Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 845 Godhead and Sea of ​​Ants

When the potion entered his mouth, Cao Yan didn't even have time to appreciate the smell. He felt that what he drank was lava, which was so hot that he doubted his life.

Then his whole body seemed to have fallen into a fiery purgatory, and the pain was indescribable.

If you observe Cao Yan from a more microscopic and detailed perspective at this time, you will find that every cell in his body seems to have been injected with endless heat, becoming transparent and dazzling, as if burning.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, a 'shooting star' suddenly appeared, passing through the sky from the far end of the sea of ​​consciousness, carrying endless light and fire, and struck the godhead sun in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness.


Cao Yan felt like his head was exploding, and he became a headless idiot.

When the flaming meteor evolved from the power of the potion hit the sun of the sea of ​​consciousness, everything collapsed in his consciousness.

But what followed was a surge of vitality that emerged from the collapse and heat, and the exploded sea of ​​consciousness quickly reorganized.

Outside Cao Yan's body, the void around the primeval forest area, with him as the center, suddenly shattered and collapsed into a black hole.

The breath and elemental particles between heaven and earth are being frantically extracted by the 'black hole' and integrated into Cao Yan's body.

I don't know how long it took, but his consciousness regained consciousness. The burning heat in his body was slowly weakening, and his consciousness regained control of his body.

"Fuck, I finally understand what it means to be a phoenix reborn from the ashes. You have to die hundreds of times in the process."

Boss Cao was full of resentment: "The 90,000-point potion you provided for the fake system is this? I want to file a complaint against you for abusing the owner."

"This is the first time the host uses the divine fire potion. The effect is like this. It will be much better if it is used again in the future."

The fake system explained: "I didn't tell the host in advance because I was afraid that the host would be too scared to use it."

Cao Yan sank his consciousness into his body and checked the effect of the potion. He was disappointed at first sight.

The effect of the potion is not as powerful as imagined.

The spiritual sun that originally had no fluctuations in his sea of ​​consciousness was just a glimmer of light at this time. Well, it was very weak and could go out at any time.

The godhead has not evolved due to the effect of the potion!

"The divine fire potion gave me such a spark?" Boss Cao was on the verge of flipping the table. Thinking of the 90,000 points, he felt so distressed that he couldn't breathe.

"The host should be happy about this. This shows that your first divine power is stronger than expected. At least the high-level divine power has exceeded the limit that the elementary divine fire potion can completely ignite."

The fake system said: "The divine fire potion is not without effect. The divine light of the first divine authority has already appeared. Moreover, the host's destiny divine authority and your body have been greatly strengthened because of the potion."

In Cao Yan's consciousness, the spiritual moon corresponding to the divine power of destiny was flowing, and it was indeed stronger than before.

There is also a powerful force in his body, flowing like a long river, unstoppable, and like a vast ocean, inexhaustible.

He stretched out a finger, and a light green halo of divine power emitted from the tip of his finger.

The halo fell from his hands and fell on the big tree under him. Millions of leaves on the big tree emit a faint light at the same time, full of green, as if spirituality was born.

Cao Yan used the power of divine power to bless his eyes and stared at the big tree under him.

The tree changed in his eyes like a fleeting shadow, sometimes illusory, sometimes clear.

In a daze, this tree and another taller ancient tree overlapped together.

A wonderful sight ensued. The taller ancient tree was struck by lightning in the heavy rain. The main trunk was scorched black, the branches and leaves were broken, and in the end only half of the black charcoal-like trunk remained.

The light in Cao Yan's eyes faded, and the shadow of the ancient tree also disappeared.

He was just trying out the changes in his abilities after the divine power of destiny was improved. The phantom of the ancient tree he saw being struck by thunder was the 'destiny' that the big tree under him might encounter at some time in the future.

The reason why it is 'possible' is not that it will definitely happen.

It's because there are countless possibilities in the future, which will be affected by countless factors and change, and Cao Yan's use of the divine power of destiny,

It's just the beginning, and the fragments of destiny you see may not actually happen.

And the ray of divine power that Cao Yan just sent from the tip of his finger into the trunk of the ancient tree will change the possible fate of this ancient tree and help it resolve the disaster of being toppled by lightning.

This is what makes destiny special.

Boss Cao is equivalent to having a telescope of destiny, which he can use to peek into some secrets that interest him and try to make some changes within his power.

"If the host can one day grow into a god-king-level existence, your divine power of destiny will evolve into a unique attribute. In other words, all gods who practice the divine power of destiny will respect you and accept the rules you set. The host will Equivalent to the God King of the Destiny God System, that is the real boss."

Boss Cao ignored the pie created by the fake system.

He tried to use the first divine authority, but the sun in the sea of ​​consciousness only glowed slightly, and the divine authority's ability was still unavailable.

Cao Yan sighed, stood up from the big tree, and was about to return to the Sky City when he suddenly had a feeling and turned his head to look deeper into the primitive forest area.

