Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 887 It’s so exciting

Kingdom Church.

Aether, Douglas, Shugel and others were notified by their subordinates that there was an abnormality in the space-time lighthouse.

Several people rushed to the location of the lighthouse and found that there were countless symbols flashing on and off the surface of the lighthouse. Within the range illuminated by the light of the lighthouse, the space ripples and surges like a tidal wave.

In the past, before someone came from the kingdom of God, the lighthouse would have some symbols flashing, but it had never been this intense.

It can make all symbols flash, indicating that there is a powerful existence far beyond any previous arrival, approaching the time and space lighthouse!

"The fluctuation of the Lord God...the Lord God is coming!" Douglas suddenly said.

Following his voice, a figure appeared in the void at the top of the lighthouse and walked out of the sky.

The figure was over ten feet tall, strong and majestic, wearing silver armor, with a thick white beard on his chin and piercing eyes.

This is an old light-type main god.

Mass Walter, one of the deputy commanders of the thirteen main legions of the Angel of Light, and the right-hand man of the twelve main gods.

Etai and the others were inexplicably surprised. Just as they were about to bow their heads to see him, they found that the space behind Mass fluctuated again, and three more figures walked out one after another. They were actually the Lord God.

The four main gods stood side by side, their auras undisguised.

At this moment, the entire Cathedral of the Kingdom of God and even the entire central domain experienced abnormal elemental fluctuations, and the holy light soared into the sky.

The four main gods stood in mid-air, and many believers below who witnessed their appearance were kneeling down and kowtow in unison.

Outside the central temple, the scale of kneeling and worship spread rapidly. In the Holy City where the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God is located, and in the Holy Empire where the Holy City is located, all intelligent beings at this moment felt a throbbing in their hearts and could not resist. .

Countless people fell to the ground and kowtowed in the direction of the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God.

In that direction, sacred chants resounded throughout the central domain, and groups of angels took off and flew into the sky.

At this time, Ether, who was standing in the central temple, was keenly aware of something unusual. The four main gods who had descended seemed a little nervous.

Their eyes were all looking in a certain direction.

After a while, the four main gods descended from the sky and were suspended at a height of a few meters above the ground.

The ether wants to speak,

However, the four main gods were arranged in teams of two, arranged on both sides, leaving the space in the middle of them.

"There are gods with higher status coming..." Aether's heart was pounding.

What is the reason for so many gods to come at the same time?

At the moment when his thoughts flickered, another figure walked out of the void, standing with hands behind his back, wearing a golden armor, with a stern look, as if he could see all the changes in the heavens.

This figure wearing golden armor is Michael Michael, the supreme commander of the angel army among the twelve main gods.

Unlike the powerful aura of the other four main gods, Michael did not have any aura fluctuations on his body, just like an ordinary person.

Aether and others became more and more surprised.

Even Michael came to the green jungle world in person. What happened? !

"Something happened in the Bright Purgatory. We were tracking down clues about a prisoner. In the process, we found that the Green Jungle World was not far away, so we decided to come over temporarily." Michael's majestic voice sounded.

"Are the Lord Gods following Azazel's trail?"

Aether is a disciple of the God King of Light, with a unique status, so he directly asked the doubts in his heart.

Michael shook his head slightly. He personally led the team to trace the traces of the Titan King.

Michael turned around and said, "We won't stay here any longer. I received a message from you earlier about the heretic Cao Yan. Tell me about his situation."

"My subordinate fought against Cao Yan not long ago, and his power has approached the realm of the Lord God..."

Douglas took a step forward and beeped about the situation of Cao Yan and Sky City.

Michael nodded and said: "Cao Yan's situation is more complicated than you think. He is not only recognized by the Temple of the Epoch, but also supported by the power of the remnants of darkness.

Everything about him is clouded by Qi, so our judgments about him are often wrong.

There are signs that he opened the Purgatory of Light and released many prisoners and Azazel. "

Douglas and others were shocked: "Cao Yan released Azazel?"

The Lord God Mass next to Michael said coldly: "Releasing the prisoners in purgatory is an unforgivable crime. We descended into the Green Jungle this time to obliterate Cao Yan. He will die in judgment!"

Mass' eyes were piercing and murderous: "Tell me the coordinates of the Sky City."

After Sky City returned to the Green Jungle World, it was suspended in the air in a certain area of ​​the Eternal Jungle.

When Douglas told the coordinates of the City in the Sky, Mass extended his hand sideways, and a ray of divine light penetrated the void, pointing directly at the location of the City in the Sky.

Another scripture was sacrificed in his hand, with divine punishment and lightning intertwined on it, full of the aura of destruction.

