Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 840 Realm of Gods

"The element concentration here is not stronger than our Sky City, but it is much worse."

"There seems to be nothing special about the world of the gods. It feels ordinary!"

"The breath is very ancient..."

Auch and others entered the world of gods one after another, inhaling and absorbing the breath in the void, and found that the concentration of elements was not stronger than that of the Sky City.

A giant teased: "There is really nothing special here. The elemental intensity is about the same as the edge area of ​​our Sky City, far less than the core area of ​​​​the city. I want to go home."

Everyone laughed.

More than half of the team that entered the world of gods were top heroes selected from the hunting team.

"Do you feel that there is something abnormal in the space here? It is easy to come in, but very difficult to leave." The Chaos Giant said as he glanced around.

The surrounding void is filled with mist, and the atmosphere is ancient. There are undulating mountains at the end of the sight.

The location they came from was a plain, uninhabited, and in the wild.

There are actually two suns hanging in different directions at the same time in the sky, with thousands of lights!

Although everyone joked that the concentration of elements here was not as good as that of the City in the Sky, they were actually quite shocked.

You must know that the City in the Sky is just a city. Because the World Tree absorbs the elemental breath and transforms it into the city, it increases the concentration of elements in the city, attracts powerful tribes from all sides to join, develops rapidly, and gives birth to kings one after another. Even a totem-level powerhouse.

The location where they entered the Realm of the Gods was just a wilderness, but it had an elemental concentration that rivaled that of the City in the Sky.

This shows that the concentration of surrounding elements is a common phenomenon in the world of gods.

In other words, the concentration of elements in the entire God Realm is comparable to that of the edge areas of Sky City.

It follows from this that the life bred in this world must be naturally powerful.

"The space wall here is indeed very strong." Oher also said.

He stretched out his hand to touch the void in front of him, and the strands of demonic power in his hand swam like snakes, twisting and tearing at the void.

There were ripples on the void wall, but there was no sign of fragmentation. It was stable and solid.

"The Realm of the Gods, like the Green Jungle World, is the first primitive world born in ancient times. It contains the core laws of the universe and derives various rules unique to this world. Outside the Realm of the Gods, there are violent The space is surrounded by turbulence.

Entering the Realm of Gods from the outside is to go with the current in the storm, and the destructive power you feel is not strong. However, if you want to leave the Realm of Gods, you have to travel against the current in space, which is very harmful to all existences below the Lord God. It's dangerous, it's easy to get lost in the turbulence of space, and your body will be lost. "

Cao Yan, who was observing the world of gods through the attendant's screen, heard the introduction of the fake system in his consciousness.

"No wonder those angels want to enter the green jungle world. They need the church to first build the Oracle Gate as a space beacon. It turns out to prevent them from getting lost in the space storm."

Boss Cao said: "Can I directly enter and leave the realm of the gods through the attendant system and using Auch as the coordinate?"

"Of course, the attendant system provided by the spaceship cannot be hindered by the space turbulence outside the world of gods."

The fake system paused and added: "However, when the host enters and exits the Realm of the Gods, it will increase the consumption of space push, and each time it needs to pay a thousand points."

"In the world of gods, gold is precious. It's such an expensive price."

Cao Yan complained, thought for a moment and said, "Expense points, I'll go in and take a look."

A space portal immediately opened in front of him.

Cao Yan stepped into it and disappeared quietly from the study.

In the world of gods, the space at Auch's location was rhythmic, forming a gap in space, and Boss Cao walked out of it calmly.

"City Lord!"

The members of the hunting team greeted him in unison. They were all diehard fans of Boss Cao. They had long been accustomed to Boss Cao's various tricks, and they were not surprised to see that he could directly enter and exit the world of gods.

On the other hand, the four king-level experts who sent Dogarosh and Little Black Fatty to accompany them were quite surprised.

How did Cao Yan manage to establish a portal and cross planes in an instant when he was clearly not traveling with them?

Came to the world of gods?

At the same time that Boss Cao appeared, the ants, hyenas, and little devils had already spread out to explore the surrounding area.

"Fake system, where am I in the world of gods now?"

"Open the space channel from the green jungle world to enter the world of gods. The corresponding coordinates are the scope of the Kingdom of Light."

The fake system responded: "The location of the host is the border area under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Light in the Realm of Gods, the wasteland near the Chaoyang Mountains."

"The road between enemies is narrow," Cao Yan said.

Roar! !

Just as Cao Yan and others were looking around, a deafening roar of beasts could be heard from the far end of the line of sight, in the direction of the undulating mountains.

"What is the general strength of the creatures here?"

"Ordinary people also exist in the world of gods. The structure of the world is no different from other worlds. It's just that the gods coexist, and the kingdom they opened up exists in the normal dimension of the world of gods."

Fake system: “Ding!

[Task release]: Ask the host to capture at least five local monsters from the world of gods, requiring king or above level, both male and female; task completed: reward points of 5,000 (note: points will increase depending on the level of the monsters captured) (minus), there is no penalty for mission failure. Time limit: This time you enter the world of gods until before you leave. "

Cao Yan pointed to the direction where the beast's roar came from, "Let's go in that direction."

