Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 852 The stalwart strange man

Around the central temple of the church, golden holy light soared into the sky, competing with the stars.

On the oracle door formed by four pillars of light, the symbolic structures are connected with each other and covered with a light golden light curtain like water flow.

At this time, the scripture symbols on the pillar were collapsing and disappearing from top to bottom.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of symbols disappeared, and the light curtain between the four pillars began to ripple and became unstable.

"Commander Shugel, is there any way to prevent the collapse of the Oracle Gate?" asked a red archbishop.

Shu Geer: "The foundation of the Oracle Gate is on the Great Light Canon. Someone is destroying the Oracle Gate through the Great Light Canon. And the Great Light Canon is not here, so it is impossible to prevent the collapse of the gate."


A crack appeared on one of the door's pillars, thousands of scripture symbols disappeared, and then large areas collapsed.

Two or three minutes later, two of the four pillars in the courtyard, which were like miracles, had fallen and broken, and countless symbols were wiped out.

The light curtain in the middle of the courtyard shrank rapidly and was about to be completely destroyed.

But just before the light curtain disappeared, a ray of light quietly broke through the light curtain and traveled out across time and space from the other side of the space.

Everyone was surprised and looked towards the light.

When it was stretched out, it turned out to be a small boat with golden light flowing around it.

Standing in front of the boat was a middle-aged man, wearing a white cassock, similar to the Pope's dress, holding a code of law in one hand.

This middle-aged man has a handsome face, long curly brown hair, thick eyebrows like swords, piercing eyes, a square face with a high bridge of nose, and a three-dimensional face with ups and downs like a sculpture.

His figure is slender and well-proportioned. Standing casually on the bow of the boat, he has an extraordinary and yet extremely approachable and outstanding temperament.

Everyone in the church suddenly saw this man appear and were so frightened by his temperament and appearance that no one spoke for a while.

If Boss Cao were here, he would definitely think that if such a handsome and coquettish man were to follow the novel's convention, he would not be the protagonist, but also the protagonist's lifelong enemy, a proper villain.

At this moment, the middle-aged man stretched out his hand, and the boat with divine light flowing under his feet suddenly collapsed and turned into thousands of scripture symbols. They flowed into the codex in his hand and turned into a scripture imprinted on the page. superior.

"Shu Geer,

We have received the message you sent. The Lord God Council asked me to deal with the changes in the green jungle world. "The middle-aged man spoke with a gentle voice.

Only then did others realize that the appearance of the middle-aged man was due to Shu Geer's arrangement. He had always maintained contact with the Kingdom of Light.

"I didn't expect that the Lord God's Council would pay so much attention to the Green Jungle World, and it would actually be a saint coming in person." Shugel bowed and saluted.

The middle-aged man smiled and looked far away, looking at the stars in the night sky: "I haven't been back for many years, and the vitality of the green jungle world is still so strong.

I have achieved the status of god here. When I return here, I will not be suppressed by the rules of the world, so the main gods let me come here. "

Shu Geer: "The saints have spread doctrines in all major planes over the years, allowing countless lost people to hear the voice of God, and converting countless believers. The achievements they have made for our religion are admirable."

The middle-aged man waved his hand: "Just call me Etai, there is no need to use the title of saint."

When everyone in the church heard Etai's name, their faces showed shock.

In the Genesis chapter of the church, the legendary name ‘Ether’ is clearly recorded.

He is one of the thirteen disciples who were harvested when the Lord of Light came to the Green Jungle World. He is also the only thirteen disciples of the Lord of Light. They all came from the Green Jungle World.

For the Church of the Kingdom of God, this is a supreme honor.

Among the thirteen disciples, one is Ether Ishara, who is the eighth disciple of God, the founder of the Church of the Kingdom of God, and one of the first generation of popes.

This saint of God has returned here after a long time away from the green jungle world!

Castle in the Sky.

Boss Cao was lying on the bed, lying around and playing with the Great Light Code, and successfully collapsed the oracle door.

During the process, the surface of the pages of the Book of Light once reflected the changes in the Oracle Gate and its surroundings. Boss Cao also saw the scene of ether rushing out from the other side of the gate.

But I didn't read everything. After the oracle door disappeared, the projection on the page disappeared.

He closed the Canon of Light and thought: The church has sent reinforcements again, and he seems to be a king-level figure.

At this time, Miss Wang came out of the shower, wiping her hair with her head tilted as she walked. The white silky nightgown and her skin complemented each other, making it difficult to tell which one was softer and fairer.

In the afternoon, Baoyue took her sister-in-law back to Shenhai to visit relatives. There were only two of them at home, plus the cat, dog, and little fat girl on the first floor, a total of five people.

Miss Wang pulled on her little slippers and walked to the bedside, sat down, and handed the towel to Boss Cao: "You wipe it for me."

Boss Cao happily did this. He spread out his five fingers and used the power of the elements. There were vortices of wind elements gathering at the tips of his fingers. The hair dryer in his palm came online and he quickly helped Miss Wang dry her hair.