"Cao Yan is not in the city, so don't unleash divine punishment on the Sky City yet."

Michael's eyes suddenly became bright, and he saw the city in the sky from a distance. Then, following a mysterious and mysterious aura, he started to trace Cao Yan, using the city in the sky as a mark.

His sight spanned endless distances, and the image of the vast jungle flashed through his eyes like a fleeting light.

Suddenly, Cao Yan's vague figure was reflected in Michael's pupils, but something else he saw immediately after that made his expression change drastically.


Go back in time a little.

After Cao Yan took back Dandan and other magic pets, the thought "The time is almost up, I should try again..." flashed in his mind.

The so-called 'timing' refers to the time when the chaotic breath he absorbed into his body during his last practice has been completely digested and become his own strength, and it is time to start gathering wool again.

Cao Yan entered the chaotic land deep in the eternal jungle through teleportation.

After the pleasant experience of harvesting wool last time, Boss Cao decided to go one step further this time.

He sat on a big tree facing the land of chaos, closed his eyes to adjust the breath in his body, and then opened his mouth to chant the ancient words of chaos, in harmony with the qi of the universe and space.

In an instant, a ray of chaotic aura rolled in and was swallowed into Cao Yan's body.

The difference from the past is that this time he separated part of the chaotic aura he absorbed and pushed it to Dandan, Big Stick, Huan'er and other magic pets.

Let's gather wool together.

In fact, during Cao Yan's last training, the demon pets also made rapid progress and had already absorbed some of the chaotic aura. They were no strangers to it and absorbed it very smoothly.

Seeing that everything was normal, Cao Yan released the demon pets directly and launched a gang-style intake of energy into the land of chaos.

The last time he came to gather wool, he had noticed the existence at the core of chaos. He opened his eyes a little from his sleep and observed Cao Yan.

This time Boss Cao went even more serious and brought his accomplices to commit the crime.

Although the main consciousness of existence in the chaos was sleeping, there was a ray of differentiated consciousness that noticed it. He opened his eyes again and looked towards Cao Yan's position from the boundless chaos.

It immediately discovered that the same person was sitting on the same tree as last time.

The difference is that that person also brought an accomplice.

The eyes of the existence in the chaos flowed, looking at Dandan, the big stick, and the circle.

At this moment, it had another feeling, and the light in its eyes suddenly sharpened, penetrating time and space, and looking to an infinite distance.

In contrast, because Michael was following Cao Yan, he also had insight into the land of chaos with the eyes of the gods. He happened to interact with the existence of the chaos, looked at each other from a distance, and bumped into each other.

There seemed to be a hint of ridicule in the pupils that opened in the chaos.

"It's awake!"

Michael was horrified, "Let's go!"

Before, he asked the four main gods to come first, but he did not come out, just to test the safety of the green jungle world. When he found that there was nothing abnormal, he entered with his true body with confidence, but he still remained vigilant and restrained his aura, just like a normal person.

But he never expected that because he was following Cao Yan, he would come face-to-face with this being in the chaos.

The moment Michael shouted to leave quickly, the world of the Green Jungle was turned upside down.

The endless eternal jungle, countless vegetation and trees, all have a scent of wood element, without exception.

When the breath of vegetation in the entire jungle intertwines, the green jungle world seems to come alive and have a will of its own.

The endless breath of vegetation evolved into an elemental chain that spanned most of the world. It suddenly penetrated into the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God and involved the four main gods in the chain.

The four of them had almost no power to resist, and their strength could not shake the chain at all.

Michael's movements are always fast. He has already withdrawn from the green jungle world, but he is still being chased by the chains.


Michael's vest was hit by a chain, and blood and flesh spattered, which was shocking.

His face was pale, but he didn't dare to stop and continued to fly away.

The jungle chain retracted, and the four main gods were moved in time and space, dragged directly into the land of chaos, and became snacks.

Outside of the Land of Chaos, Boss Cao was almost scared to death.

The energy that suddenly erupted from the core of chaos was so powerful that it was simply indescribable.

Due to Dandan's lawlessness and the huge gap in rank, he was shocked and oppressed by the aura, unable to even move a little.

Da Stick's body was coiled around a giant tree, also trembling.

The bear fur all over Huan'er's body stood up like a hedgehog, and he let out a low whimper.

Including those inside the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God, Etai and others were also frightened.

What was that just now?

They only saw a flash of green light, and the four main gods were involved, while Michael evacuated hastily.

"Oh my god, the ultimate power can reach such a level that people can't even raise the consciousness of resistance. They just want to kneel on the ground and call daddy." A thought flashed across Boss Cao's mind in amusement.

It’s so exciting to come to the Land of Chaos to harvest wool!

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