Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 847 Everyday life, flirting with women is a one-stop service

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's go out for a walk."

Phoebe was pulled up by Donna and walked out of the yard to the street, followed by four female warriors from the Hera tribe.

There are only these six members of the Hera tribe in the Sky City. The rest of the Hera tribe's guards are still in the sacred mountain realm and have not followed.

With Phoebe's stunning appearance, after arriving on the bustling streets of the city, she put a square scarf on her face to cover her charming face.

A group of six people walked slowly, led by Donna, to the busiest area in the city where people gathered.

"The layout of each area in the city is different. Most of the food, drink, and entertainment are in these nearby streets."

Donna said with great interest: "There are many things here that you have never seen before."

It was getting late at this time, and magic street lamps lit up on both sides of the streets in the city, with soft light.

As Phoebe walked along the street, she saw the flow of people passing by and the buildings on both sides. It was quite dizzying and the world's prosperity was all before her eyes.

After she came to Sky City, she wanted to show off her talent and get recognized by Sky City as soon as possible. She was diligent in her work and had not walked around the city yet.

Thinking of the radiant man behind this city, I felt a little regretful at this time. I should have come to the city earlier for a walk.

"I'll show you everywhere."

Donna said with a slightly excited tone, "I'm telling you, there are a lot of fun places in this city." Then she took Phoebe and the four female guards and walked to a block.

"Hey...that's City Lord Cao, right?"

Walking down the street, Donna tugged on Phoebe's sleeve.

On the street more than ten meters away in front, Boss Cao was strolling through the market with a stunning beauty on his left and right hands, and a charming girl (sister-in-law) accompanying him.

"When we met before, City Lord Cao and Miss Wang had just left the City Lord's Mansion. They went to pick up Princess Baoyue and then came here to go shopping..." Fei Bi thought to herself.

What makes Donna feel strange is that with Cao Yan's status and popularity, he appeared publicly on the street without causing a sensation.

Although some people on the street glanced at Boss Cao and his ladies from time to time, no one came forward to chat.

"With his status, how can these people be so calm?" Donna was puzzled.

"City Lord Cao has issued an order strictly prohibiting 'star chasing' in the city. Everyone in the city regards his instructions as the highest order, and no one will disobey it, so he went to the streets. No matter how excited the people in the city were, they would not Will come forward to disturb him." Phoebe said.

"What does chasing stars mean?" Donna blinked.

Phoebe was not sure either: "Maybe it refers to people like City Lord Cao, who are aloof and as unattainable as the stars."

Donna curled her lips and saw Cao Yan and others entering a shop with a very impressive frontage on the street. She quickly dragged Phoebe to speed up and follow them in.

Phoebe saw a plaque hanging above the shop with the words "World's Delicacies" written on it. It was obviously a place to eat, and the tone was extremely loud.

"Let me tell you, you must make a reservation before coming to this restaurant, otherwise you will never get a seat."

Donna introduced Phoebe as if she were a regular visitor to the city.

"Then how can we come in directly?" Phoebe asked.

Donna said proudly: "Am I walking around the city in vain these days?

Remember, I asked you the day before yesterday if you had the nameplates of the staff of the City Lord's Mansion. I just used your nameplate to reserve a seat here. Anyone who works in the City Lord's Mansion can reserve a seat one day in advance. Otherwise, you will have to wait in line for half a year before you can eat this meal. "

Phoebe was surprised: "So many people come here to eat?"

"Ang. Let's try it out and see what's delicious." Donna was very interested.

After entering this restaurant, you are faced with an elegant square courtyard with rising and falling fountains and surrounded by buildings on all sides. There are scattered seats in the corridor, but there are only nine tables in such a large area. The layout is exquisite and antique.

At this time, all nine tables were occupied.

There is a well in the center of the courtyard. From time to time, staff will fish out some fresh fish, shrimp and seafood from the well.

Take it for cooking.

The store seems lively but not noisy and orderly.

Phoebe's eyes wandered, and she saw Boss Cao leading the ladies through an alleyway in the store and into the backyard of the store, so she followed in that direction.

A staff member of the store blocked the way and said, "I'm sorry, the backyard is a place specially reserved for City Lord Cao and is not open to the public."

Donna was unconvinced and said: "City Lord Cao doesn't come to your house for dinner often, does he? Doesn't the back stay open when he doesn't come?"

"Yes, if City Lord Cao doesn't come, the backyard will be empty forever."

The service staff actually raised his chin proudly and said.

"Then where should we sit?" Donna asked frustrated.

The service staff then led the way and led the six people to the third floor of the store:

"You are from the City Lord's Mansion. This third floor is only open to people from the City Lord's Mansion. Please sit down."

Phoebe and Donna chose a seat near the window, which happened to be able to see a corner of the backyard of the store. As far as the eye could see, the backyard was filled with pavilions and pavilions, and the atmosphere was quiet. There is also a small lake located in the center of the backyard, with rippling blue waves, like a clear gem. There is a pavilion with raised eaves and corners in the lake.

Boss Cao and others took their seats in the pavilion, preparing to eat and drink.

"He will actually enjoy it. The backyard is so big and he is the only one who can receive it." Donna suddenly felt sad when she saw the beautiful corner of the backyard from the window.

At this time, the waiter brought the menu, and Donna couldn't wait to take it and look through it. When she looked at it, she muttered, and all that came out were exclamations: "Oh my god, there is such food... eat these things What do you mean you need to redeem it with city points? Can’t you just give me money?”