"Daughter-in-law, shall we exchange knowledge about the jade python wrapped around the waist tonight?" Boss Cao asked expectantly.

Wang Li: "I want to rest today." After saying that, she ignored him and leaned on the bed, putting a thin blanket on her waist and hips, holding a travel novel in her hand, which she enjoyed reading. Tasty.

"It seems that my youth will have nowhere to rest tonight."

Boss Cao suddenly had the temperament of a literary young man, and muttered: "It's okay to rest. Although I am a tall and strange man, I can't be a cave creature every night... Then go to bed quickly."

"De Xing, don't you read for a while?" Wang Li asked.

"Read the woolen book and go to sleep." Boss Cao put his arms around Xiangxiang, turned off the light, closed his eyes, and counted the sheep.

Wang Li flashed her long eyelashes and looked at Boss Cao under the light of the stars and the moon for a long time... Before going to bed, she secretly kissed her husband.

At dawn, Cao Yan got up and went to the virgin forest area to do morning lessons.

After a night of precipitation, in the morning, the news that Cao Yan had captured the Pope alive swept through the green jungle world like a tornado.

Everyone who got the news was shocked.

That's the Pope, the chief boss of the Green Jungle World. Of course, it is in the past tense. Now, the same position as the richest man has been snatched away by some cheater.

After receiving the news, various forces in the alliance swarmed into the Sky City.

In the past, many forces suffered heavy losses due to attacks by Shugel's angel army, and even suggested stopping the attack on the church, but he did not expect that Boss Cao would change his hands and kidnap the Pope.

This is not only a slap in the face of the church, but also a heavy blow to the various forces that proposed a ceasefire.

But instead of being dissatisfied, various forces hoped that this slap in the face would be more violent. It would be great if Cao Yan could completely defeat the church tomorrow.


Cao Yan received the visiting leaders of major forces one after another. In the afternoon, Boss Cao simply closed the door to thank the guests and told the elf waitress at the door: "Send the order. If anyone comes, tell me that I have gone out and am not here."

He hid in the study, took out the Great Light Code again, and studied it.

Yesterday, when I was flipping through the Great Light Code, there were two pages with complex forbidden structures. They were not opened at the time. Cao Yan was currently studying these two pages.

Time passed and soon came evening.

Dai Huanyu knocked on the door and came in, followed by Phoebe, who was wearing a palace dress. As she walked forward, her shapely calves were looming under the skirt.

"Lord City Lord." After Phoebe entered the door, she glanced at Boss Cao behind the desk.

"She has something she wants to tell you, boss, face to face." Dai Huanyu walked directly behind Cao Yan, rubbed his shoulders and back in a familiar manner, and searched in secret.

Cao Yan looked away from the Great Light Ceremony and looked at Feibi.

"Yesterday, City Lord, after you brought the Pope back, we quickly received intelligence from people lurking in the Holy City. The intelligence said that the church held a high-level meeting.

According to the analysis of his subordinates, they will take targeted measures to deal with the Pope's capture. "

Phoebe said eloquently: "According to my judgment, they are likely to send people to arrest important people on our side, or people who are close to the Lord of the City and care about."

Phoebe was quite confident in her inference and felt that it could help Cao Yan avoid a lot of trouble.

"Your reasoning is similar to my idea, so when I came back yesterday, I had already made corresponding arrangements." Cao Yan said.

Phoebe was stunned: "Have you ever considered the possibility I mentioned before?"

Cao Yan said with a smile: "Capturing the Pope is not a trivial matter. I can't capture him without considering the consequences. As for some people I care about, they have now moved to our Sky City and taken precautions. The various sub-level forces We are not their nannies. We have a destiny, and it is not our turn to worry about it.

From another perspective, it would be a good thing if a few people from various factions were arrested by the church.

Because the Pope is in our hands, even if someone is caught by them, there will be no danger, and the two sides will form a balance. This is one of my main purposes for arresting the Pope. The two sides can check and balance each other and enter a relatively stable buffer. And we need such a period to arrange some things. "

Only then did Phoebe understand that Cao Yan had thought carefully before arresting the Pope, and she couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

She wanted to show off her worth by flattering her, but she found that the location of the photo was wrong, and they didn't need her to take the photos that had been arranged properly.

Cao Yan: "Your work attitude is worthy of recognition. Okay, you can go down." He signaled to Feibi that she could leave, and then she continued to tinker with the banning structure of the Great Light Code.

When Phoebe walked to the door, she heard Dai Huanyu whisper: "The last two pages of the book have also been opened."

Cao Yan hummed, and the last two pages of the code that he opened contained two ancient books.

He flipped through it casually, his expression slowly becoming surprised.

One of the two classics talks about some secrets that the church has explored in the green jungle world from ancient times to the present. Every piece of information in it is precious.

It also includes some related records from the depths of the eternal jungle and the primeval forest area...

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