The divine power of destiny in his body was operating, and his eyes were shining again.

Suddenly, a hazy chaos appeared in Cao Yan's sight.

In the center of the chaos, there seemed to be an ancient creature sleeping, motionless.

It's just that the chaos exudes majestic pressure, and Cao Yan's strength is not enough to see through the true situation in the chaos.

He suddenly groaned in pain.

Just as he was observing the scene in the chaos, an unknown force invaded along time and space, almost blinding his eyes.

Boss Cao's eyes darkened, and the scene in the chaos flickered and disappeared without a trace.

After a while, the pain in his eyes slowly subsided.

"Why did I see this scene? That chaos is the scene in the depths of the eternal jungle?" Cao Yan asked.

"It was because the host's divine power increased by leaps and bounds and connected with the rules of time and space that at that moment, he ignored the distance and looked into the depths of the jungle." said the fake system.

Cao Yan thought to himself: That scene in the chaos is probably the core secret of the green jungle world... What is dormant in the chaos? That breath makes people's souls tremble, and it almost stabbed me blind...

Ten minutes later, the city in the sky.


Cao Yan took out an ancient book from the bookshelf.

With his current status, there are countless priceless things in this study, all of which are treasures sent to him by various forces, so that he can collect all the treasures in the world.

Most of the books in the study are single copies, including the handwritings of gods passed down from the ancient times when the gods descended.

Its level of luxury is quite consistent with the status of a cheater.

The ancient book Cao Yan was reading had a very detailed description of the levels of gods and the role of their godhead.

"...The initial function of the godhead is only to carry its own power. When the godhead gradually evolves, it will enter the level of a true god (god). Only at this time will the godhead truly take shape.

Then there is the main god level.

The final realm of the divine king is in charge of the supreme divine power, and it is necessary to evolve the godhead into a unique attribute and become the order maker of the divine attribute. "

Cao Yan flipped through the ancient books in his hand, pondering as he read.

After a period of time, because the points were completely consumed, the landlord's surplus food also bottomed out.

Boss Cao keeps his tail between his legs and never leaves the city in the sky.

However, he himself did not leave the city, but all the demon pets under his command were dispatched by him and sent to the world of gods.

How a magic pet evolves the fastest has always been a question that pet masters are studying in depth.

Boss Cao believes that in addition to cheating, fighting monsters across levels is one of the fastest ways to evolve.

He sent his magic pet into the world of gods because there are many powerful creatures in the world of gods. He can use the method of killing monsters across levels to increase the evolution speed of his magic pet. It can also help him capture magic beasts, submit spaceships, and earn points.

Kill two birds with one stone.

At the same time, the queen ant and her twin sister Queen No. 2 continue to multiply and expand the size of the colony. The number of new hatchings in the ant colony exceeds one million every day.

The bottom of the Chaoyang Mountains is almost empty.

In late November, in the Realm of Gods, deep in the Chaoyang Mountains.

The ants and Boss Cao's monsters are fighting sap.

They focused on an overlord-level monster deep in the mountains, so they joined forces to besiege it.

The monster is a powerful creature of the 14th totem level. It looks like a stag with a single eye on its head. If it is looked at, it will be shrouded in weakness, slowness and other attributes, and its vitality will disappear quickly.

It has spiral-shaped double horns on its head, which are radiant, possess light attributes, and are quite powerful in combat.

But it was suppressed by Dandan, Abalone, and Laogui together, and it was about to die.

When Dandan activated the viscous field, the stag of light was affected and slowed down, and the opportunity was seized by Old Turtle and Abalone.

The abalone's tentacles stretched out from the void and wrapped tightly around its neck. The mysterious lines on the old turtle's back shell flowed, and a virtual image of an ancient world emerged. Its boundless weight directly pressed on the back of the elk.

At the same moment, a shadow passed by in the void, piercing the defense of the Stag of Light and the center of his brow.

That is the skill that Dandan mastered after entering the totem level - shadow penetration!

A battle between totem-level monsters took place in the Chaoyang Mountains. On the border of the Kingdom of Light, the time and space sand table of the Angel Station immediately experienced corresponding fluctuations.

A team of angels was sent into the mountains to see what was going on.

Not long after the Stag of Light was killed by Dandan, an angel appeared in the distance and quickly approached.

But when they approached the battle scene, ant colonies suddenly rose into the sky in the mountains below.

Tens of millions of ants poured into their nests without any reservation, forming a wave of darkness that swept across the world. The approaching angel team was instantly surrounded by ants.

The next moment, the light barrier outside the bodies of several angels was corroded by the acid spitted by the ants, and the ants swarmed forward.

Including the weapons held by the angels and the armor on their bodies, everything was eaten away in the blink of an eye, leaving no trace left.

Thousands of ants come out together, this is the lethality of the ant sea!

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