved in an instant.

Cao Yan was not prepared to use brute force to catch his pet this time, so he started to make arrangements after careful observation.

Soon after, a gorgeous flying dragon with wingspan spread out and nearly a hundred meters long plunged down from the sky, like a pelican entering the water to catch fish, and flew into the Evil Spirit Gorge.

Due to his thorough observation before, Boss Cao only laid a little ambush on the way back after the flying dragon preyed on a poisonous insect in the valley, letting Dandan form a spider web.

The flying dragon succeeded in hunting, felt relaxed, flew upwards happily, and bumped into the spider web that suddenly appeared without any precautions.

Boss Cao's capture of the first flying dragon was effortless.

This is the advantage of fully observing and preparing in advance. Once you actually take action, it will be a precise and ruthless sap, getting twice the result with half the effort.

After that, Boss Cao showed good patience, waiting for the rabbit, and set up a net, waiting for the flying dragon to enter the canyon to hunt, and then took advantage of the situation to sap it.

In the next forty minutes or so, I caught three flying dragons one after another, and the process was always easy.

However, the flying dragon circling outside the canyon became alert when it discovered that three friends entered the canyon and did not come out for a long time.

Boss Cao immediately changed his routine.

They began to use an insect-type monster called the Evil Centipede in the canyon as bait to actively trap them.

The evil centipedes are colorful and highly poisonous. The big ones are twenty or thirty meters long, while the small ones are more than ten meters long.

They have thin wings on their backs, and when climbing in and out of some caves on the cliff,

It can also vibrate its wings and glide briefly, as fast as lightning.

On the surface of the carapace connecting their heads and necks, there is a vague evil spirit pattern, somewhat like a human face, sinister as a ghost, exuding evil waves.

Poisonous insects are rampant in the Evil Spirit Gorge, and the Evil Spirit Centipede is one of the favorite foods of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Because of its large number, it is not difficult to catch it.

Boss Cao divided his mental power, formed individual marks, and slapped the evil centipede between his eyebrows with his hand.

The evil centipede suddenly became Boss Cao's henchman, acting as bait without any regrets.

Boss Cao caught five or six evil centipedes in one go, arranged them in formation, climbed out of the cliff together, poked their heads in the thick fog of the canyon, raised their necks and made strange hissing sounds. .

The overlord flying dragons above quickly discovered the evil centipede under the cliff.

Two flying dragons couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food. They circled in the air and observed twice. Then they suddenly made a sudden movement and rushed to the front of the evil centipede with a trail of afterimages.

Those evil centipedes remembered Boss Cao's order, turned around and ran away.

The claws of the two Tyrant Flying Dragons stretched out and immediately smashed the carapace as hard as pig iron on the Evil Spirit Centipede's back to pieces. With a peck of its long beak, there was a hole in the Evil Spirit Centipede's head. Hundreds of legs kicked out at the same time, killing it. Transparent.

Boss Cao hid in the dark and observed, feeling very happy.

Evil centipedes are aggressive and highly poisonous by nature, and are very powerful insect-type creatures. However, the flying dragon treats them like chickens, and they are worthy of being overlord-level creatures.

Boss Cao is very fond of this kind of flying dragon.

In his mind, the fake system spoke: "The host captured this flying dragon and formed the Sky Knights. Have you ever considered what this knights should be called?"

Boss Cao: "I've already thought of a name."

Fake system: "According to the host's convention, is this Flying Knights called the Great Fighting Dragon Team?"

"Fuck your sister."

Boss Cao said displeasedly: "My name is Phantom Knights."

The fake system was surprised and said: "How come the host has changed his style? In the past, it was all about balls, big sticks, two sticks, and circles for tying sticks. These names are vivid and nice. Why doesn't the host use them anymore?"

Boss Cao ignored the fake system.

Not far away, at the moment when the two flying dragons pounced down and pecked the evil centipede to death, the spider webs in the void reappeared.

The two flying dragons noticed the change and flapped their wings, trying to get rid of the sticky power spread by the cobwebs, but it was too late and they were instantly attracted to the cobwebs.

High in the sky, after Auch, the hunting team and Boss Cao descended one after another, the guide Doula stood on the back of King Thunder in fear.

Fortunately, there were still several reserve members of the hunting team staying on the Thunder King's back with him, all looking down and watching the meal.

A storm giant said: "The boss and captain have gone down to enjoy themselves. I don't know when it will be our turn to take the lead."

Another giant complained: "I heard that if the forces outside our Sky City can have a king-level strongman, he will immediately become the trump card of that force and have a respected status. Unlike us, the king is the starting point and can only follow the captain. They do odd jobs and are not even qualified to enter the first echelon.”

"I also feel that the competition in our hunting team is too fierce. In the words of the city lord, it is simply hellish difficulty."

"It's so nice outside, why don't you go?"

The storm giant who spoke first blinked his eyes and said: "Just say that our hunting team can get a drop of the blood of the Lord God every month for training. Which force outside can do this? If you are willing to quit the hunting team, get out of here, we There are no less than a hundred kings waiting in the city to squeeze in."

The grumbling giant chuckled twice, which was as deafening as thunder.

Dora was dumbfounded when she heard this, and then she realized that these stupid guys around her were all kings.

And their hunting team in Sky City are all substitutes!