"Phoebe, do you have any points in the city?" Donna looked at Phoebe.

"Yes, I have been working in the City Lord's Mansion these days, and someone has calculated my work points for me. My points are over 180, can I eat at your place?" Phoebe's last sentence was to ask the staff in the store .

The staff on the third floor of the store looked at Phoebe with slight surprise:

"More than one hundred points are enough for you to eat here as long as you don't order the special food on the last few pages of the menu. Don't you know the value of points in the city? Every point can be exchanged at the points market in the city. Hundreds of magic crystal walls are very expensive."

Phoebe nodded, took the menu and looked at it curiously, and was also surprised by the food on the menu.

She originally thought that when she was a concubine in the Demon Palace, she would have eaten all kinds of delicacies from all over the world, but at this time, she couldn't help but have a sense of broadening her horizons.

The food on this menu is just raw material. Even king-level professionals regard it as treasure and it is not easy to know. And here it was actually placed on the dining table.

"Where did you get these ingredients?" Phoebe was surprised.

“Our store has a total of seventeen top chefs, all of whom were recruited by City Lord Cao from different worlds. The ingredients are brought back by the hunting team in the city when they go hunting, so they are guaranteed to be fresh.

Only our family can provide this level of delicacies, which is why our store is called this name. "The waiter is quite proud.

In fact, the chef in this store was not created by Boss Cao himself, but a trick thought up by the bad guys.

They sent famous chefs from all over the world to Boss Cao, including Dogarosh and Little Black Fatty, who also sent two chefs.

Boss Cao considered that it would be too extravagant and unnecessary to have more than a dozen top chefs in his house.

That's why he promoted the birth of this world-famous delicacy, which can be regarded as a benefit to the foodies of all races in the city.

In addition to this world-famous delicacy, Boss Cao also asked Dai Huanyu to build an entire food street around it.

Today, this street is home to hundreds of specialty shops, offering everything from skewers and barbecue, steaks and Western food, Chinese refreshments, Cantonese barbecue, specialties from all major areas, etc. Just letting the chefs understand the characteristics of these dishes and make authentic tastes is a waste of the boss's efforts.

Boss Cao is now in the backyard of Tianxia Delicacies, talking with the female fans about the origin of this food street.

"Mainly because I'm afraid that you guys will be bored staying in the city, and Wang Li is a greedy person, so I recruited some skilled cooks and built this food street."

A seasoned driver is experienced in flirting with girls. He slightly changed his words and it immediately sounded better.

Women love to eat, so he built a food street to collect delicacies from all over the world to satisfy their preferences.

Well, that’s what it sounds like, the maniac who dotes on his wife comes online instantly.

Wang Li narrowed her eyes in emotion, took a bite from a table of hard vegetables, puffed out her cheeks and ate with gusto:

“The food here is really delicious. I don’t know how this braised tendon is made. It makes you want to swallow it all on your tongue. It’s soft and tasty but still chewy. There’s also this and this, I’ll have to take them away soon. go back……"

Boss Cao smiled and said: "No need to pack it up, come back if you want to eat. When I go back in the evening, I have prepared ice cream for you and Baoyue, so there is no need to eat it!"

"I don't eat ice cream, it tastes weird." Wang Li rolled her eyes at Cao Yan.

Baoyue pretended not to hear and kept eating.

Only my sister-in-law had never been in the car, and she was not very clever at playing with the couple. She raised her face and joined in the fun: "Brother-in-law, I also want to eat ice cream."

Cao Yanfeng said calmly: "You can't eat some ice cream. Only your sister and Wang Li can eat it."

Baoyue spat softly and changed the subject: "Feryl, you haven't returned to the deep sea for such a long time. My mother-in-law sent someone to send a message saying that she missed you and asked you to go back."

"I don't."

The sister-in-law refused, thought for a while and said: "Actually, I also miss my mother and concubine. How about letting her come to the Sky City. Just say that my brother-in-law invited her, and my father will definitely agree."

Cao Yan said that he would not bear the blame.

He wished that his sister-in-law would go back to the deep sea. Without the light bulb at home, at least she wouldn't have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and put on underwear.

After the four of them had dinner, Boss Cao took the women to an adjacent block.

There are magic bars, nightclubs, dance halls, saunas and other institutions on this street.

The best thing is that there is also an extremely expensive magic projection screen shop. If you buy a ticket and go in, you can see the exquisite magic screen, just like a movie theater.

The supernatural civilization system of the green jungle world is developed, but the humanistic entertainment aspect is relatively weak, not as diverse as the variety on earth.

If this were a Taneda-style novel, Commander Cao would have taken another route. He could use the earth's entertainment industry to magically transform the other world and become a big boss in the other world's entertainment industry.

Unfortunately, reality does not allow it, so I can only have fun arguing with the church.

However, although it cannot change the entertainment atmosphere of the entire world, it is still very easy to transform the Sky City on your own site, and it can boost the city's economy.

Therefore, these daily entertainment venues in the city were formed by Boss Cao's instructions and Secretary Dai's execution, and they were able to expand rapidly.

The ladies were usually busy with their own affairs, but when they came back to these places for the first time, they were led by Boss Cao to and from the one-stop shop for flirting with girls, and they had a lot of fun.

It was already eleven o'clock at night when several people returned home, and the female fans were still a little excited. They talked about each other and said that they would go to see the midnight show of "The Shadow" next time.

It wasn't until Boss Cao blew the lights-out signal that the house became temporarily quiet. Well, for now...

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