Everyone agreed with a roar.

The giants strode toward the mountains.

The remaining people released their phoenix-headed flying dragons and jumped on the dragon's back.

The entire team, a total of seventeen people, excluding the little devil, began to move forward in the wasteland of the Gods Realm.

A storm giant stirred up strong winds, sweeping away all traces of their appearance and progress.

Not long after they left, four golden rays of light suddenly appeared, from far to near, arriving at the location where Cao Yan and others had just stayed.

"The border surveillance system has issued a warning, showing that there is an anomaly in the space in this area. There is indeed a problem. It should be that there are powerful gods from other worlds who have entered our world of gods for the first time."

Four points of golden light hung in the air, revealing their figures. They were actually four angels, wearing uniform white armor and holding war spears.

The wings behind them flapped, their eyes flickered, and they stared at the ground and the void carefully.

"They are going in that direction, let's catch up and take a look." An angel looked towards the direction where Cao Yan and others were leaving.

A space object fell off the wrist armor of another angel, and the figure flashed, releasing a tall giant.

His whole body is covered with totem patterns, with thunder coiled around him. He is over a hundred meters tall, with protruding muscles and a majestic tower reaching into the sky.

But he was restrained by a collar, which strangled his neck. A chain covered with scriptures extended from the collar. The other end of the chain was held in the hands of an angel, enslaving the thunder giant like a beast.


The angel held the chain in his hand and pointed in the direction where Cao Yan and others were going.

The collar around the neck of the thunder giant suddenly exploded with a cluster of electric light.

He let out a low roar of pain, followed the angel's order, thunder and lightning surrounded his feet, and ran forward as fast as flying.

The four angels stood on the shoulders of the Thunder Giant, chasing the direction of Cao Yan and others, and soon arrived at the edge of the Chaoyang Mountains.


An angel listened intently, and the sound of fighting could be heard faintly ahead.

He waved his war spear and pointed in the direction of the sound.

However, when they arrived at the location where the sound of fighting came from, the place was already empty.

After a period of time, the four angels who continued to chase Cao Yan and others gradually became surprised.

The team they were tracking went all the way deep into the mountains, constantly fighting with the creatures in the mountains, and their advancement speed was getting faster and faster. It can be seen that the team they are following is very powerful, and the battles they encounter along the way make it impossible to hinder them even a little bit.

"They seem to be deliberately luring us into chasing them," one of the angels said.

Another angel said: "I have spread the news, and support will be coming soon. Let's catch up first."

Soon after, they finally caught up with the team in front.

As the Thunder Giant ran, the angels saw more than ten people standing on a low hill in the distance.

"So many giants?!"

The team in front consisted of less than twenty people in total, but most of them were giants.

Such a arrogant team composition was somewhat beyond the angels' expectations.

And among the giants, there was a man sitting on the back of a bear.

When the four angels discovered that there was a figure with black energy billowing outside the body standing next to the man, their expressions suddenly changed: "Devil!"

The golden light outside the body of the four angels surged, their wings spread out behind their backs, and at the front of the spear of judgment they held in their hands, wisps of light of judgment lingered, and their auras were released, extremely powerful.

In the world of gods, angels are not bound by the rules of the green jungle world, and are much more powerful than the angels Cao Yan has encountered before.

One of the angels yelled violently: "You heretics have entered the Kingdom of Light without permission, and you will be punished for the crime of blasphemy!"

Cao Yan, who was on the bear's back, waved his hand and said: "Don't let him beep, catch them and ask about the situation."

The next moment, the Chaos Giant and the Storm Giant took action together.

Auch also disappeared suddenly and reappeared in front of one of the angels. Thousands of gossamers formed from the black energy outside his body and wound around the angel.


The chaos giant and the thunder giant enslaved by the angel collided together, and the strong air waves created ravines on the ground.

At this time, a black chain passed through the air.

A Poseidon with a monkey face, wearing armor and holding a sharp sword, holding a chain with a giant anchor tied to one end of the chain, blasted through the air towards another angel.

The rest of the hunting team members also took action one after another.

The tribesmen of Sky City have been hanging out with Boss Cao for a long time, and they are all experts in using sap. They never care about the rules of fighting alone, and they will not attack alone if they can besieged.

It is most cost-effective to quickly establish advantages and reduce casualties.

The four angels were trapped in a tight siege and became prisoners, which was completely expected.

The battle was over quickly.

It's just a pity that the thunder giant died when the angel activated the collar on his neck during the battle, and the breath in his body exploded.

The original intention of the angel was to use it to hinder Oher and others and take the opportunity to escape, but he was enveloped by the sluggish field of Dandan and could not escape. The Thunder Giant became cannon fodder that was consumed.

After the four angels were captured, Boss Cao glanced into the distance and said, "Let's retreat."

The group of people roared away in an instant, completely gone.

Not long after they left, another group of angels appeared, numbering more than thirty, led by a four-winged angel.

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