Hold the grass...

At this time, the mist at the entrance of Evil Spirit Gorge dissipated, and a giant net emerged from the mist. Two overlord flying dragons were stuck to the net, roaring sadly, which was a spectacular sight.

"The first wave is almost done." Boss Cao thought.

After capturing five flying dragons one after another, the remaining flying dragons in the sky had already discovered the problem. They chirped in the air with the two flying dragons stuck on the spider web, as if communicating, and soon the flying dragons in the sky flapped their wings and flew away into the distance.

"I tried to use these two flying dragons as bait to attract other flying dragons, but it failed. These flying dragons are very alert."

Boss Cao's eyes followed the two flying dragons flying away in the distance, and he raised the corners of his mouth.

These flying dragons are group-like creatures. Their friends were attacked and arrested one after another, making them aware of the crisis. The flying dragons that had gone away were obviously returning to the group as a warning, and Boss Cao's first wave of pet hunting was just the beginning. The next goal was to find the nests of these flying dragons and capture them all.

The ants have followed.

The sun is setting and it's approaching evening.

The Tyrant Flying Dragon returned to its nest to ask for help but did not return, but Auch and the hunting team had returned from the canyon and met up with Cao Yan.

Several of the giants were covered in blood, and it was obvious that the exploration process was not easy.

"How is the situation?" Cao Yan asked.

"There are ruins of a building down there, buried deep in the valley bottom. We cleared part of it and found out that it was the ruins of the Parthenon temple," Oher said.

The systems of gods in all major planes are extremely complex.

Boss Cao didn’t know who Parthenon was, but Auch had the inherited memory of demons and had a natural advantage in identifying the gods, so he explained:

"Parthenon is an ancient and powerful god who is in charge of the divine power of evil and lust (harmony). Understanding it in boss terms, this god can be classified into the ranks of stallions. In his long history In life, they continue to spread their own life seeds, mate harmoniously with members of the opposite sex of different races, and have enough offspring to form an army."

This time I met a ruthless person. Even with so many children, just tell me how many abalones this god has tasted... Boss Cao was deeply shocked.

"Parthenon fell because he seduced the wife of a god-king..."

Boss Cao was very interested: "Did he cuckold the God King?"

Auch nodded and continued: "After he was chased and killed by the God King, the temple he once lived in was also smashed to pieces and scattered to many worlds.

What we found in this canyon should be some of the temple fragments.

The temple carried the aura of Parthenon, and the energy it spread changed the landscape of the Evil Spirit Gorge, so many monsters gathered here, and because of the residual aura of Parthenon's divine power, it promoted their evolution.

The Phoenix-headed Dragon probably gathered here to hunt the creatures in the valley in order to absorb Parthenon's divine power. "

"It's a pity that it took so long that the remaining Parthenon in Evil Spirit Gap was severely damaged and is not of high value to today's boss."

Oher stretched out his hand and pointed behind him: "This subordinate got some unexpected gains."

Boss Cao had long seen Auch coming up from the Evil Spirit Gorge, followed by about ten 'monsters'. They were so ugly that they were completely invisible.

They were about a dozen creatures with humanoid shapes, but with slippery, dark green skin, fine scales, long hands and feet, and thin films connecting the fingers. Their claws were very sharp, and they looked very aggressive.

Their tongues are the weirdest. They stick out like a boa constrictor. The front end is bifurcated and can be protruded from the mouth. It can be extended and contracted to seven or eight meters away like a spear, just like a monster in a thriller.

"This thing looks weird. Is it an intelligent life?" Boss Cao asked.

"In many planes, they are called little demons. They are the familiars of our pure-blooded demons. Just like the hyenas raised by the boss, we can drive them to find and track prey."

Oher: "They also live here because the Evil Spirit Gap has the aura of Parthenon. I am very lucky to be able to find twelve of them at once. Their abilities are a good assistant to any demon." "

"Okay, as long as you like it."

Cao Yan asked curiously: "What is the main use of this thing with such a long tongue?"

"Prey! Their tongues can be hard or soft, contract or lengthen. When they are hard, they can be released. They can pierce the defenses of most creatures and kill with one blow. When they are soft, they can lick wounds and speed up. Recovering from his own injuries,” Oher said.

"You can be long or short, soft or hard, so arrogant in your ventriloquism?" Boss Cao was surprised and still had a hint of envy.

Oher obviously failed to keep up with his boss's thinking and echoed: "It is indeed very powerful, he can attack and defend."

Boss Cao nodded and said no more.

In the following days, their team briefly stationed in the Evil Spirit Gorge to capture the Phoenix-headed Dragon and various creatures in the Evil Spirit Gorge. Oher and the hunting team continued to explore the depths of the gorge and excavate fragments of the Parthenon.

On this day, Boss Cao returned to the Sky City, found Dai Huanyu, and asked, "Has there been any movement in the Green Jungle World these days?"

"There is nothing unusual. The situation in the church is calm. The Ninth Angel Legion did not attack several major associations, nor did it attack the various forces under the alliance." Secretary Dai said.

Cao Yan: "They are studying the reasons why angels are poisoned by ants' acid, and they want to find ways to immunize them."

Then he said: "You go and gather all the tribes in the city and all the forces that cooperate with our Sky City. We have a meeting. I have something to say."

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